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Baltimore at Texas, the Second Half & ESPN RIP


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Lainey it's more grasping at straws to try and get some offensive production. An unproven prospect that gets thrown into the fire to try and salvage some offense for this team, like Leury being the bench player. It's all just throwing crap at the wall and hoping something sticks. Profar is a going to be a good baseball player, but he is not the answer offensively or defensively to get this team to the postseason this season.

I couldn't agree more. I never meant to imply that Profar couldn't be or won't be a good/great player. I just thought he would be the golden trade piece after JD signed EA. I was wrong...and that led me back to realizing you don't ask Kinsler to move unless you want to keep Profar. And now exposing Profar, more signals that he's not going anywhere.
Beltre is aging yes, but Profar isn't or never will be a third. (nor should he be asked to be) Kinsler just turned 31, not exactly time to panic about the middle infield.

Anyway, I do agree.
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I dont think Wash will be kept after multiple losing seasons, im saying it will take multiple losing seasons before he is fired and that won't happen until this team is below .500 for a season or 2. That isn't going to happen any time soon either



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Sure would send a jolt through this team if they'd fire Wash at mid season, wouldn't it? But it won't happen. Not sure they'd do it this off season.

A mid-season firing when you're out two games, is a HUGE risk. I don't think HUGE is even a big enough word. So many implications morality wise, trust wise and for questions for bringing people/players in for the future, what kind of jolt are we looking for here? :)
I don't want to argue about Wash, I'm just saying I am confident JD would never take that type of risk.

Maybe more simply put, that kind of mid-season firing (especially when the team is not horrible) implies some pretty significant turmoil or instability within the organzation, I don't think that's true and I don't think JD would want anyone to think that.

Al Falfa

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A mid-season firing when you're out two games, is a HUGE risk. I don't think HUGE is even a big enough word. So many implications morality wise, trust wise and for questions for bringing people/players in for the future, what kind of jolt are we looking for here? :)
I don't want to argue about Wash, I'm just saying I am confident JD would never take that type of risk.

Maybe more simply put, that kind of mid-season firing (especially when the team is not horrible) implies some pretty significant turmoil or instability within the organzation, I don't think that's true and I don't think JD would want anyone to think that.

Talk about firing the manager when the team is two games out is not only risky but not very smart. In addition to pitching injuries this just isn't a very good team day in and day out. In spurts they can play good ball but over the long haul there is a ton of question marks. Murphy is having a bad year, Elvis is having a bad year, Berkman is getting old, Peirzynski has his moments but is terrible behind the plate, Gentry is a light weight with the bat, Martin needs time as well as does Profar and Moreland just plain sucks most of the time. Then there are the two rookie pitchers who have been thrown in the fire and Darvish who has a 95 mph fastball but thinks he's a curveball pitcher. There are so many holes in this roster that I'm sure to have left something out. Anywho, suck as it may it's the roster JD put on the field, not Wash, and for them to only be two games out seems to be lost on some of the Wash bashers. Hell, if you want a better manager he may be in the other dugout tonight, but guess who fired him?
And if you want rah rah coaching then football season is just around the corner. Most of the other confrontational tantrum throwing stuff died with Billy Martin.


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@JeffWilson_FWST: Matt Harrison now thinks he can return before late-August target date. 65-pitch bullpen Monday, live BP on Wednesday. #Rangers


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Texas vs. RHP Chris Tillman: 1. Ian Kinsler, 2b; 2. Craig Gentry, cf; 3. Nelson Cruz, dh; 4. Adrian Beltre, 3b; 5. A.J. Pierzynski, c; 6. Mitch Moreland, 1b; 7. Elvis Andrus, ss; 8. David Murphy, lf; 9. Leonys Martin, rf.


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Talk about firing the manager when the team is two games out is not only risky but not very smart. In addition to pitching injuries this just isn't a very good team day in and day out. In spurts they can play good ball but over the long haul there is a ton of question marks. Murphy is having a bad year, Elvis is having a bad year, Berkman is getting old, Peirzynski has his moments but is terrible behind the plate, Gentry is a light weight with the bat, Martin needs time as well as does Profar and Moreland just plain sucks most of the time. Then there are the two rookie pitchers who have been thrown in the fire and Darvish who has a 95 mph fastball but thinks he's a curveball pitcher. There are so many holes in this roster that I'm sure to have left something out. Anywho, suck as it may it's the roster JD put on the field, not Wash, and for them to only be two games out seems to be lost on some of the Wash bashers. Hell, if you want a better manager he may be in the other dugout tonight, but guess who fired him?
And if you want rah rah coaching then football season is just around the corner. Most of the other confrontational tantrum throwing stuff died with Billy Martin.
Before knocking JD,WASH, and INDIVIDUALS, maybe the real problem belongs to something called INJURY. Losing 4/5 of the starting rotation might have something to do with how JD manages, Wash coaches and the way individuals play. Having said that they still remain ONLY two games out. Somebody has done something right.


Aug 15, 2011
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:rollseyes: Before knocking JD,WASH, and INDIVIDUALS, maybe the real problem belongs to something called INJURY. Losing 4/5 of the starting rotation might have something to do with how JD manages, Wash coaches and the way individuals play. Having said that they still remain ONLY two games out. Somebody has done something right.

And I think Wash may be that somebody or among them.

[runs for cover...]


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And I think Wash may be that somebody or among them.

[runs for cover...]
I ask honestly what would most teams have done better if they had had this to deal with? Not any better probably and not as well in most cases. As far as who achieved and did not, that is to be decided by the cr.itics. In my case and IMO there is plenty of blame to go around but none greater than injury.


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:rollseyes: Before knocking JD,WASH, and INDIVIDUALS, maybe the real problem belongs to something called INJURY. Losing 4/5 of the starting rotation might have something to do with how JD manages, Wash coaches and the way individuals play. Having said that they still remain ONLY two games out. Somebody has done something right.

What i'm knocking the rangers for, is the offensvie team they put on the field. Overall the offense has stunk this year. Their RISP is beyond terrible. Signing berkman and AJ was not good. Now berkman is saying he will not go to the minors on a rehab assignment. If he does that he should be DFA'd.


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What i'm knocking the rangers for, is the offensvie team they put on the field. Overall the offense has stunk this year. Their RISP is beyond terrible. Signing berkman and AJ was not good. Now berkman is saying he will not go to the minors on a rehab assignment. If he does that he should be DFA'd.

When did he say he wasn't gonna go on a rehab assignment ?


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When did he say he wasn't gonna go on a rehab assignment ?

Yesterday in the dallas morning news is where it came from. He said he would refuse a rehab assignment to the minors. He said he could do the rehab in the majors.
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Vietnam Veteran
Jul 2, 2013
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Texas vs. RHP Chris Tillman: 1. Ian Kinsler, 2b; 2. Craig Gentry, cf; 3. Nelson Cruz, dh; 4. Adrian Beltre, 3b; 5. A.J. Pierzynski, c; 6. Mitch Moreland, 1b; 7. Elvis Andrus, ss; 8. David Murphy, lf; 9. Leonys Martin, rf.
Thanks for the line up. Gentry in the #2 hole? Go fish.:L


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Hope perez has a good outing. Somebody needs to stop the bleeding.


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Hope perez has a good outing. Somebody needs to stop the bleeding.[/QUOTE Derek pitched very well his last outing and lost. The same can happen again w/Perez if the offense doesn't get off their butts and do their part.