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Backup QB


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Apr 17, 2013
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I think Orvlosky is not going to be on the team come game #1.

Chase Daniels was with Lombardi in New Orleans and has been regard as a smart backup. He understands the system the Lions will be running. The Chiefs drafted Murray from Georgia and have tyler Bray so I would think a trade for some insignificant player or the Chiefs outright cutting him is a possibility.

My bet Daniels will be the backup if Detroit has any shot at him at all.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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My bet Daniels will be the backup if Detroit has any shot at him at all.
Unless he will play for Monopoly money he isn't going to be playing for Detroit.

It was said on this board many times my contention that Hill was WAAAAYYY overpaid when he played here at ($3.25m) was wrong, and the value of a back up QB was worth it. In fact, it was said that Hill would be in high demand. :laugh3:

He drew pretty much no interest and signed a one year deal for $1.75m with only $500k guaranteed. Orlovsky is about the extent of what we can afford at the league minimum with the veteran cap benefit (his cap hit is like $655k).

Chase Daniels would cost us $2.35m this year and $3.75m next year. The Chiefs would have to cut him unless Mayhew is stupid enough to trade for him. That would be as stupid as the Mike Thomas trade who also had a huge salary amount the following season.

One of these days even the eternal optimists will figure out just how clueless the front office is and the horrible position they will leave this team in when they finally get shown the door. The Lions remain the worst owned and operated team in the league. That shouldn't surprise anyone with a trust fund baby as an owner and two unqualified jackasses running the show. Get ready for another 5 years of disappointment as the new front office has to try and fix all the screw ups of the former assclowns who will leave a team in a mess just as bad as Millen did.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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Unless he will play for Monopoly money he isn't going to be playing for Detroit.

It was said on this board many times my contention that Hill was WAAAAYYY overpaid when he played here at ($3.25m) was wrong, and the value of a back up QB was worth it. In fact, it was said that Hill would be in high demand. :laugh3:

He drew pretty much no interest and signed a one year deal for $1.75m with only $500k guaranteed. Orlovsky is about the extent of what we can afford at the league minimum with the veteran cap benefit (his cap hit is like $655k).

Chase Daniels would cost us $2.35m this year and $3.75m next year. The Chiefs would have to cut him unless Mayhew is stupid enough to trade for him. That would be as stupid as the Mike Thomas trade who also had a huge salary amount the following season.

One of these days even the eternal optimists will figure out just how clueless the front office is and the horrible position they will leave this team in when they finally get shown the door. The Lions remain the worst owned and operated team in the league. That shouldn't surprise anyone with a trust fund baby as an owner and two unqualified jackasses running the show. Get ready for another 5 years of disappointment as the new front office has to try and fix all the screw ups of the former assclowns who will leave a team in a mess just as bad as Millen did.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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I honestly believe the Chiefs will cut Daniels and the Lions have a little room with the Houston cut. Although I put out their the Lions may trade for him as it is something I see Mayhew doing.

Not sure it was about money when Hill left. I think he almost signed with the Rams once before. The way Bradford gets hurt and the fact the Rams are close to his home in Arkansas had him leaning IMO.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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I honestly believe the Chiefs will cut Daniels and the Lions have a little room with the Houston cut.
That is certainly possible and they have more than enough cap space to eat the $2m in dead $ left on his deal but would he clear waivers? I personally dont think he is worth that type of $ but the well managed teams with plenty of cap space might.

The $ from cutting Houston was all used up to sign Ebron. The Lions ability to free up any more cap space either comes from getting a deal done with Suh, cutting some players I personally dont want to see cut or, god forbid, more contract restructuring.

And the contract restructuring well is damn near dry. CJ, Bush, and Quin are really the only viable sources of finding space. Otherwise you have to consider cutting some combination of Jones, Hilliard, CJ Mosley, Palmer, Owen, or Leshoure. I just cant see any new cap space we might free up going towards a back up QB. CB is about the only spot I could see it going towards. Unless they do get a deal done with Suh, and even then the Lions would do better to roll over that amount into next year rather than spend it this year.


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Apr 17, 2013
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he $ from cutting Houston was all used up to sign Ebron.

Last I heard the Lions had about 2 million in cap space after signing Ebron,

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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How much would we have if Orlovsky got cut?

You don't want that answer, I promise.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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Last I heard the Lions had about 2 million in cap space after signing Ebron,
I checked a different site than spotrac, which I normally use, and it is roughly $2m that they are reporting. For some reason spotrac is actually showing us with a negative $170k. Big difference. Since the second source actually updates several times during day I would say that is more accurate.

That is almost exactly the amount still needed to carry 53 players plus the practice squad once the season starts.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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I checked a different site than spotrac, which I normally use, and it is roughly $2m that they are reporting. For some reason spotrac is actually showing us with a negative $170k. Big difference. Since the second source actually updates several times during day I would say that is more accurate.

That is almost exactly the amount still needed to carry 53 players plus the practice squad once the season starts.

I think for the right guy a few more veterans would be pruned from the roster. I have to believe that Mayhew has a win right the fuck now attitude....as if his job is on the line. I see Flowers stayed in the AFC West.

Bad deals and high draft picks have made the Lions cap a killer!


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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Gotta give Kellen Moore some props today. He was outstanding. Granted it was against 2nd and mostly 3rd stringers, but he was downright surgical. His decision making was very impressive as well. He looked a lot more comfortable in the pocket than Dan-O did, and seemed to understand the offense better as well.

It's only one preseason game, but he certainly looked a lot better than Orlovsky, so it stands to reason he should get an opportunity to get some time with the 2nd team in camp and in next week's game, imo.

I've been as critical of Moore as anyone, mostly due to his arm strength. He's never going to be a strong-armed QB, but his passes seemed just fine last night. If he can keep adding functional strength to his passing arm as he matures he just might be the better option on cut down day than Orlovsky.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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I'll add that what particularly impressed me was that he only had two incompletions- one was a flat-out drop, the other was a throw-away at Leshoure's feet on a busted screen. That means he was not off target on a single pass.


Apr 28, 2013
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How much would we have if Orlovsky got cut?

We save about 50 bucks once we return the dog shock collar they got him to wear when backed up in the endzone.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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So some of you guys have thrown out thoughts about players who may make the final cut this year who aren't on the roster yet, and I have to say that I think back-up QB could be one of those spots.

I've been following the Saints camp news with increased interest this year, since any of their offensive cuts are possibilities to sign with us given the Lombardi connection (same with the Ravens D), and I keep seeing that Ryan Griffen may be out-playing Luke McCown.

The reality is that either may be a better option than Orlovsky or Moore, given their knowledge of the Saint's offense.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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McCown getting outplayed by him sure as fuck does not make me want him in the D


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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McCown getting outplayed by him sure as fuck does not make me want him in the D

Luke McCown, Ryan Griffin still too close to call - ESPN

"Second-year pro Ryan Griffin seemed to leap ahead during last week’s preseason opener, when he played great after entering the game late in the first quarter at St. Louis.

But then veteran Luke McCown may have looked even better throughout the first half of Friday night’s 31-24 victory over the Tennessee Titans, throwing a pair of TD passes to tight end Jimmy Graham."

In other words, these quarterbacks aren’t making the decision easy or obvious for the Saints. It’s one of those things they love to call, “a good problem to have.”

I’ve projected Griffin as the likely winner all summer, because I think his long-term potential gives him the tiebreaker. The way I figure it, the Saints have to keep three quarterbacks if McCown wins the backup job since they don’t want to let Griffin go. But if they can trust Griffin as the backup, they only need to keep two.

But I’ve got to admit, McCown made me doubt myself when he came out so sharp on Friday night -- and spoke so confidently after the game.

McCown, an 11th-year veteran, is pretty much everything you’d look for in a veteran backup QB. He may as well have come out of central casting.

There's the relevant parts of the article, anyhow. It talks more about both guys and the good camp they're having. Sounds like both are doing better than either of ours.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
Hoopla Cash
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Luke McCown, Ryan Griffin still too close to call - ESPN

There's the relevant parts of the article, anyhow. It talks more about both guys and the good camp they're having. Sounds like both are doing better than either of ours.

I will still go with if Brees or Stafford go down, so do the Saints and Lions. None of the 4 impress me as the guy who goes 3-2 when starter out a few weeks.

Just me TPaul, hard to really decide sometimes who is the 33rd -37th best QB.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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I will still go with if Brees or Stafford go down, so do the Saints and Lions. None of the 4 impress me as the guy who goes 3-2 when starter out a few weeks.

Just me TPaul, hard to really decide sometimes who is the 33rd -37th best QB.

That's hitting the nail on the head. I'd say that, given the handful of shitty starters either getting one last chance (Sam Bradford), or getting a first chance that will fail miserably (Blaine Gabbert) I'd say the 28th(ish) to 32nd best is about where the top back-ups lie.

I'd have to rack my brain to come up with the best back-ups- Shaun Hill and Matt Moore immediately come to mind. I suppose Mike Vick has to be up there.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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Ryan Mallett is squarely on the roster bubble in New England. Interesting option to groom as Stafford's back-up. Although he obviously didn't pan out as expected in New England (or the really, really liked Garrappolo), so maybe he's not worth the time?