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Article on OU and recent cases


Oklahoma Sooners
Jul 2, 2013
Oklahoma City
Hoopla Cash
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a few little mistakes and everyone goes apeshit.

"do you want choir boys or championship football teams".
................Bill McCartney in his interview with Colorado

get your panties unwadded.
Bob will sort it out and come to the right conclusion.
Always has.


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Jun 27, 2013
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So the university of texico harbors known and charged sexual offenders on campus?

That's fucking disgusting.

Anyone that would send their daughter there should have their head examined.

I believe they have been removed, but honestly I dont see anything to confirm it. Shockingly, the stories involving the 2 student athletes only mention how it relates to athletics.


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So the university of texico harbors known and charged sexual offenders on campus?

That's fucking disgusting.

Anyone that would send their daughter there should have their head examined.

Again, I said I don't know. What I do know is they were kicked off the team, and they were kicked out of the dorms. You want to turn that into what you posted, whatever dude.

So you're ok with: 1) DGB (drug dealer and pushed woman down flight of stairs) not only still being in school, but on the team and Stoops trying to find a loophole to get him playing asap? 2) Shannon (who after an internal investigation by the school was determined that he had done something worthy of suspension) still practicing with the team? 3) Mixon (who broke a young girl's face in 4 places, and has been charged) still being at school and still on the team?

You're ok with all the above? But you're not ok with 2 Texas players being accused - and then immediately being kicked off the team never to return, and being kicked out of the dorms?

Great logic you got there.:bullshit:


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May 19, 2013
grand lake, ok
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I meant from campus. I couldnt find anything that would confirm that.
Innocent before guilty. They can't be dismissed from UT until after they are found guilty in a courtroom.
This would be the same for the 3 OU players.


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Innocent before guilty. They can't be dismissed from UT until after they are found guilty in a courtroom.
This would be the same for the 3 OU players.

Charlie, what I hate the most about these situations is the tendency for everyone to throw other people under the bus and write them off. Did all five of them screw up? Yea, probably although that's for the court system or administrative groups to make a final decision on. But let's assume all 5 of them are guilty of the accusations against them. Then what? Should the answer be to destroy their college opportunities and most likely set the stage for their entire lives to be in a heaving state of constant chaos? Or should someone step in and give them a second chance on the condition it's their last chance? It pisses me off nobody wants to ever forgive and forget in this society. If the fake ass religious types would simply apply some of their religion and some common sense, we'd see better long term solutions to kids doing stupid things. You and I did things too we never got caught for. But if we had been caught we would have wanted a second chance. UT, OU, USC, whatever; it makes no difference. It goes beyond school allegiance; it's called humanity and trying to correct people in a constructive manner. Bust their chops first; then try to salvage their futures.


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Jun 27, 2013
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Innocent before guilty. They can't be dismissed from UT until after they are found guilty in a courtroom.
This would be the same for the 3 OU players.

You can throw them out without a trial. If President feels they are a danger to students he can act. I know Meander and Sanders are prohibited from athletic facilities and the dorms. The later makes me believe they are likely suspended from campus, but I can not confirm anything.


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Jul 19, 2013
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The only other option is zero tolerance for any criminal record or crime while in school.

Since no school does that, OU has to juggle it like everyone else. They have kept it pretty clean since Switzer resigned, aside from dumbass Bomar.

Josh Jarboe carried an unloaded gun in his car to high school and Stoops still let him come to OU. He posted one crude freestyle video that mentioned him popping caps and he was gone.

I believe Mixon should be dismissed from the team after hearing about the actual injuries the girl sustained...which is much worse than just the rumored broken nose we heard about when the story broke. I believe in second chances, but not with the program you embarrassed. Ryan Broyles went through a similar process when he came to OU after stealing gas/stolen debit card...he pulled his head out of his ass and became better for it. As for Frank Shannon, the story is so vague I can't really tell what went down.

Jameis Winston hasn't been punished at all...so you can't be too hard on OU for taking a chance on DGB and suspending two other guys who are top players.
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May 19, 2013
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You can throw them out without a trial. If President feels they are a danger to students he can act. I know Meander and Sanders are prohibited from athletic facilities and the dorms. The later makes me believe they are likely suspended from campus, but I can not confirm anything.

Not the President, but The Office of the Dean of Students and an investigation must take place first and then an appeal process.
violence Appendix J: Prohibition of Campus Violence < The University of Texas at Austin
sexual etc. Appendix D: Policy on Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment < The University of Texas at Austin

The President only gets involved when a faculty member or employee is involved. The fact that you can't confirm anything means that they are considered students. Student records can only be release under unusual circumstances.


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Apr 8, 2011
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Again, I said I don't know. What I do know is they were kicked off the team, and they were kicked out of the dorms. You want to turn that into what you posted, whatever dude.

So you're ok with: 1) DGB (drug dealer and pushed woman down flight of stairs) not only still being in school, but on the team and Stoops trying to find a loophole to get him playing asap? 2) Shannon (who after an internal investigation by the school was determined that he had done something worthy of suspension) still practicing with the team? 3) Mixon (who broke a young girl's face in 4 places, and has been charged) still being at school and still on the team?

You're ok with all the above? But you're not ok with 2 Texas players being accused - and then immediately being kicked off the team never to return, and being kicked out of the dorms?

Great logic you got there.:bullshit:

Just pointing out a little hypocrisy is all.

DGB was a drug dealer? Shit I didn't know that! How much did he charge you and what was he selling? What was the chick wearing that he pushed down the stairs?

Shannon wasn't accused/charged with anything. He said/she said. If you have a problem with that then surely you were distraught when Sergio Kindle "texted" his way into an apartment complex.

Mixon did what he did and it isn't how I would have dealt with the situation. His punishment is befitting the charges levied with what little actual facts have been gathered that we know.

So you're ok with those two sexual predators still residing on the campus/going to class?


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Jul 2, 2013
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Charlie, what I hate the most about these situations is the tendency for everyone to throw other people under the bus and write them off. Did all five of them screw up? Yea, probably although that's for the court system or administrative groups to make a final decision on. But let's assume all 5 of them are guilty of the accusations against them. Then what? Should the answer be to destroy their college opportunities and most likely set the stage for their entire lives to be in a heaving state of constant chaos? Or should someone step in and give them a second chance on the condition it's their last chance? It pisses me off nobody wants to ever forgive and forget in this society. If the fake ass religious types would simply apply some of their religion and some common sense, we'd see better long term solutions to kids doing stupid things. You and I did things too we never got caught for. But if we had been caught we would have wanted a second chance. UT, OU, USC, whatever; it makes no difference. It goes beyond school allegiance; it's called humanity and trying to correct people in a constructive manner. Bust their chops first; then try to salvage their futures.

I believe in 2nd chances, but in another way. Let them continue their education on scholarship, but their football playing days are over. Win win right there....


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I believe in 2nd chances, but in another way. Let them continue their education on scholarship, but their football playing days are over. Win win right there....

Actually, TE98, this is a genius idea. I never thought of it. It would scare the living shit out of these guys to think they would NEVER play again but yet they could still get a degree and prove they are a good person who deserves a second chance in life. That would certainly separate the wheat from the chaff. The NCAA would have to hire a helluva lawyer to defend it though.


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Jun 27, 2013
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I believe in 2nd chances, but in another way. Let them continue their education on scholarship, but their football playing days are over. Win win right there....

If a normal student is involved in many of these incidents they would be thrown out of school and the world would never blink an eye. I dont see why tax payers should help pay for an education of a kid, because he was a football player. These players are given an opportunity that most only dream of receiving, if you waste it that is one you.


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May 19, 2013
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Actually, TE98, this is a genius idea. I never thought of it. It would scare the living shit out of these guys to think they would NEVER play again but yet they could still get a degree and prove they are a good person who deserves a second chance in life. That would certainly separate the wheat from the chaff. The NCAA would have to hire a helluva lawyer to defend it though.

AFAIK the NCAA does not suspend players, the schools do. So, if the school/team wanted to implement this policy, they would just need to include it in the signing agreement.

I seriously doubt any school would ever adopt this policy.


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AFAIK the NCAA does not suspend players, the schools do. So, if the school/team wanted to implement this policy, they would just need to include it in the signing agreement.

I seriously doubt any school would ever adopt this policy.

It would have to be a NCAA rule, Charlie, to make it work. I wish the NCAA would do it. If the NCAA didn't do it for all teams, then there would always be a few outliers who would buck the system and have an open-arms policy for the thugs. It's a great idea. Time to do it.


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It would have to be a NCAA rule, Charlie, to make it work. I wish the NCAA would do it. If the NCAA didn't do it for all teams, then there would always be a few outliers who would buck the system and have an open-arms policy for the thugs. It's a great idea. Time to do it.

Its the worst idea ever. You are saying we need to give education to kids that were deemed unable to follow the rules of an athletic department. Can you imagine the liability? You kick a kid out of the athletic department for assault. The next year he kills a kid at a frat party during a fight. Guess who the parents are going to go after.

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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A better policy would be if you have a player that is charged with a crime he has to live in the home, with the family of the head coach for a year. I think they would vet these kids a lot harder.


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Its the worst idea ever. You are saying we need to give education to kids that were deemed unable to follow the rules of an athletic department. Can you imagine the liability? You kick a kid out of the athletic department for assault. The next year he kills a kid at a frat party during a fight. Guess who the parents are going to go after.

Whoa. I didn't say let any damn fool stay in school. Of course you deep six anyone guilty of a serious crime. That goes without saying. I'm talking about some kid that does what DGB did: a borderline thug action. Or Frank Shannon where the facts demand punishment but the situation is hazy enough to permit some leniency in the punishment. Mixon? He would probably be shit canned if found guilty. Tough but there has to be a line drawn somewhere. r*pe, pull a gun, get caught being involved with hard drugs, violent assault, etc.: all grounds for losing your eligibility and being kicked out of school. Repeated marijuana offenses, simple assault, doing something really egregious on social media, repeatedly not following team rules, etc.: lose your eligibility but get to finish your education (with financial aid if needed so the poor kids have a chance too). I don't want 16th century punishment, Codaxx.


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Jun 27, 2013
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Whoa. I didn't say let any damn fool stay in school. Of course you deep six anyone guilty of a serious crime. That goes without saying. I'm talking about some kid that does what DGB did: a borderline thug action. Or Frank Shannon where the facts demand punishment but the situation is hazy enough to permit some leniency in the punishment. Mixon? He would probably be shit canned if found guilty. Tough but there has to be a line drawn somewhere. r*pe, pull a gun, get caught being involved with hard drugs, violent assault, etc.: all grounds for losing your eligibility and being kicked out of school. Repeated marijuana offenses, simple assault, doing something really egregious on social media, repeatedly not following team rules, etc.: lose your eligibility but get to finish your education (with financial aid if needed so the poor kids have a chance too). I don't want 16th century punishment, Codaxx.

OU ruled that Frank Shannon was a guilty of sexual assault. That is why they suspended him for 1 yr. He comes back and something happens OU is exposed to a lot of risk.