P.S. WTF is up with that vCash bro, drinks are on you.
Which ones of you guys are most likely to post on the Cards (vs Dbacks) board?
Which ones of you guys are most likely to post on the Cards (vs Dbacks) board?
I think all the regulars here are going to be regulars over there as well. Whether you picked the same mod for here and there or one for each you will be good. Honestly don't sweat the decision too much, we are all pretty cool with each other here, I think whoever you pick will be good.
I'm constantly on the Dbacks, Cardinals, Suns, Yotes and UofA boards.
More activity on the Cards side when the season starts. Likewise for Sun's, Devils, Coyotess.... even the kittens to the south.
Almost have a new banner for the Cards ready. Might do others for the other boards if there is interest.
What do you guys think of this split?
Dweeber, Jonas – Cards
Sting, Desert Glory - DBacks
Sting, Orange - Suns
What do you guys think of this split?
Dweeber, Jonas – Cards
Sting, Desert Glory - DBacks
Sting, Orange - Suns
Looks good to me.
What do you guys think of this split?
Dweeber, Jonas – Cards
Sting, Desert Glory - DBacks
Sting, Orange - Suns
Dweeber, Jonas – Cards
Sting, Desert Glory - DBacks
Sting, Orange - Suns