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Are teams/GM's really this stupid?


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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So Mr Taylor in his intelligence first tries to resign Love, talk wonderful about him and now that he did not want to stay, and now is departed seeks to trash him.

I just dont understand this mentality. There is a reason players want to join some coaches/management teams and not others.

I cant see anybody wanting to go to the Wolves, and I wonder if Wiggins noted how this departure is turning out.

Love handled it all well. Classy approach


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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So Mr Taylor in his intelligence first tries to resign Love, talk wonderful about him and now that he did not want to stay, and now is departed seeks to trash him.

I just dont understand this mentality. There is a reason players want to join some coaches/management teams and not others.

I cant see anybody wanting to go to the Wolves, and I wonder if Wiggins noted how this departure is turning out.

Love handled it all well. Classy approach

Gilbert was much worse when Lebron left. However, owners and GM's just need to accept that players leave sometimes and worry about the guys they have rather than the guy that left.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Gilbert was much worse when Lebron left. However, owners and GM's just need to accept that players leave sometimes and worry about the guys they have rather than the guy that left.

They are like jilted women - that trashes the man when they get dumped by their lover. Very clearly the NBA is trying to pressure the players into staying with the same team from start to finish of their careers. The players, however have always moved around which to me makes it more exciting. Baseball in contrast is considerably less interesting to watch.


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It's sour grapes on the owner's part to be honest - I think Kevin Love would definitely rather be on a winner as the second or third wheel than to be the guy on a team that wasn't going anywhere

Wolves should be happy with their return at the same time - if they're not going to be a playoff team with Kevin Love, at least trade him, get some really good young assets and be exciting

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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It's sour grapes on the owner's part to be honest - I think Kevin Love would definitely rather be on a winner as the second or third wheel than to be the guy on a team that wasn't going anywhere

Wolves should be happy with their return at the same time - if they're not going to be a playoff team with Kevin Love, at least trade him, get some really good young assets and be exciting

Wiggins in return for Kevin Love was about the best they could have gotten - It was one hell of a good deal for Minnesota that wasn't going to improve anyway


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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Gilbert was much worse when Lebron left. However, owners and GM's just need to accept that players leave sometimes and worry about the guys they have rather than the guy that left.

Gilbert was simply defending his fan base. Obviously LeBron is a polarizing figure and he's often given the benefit of the doubt based on talent alone, but it's time to get over it and move on. They've forgiven each other and that's that.

I don't know what the Minnesota owner was thinking before by wanting to keep Love, but the fact of the matter is that he was a stat-hounding, no-defense playing cancer who often threw his teammates under the bus during his time there. The team still hasn't been to the Playoffs since the Kevin Garnett era and the owner has every right to question the leadership of the people below him.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Gilbert was simply defending his fan base. Obviously LeBron is a polarizing figure and he's often given the benefit of the doubt based on talent alone, but it's time to get over it and move on. They've forgiven each other and that's that.

I don't know what the Minnesota owner was thinking before by wanting to keep Love, but the fact of the matter is that he was a stat-hounding, no-defense playing cancer who often threw his teammates under the bus during his time there. The team still hasn't been to the Playoffs since the Kevin Garnett era and the owner has every right to question the leadership of the people below him.

The leadership starts with the ownership in this case - so if the owner wants to determine who is to blame for having a shitty team over the last twenty years - all he has to do is look in the mirror. It's going to take more than one Kevin Love to build a team that wins games. There is reason that Minnesota hasn't been relevant since Kevin Garnet left. Crappy Owner = Crappy Built Team


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I am with you TLF. He does a dis-service to his fans and his current roster by exposing his immaturity. Maybe Love looks even smarter now!

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I am with you TLF. He does a dis-service to his fans and his current roster by exposing his immaturity. Maybe Love looks even smarter now!

It's pretty much the same reason some people are always broke and never buy a home - when you spend twenty years wasting your money on luxuries and never invest in a piece of property - then you have nothing, but want to blame the president of the United States for your shortcomings and blame the economy when you would have a good job if you went to college and did something worthy. This owner, however has spent the last two decades signing crappy players so he can make more money. He isn't broke and has the money - then want's to blame Love for refusing to sign a contract extension or whatever. It takes more than one player, however to build a team. He had plenty of years to find good players to run with Love and didn't do crap - so who's fault is that?


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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The leadership starts with the ownership in this case - so if the owner wants to determine who is to blame for having a shitty team over the last twenty years - all he has to do is look in the mirror. It's going to take more than one Kevin Love to build a team that wins games. There is reason that Minnesota hasn't been relevant since Kevin Garnet left. Crappy Owner = Crappy Built Team

I've said all summer that Minnesota needed to do whatever it took to unload Love. The guy has never been to the Playoffs and to me, he just wouldn't be worth the headache. But, at the same time, I also saw the logic in waiting for his contract to expire and not clog up your payroll with some other team's dead salary.

Really, Minnesota was given the best-case scenario. If a talent like Wiggins becomes available, you don't pass that up. Taking on Thad Young's salary does hurt a bit, but he's an underrated player, and most importantly, will help keep a fan base interested in a team that is currently in the midst of the NBA's longest Playoff drought. Minnesota should be competitive in the West this season, but if not, they could always flip Young for more draft picks at the deadline.

As a Nuggets fan, I honestly fear the Timberwolves more now than I did when they had Love. Because now we know they'll be a factor for years to come with a building piece in Wiggins and some solid talent around him to work with.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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I am with you TLF. He does a dis-service to his fans and his current roster by exposing his immaturity. Maybe Love looks even smarter now!

Love needed a fresh start, no one is questioning that. However, let's sit here and pretend he was the exception to Minnesota's struggles and their playoff drought. Name-talents too often are given the benefit of the doubt by immature fans.

I've said all along it's an extremely young crowd following the NBA here in the 2010's. At 26, I feel like I'm one of the old guys.:gaah:


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
Hoopla Cash
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Love needed a fresh start, no one is questioning that. However, let's sit here and pretend he was the exception to Minnesota's struggles and their playoff drought. Name-talents too often are given the benefit of the doubt by immature fans.

I've said all along it's an extremely young crowd following the NBA here in the 2010's. At 26, I feel like I'm one of the old guys.:gaah:
*not sit here


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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This is not a debate on whether Taylor was actually correct or not in his opinion about Love.



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Aug 1, 2013
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it has to be frustrating to be an owner in a small market. the players run the league and pick and choose where they want to go. that being said, the owner should have kept quiet. im guessing the next lockout will be around adding a franchise tag


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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This is not a debate on whether Taylor was actually correct or not in his opinion about Love.


Well, seeing that you're the one that claimed Taylor's comments made Kevin Love look "smart", I was merely pointing out the flaws of your argument. Love was a problem as well.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Love was smart as in his departure Mr Taylor exposed his emotions and demeanor, behavior that I suspect not just Love but others now can see. Allst while Kevin took the highroad even after hearing the comments.

Taylor had no reason to trash him regardless the feelings, it serves no purpose.

Comprende? ( I Hope)


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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It's sour grapes on the owner's part to be honest - I think Kevin Love would definitely rather be on a winner as the second or third wheel than to be the guy on a team that wasn't going anywhere

Wolves should be happy with their return at the same time - if they're not going to be a playoff team with Kevin Love, at least trade him, get some really good young assets and be exciting

Agree, especially with the bolded. With Love, it seems the T-Wolves were always going to be in that dreaded 7-10 seed territory where there never good enough to do much in the playoffs and never bad enough to get a high draft pick. Add that to not being much of an FA destination and they're probably better off in the long run with the guys they got. If they all 3 develop, that could be a pretty darn good team.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Love was smart as in his departure Mr Taylor exposed his emotions and demeanor, behavior that I suspect not just Love but others now can see. Allst while Kevin took the highroad even after hearing the comments.

Taylor had no reason to trash him regardless the feelings, it serves no purpose.

Comprende? ( I Hope)

Exactly. It's never a good look when owner and/or GM's bash players when they leave. Just makes them look petty and probably leaves their own players plus others around the league scratching their heads.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Gilbert was simply defending his fan base. Obviously LeBron is a polarizing figure and he's often given the benefit of the doubt based on talent alone, but it's time to get over it and move on. They've forgiven each other and that's that.

I don't know what the Minnesota owner was thinking before by wanting to keep Love, but the fact of the matter is that he was a stat-hounding, no-defense playing cancer who often threw his teammates under the bus during his time there. The team still hasn't been to the Playoffs since the Kevin Garnett era and the owner has every right to question the leadership of the people below him.

And I'm sure the T-Wolves owner feels that he was doing the same. However, bashing players who leave just isn't a good idea, no matter the reason or how much the player may actually deserve it.

Seems to me that it would only hurt a teams chances of retaining/signing future FA's.