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Anyone think that Chip Kelly ...


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Jul 19, 2013
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Yes, if we were talking about a handoff. We aren't. We are talking about a read-option.

Its incredible. THe ruling from Blandino is right in your face and you cant even read it.

But if the quarterback has clearly handed off the football, and he's standing still, or fading backwards, he cannot be unnecessarily contacted, and that doesn't matter if it's a read-option quarterback or a classic drop-back quarterback.


Resident Fake Asian!
May 12, 2013
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Silenced who? How many championships has he won in college or the pros?

Stacking up wins in the regular season means nothing if you can't do it when it counts. Also, if I remember correctly, last year most of the Eagles wins came against below .500 teams.

I have said this numerous times. The Eagles fast break offense reminds me of the Suns with Mike D'antoni. His philosophy was take a shot in 10 seconds or less and outscore the opponent. They would win 60 games during the regular season and beat the lesser teams by 20 points per game. However when it came to the playoffs, the physical, defensive minded teams would dominate them. Where is Mike D'antoni now?

Chips gimmick offense will stack up some wins against lesser teams, but when it comes to winning championships, I don't see it.

Your comparing the NBA to the NFL?
Your right continue to spoon yourself in your Carson Palmer jersey.....


Resident Fake Asian!
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Nailed it. Chip is a gimmick coach. You can't have an NFL defense on the field 70% of the game and be successful. you can win regular season playing that way, but no way you win in the playoffs. Which is why Chip and the Eagles are a perfect match.

Pinned.... Cowgirl fans are scared, it's understandable since we have your running back and your quarterback is Tony :kissass:Romo.......


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Its incredible. THe ruling from Blandino is right in your face and you cant even read it.

But if the quarterback has clearly handed off the football, and he's standing still, or fading backwards, he cannot be unnecessarily contacted, and that doesn't matter if it's a read-option quarterback or a classic drop-back quarterback.

Your incorrect version from "readability.com" (shit you not everyone, that is what he is quoting) goes directly against what ESPN quotes blandino as saying. Also we have Periera saying:

But I'm wrong, ESPN is wrong, Periera is wrong...PE1 is right. :L


SportsHoopla's #1 Bucknut
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I think the jury is still out on Chip. Saban and Spurrier were great college coaches but didn't fare well and returned humbled, same as Pitino in NBA. College and pros are 2 different animals.
Jimmy Johnson, Barry Switzer, and Pete Carrol to an extent seem to do ok during the transition. Carrol if Im not mistaken, struggled in NE, before going to USC. He's doing quite well now. But I agree that the college level is quite different level than the NFL. That being said, it seems that the NFL is starting to transition to s similar style to the college game.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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Pinned.... Cowgirl fans are scared, it's understandable since we have your running back and your quarterback is Tony :kissass:Romo.......

Not worried for any of those reasons. Just wish you babies will stop crying about a defender treating your QB like a RB, when your team is treating your QB like a RB.


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Your incorrect version from "readability.com" (shit you not everyone, that is what he is quoting) goes directly against what ESPN quotes blandino as saying. Also we have Periera saying:

But I'm wrong, ESPN is wrong, Periera is wrong...PE1 is right. :L

Heres the problem... many people are agreeing with me. One writer from ESPN doesnt mean ESPN feels this way. And lastly, it seems to me that Blandino was saying that read option QBs get the same protection. Dont act like its just me Fordman. Tons of people know it was a dirt bag cheap shot.


Aug 8, 2013
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Heres the problem... many people are agreeing with me. One writer from ESPN doesnt mean ESPN feels this way. And lastly, it seems to me that Blandino was saying that read option QBs get the same protection. Dont act like its just me Fordman. Tons of people know it was a dirt bag cheap shot.
It was a dirt bag play and an unnecessary cheap shot. However it was legal according to the rules.

Pereira used to be head of officiating. I'm pretty sure he knows what he is talking about.


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It was a dirt bag play and an unnecessary cheap shot. However it was legal according to the rules.

Pereira used to be head of officiating. I'm pretty sure he knows what he is talking about.

My thoughts exactly. Periera knows a thing or two. And the play was wrong to do, but legal right now. Maybe this is the play that changes that or gets better clarity for it. Who knows.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Jimmy Johnson, Barry Switzer, and Pete Carrol to an extent seem to do ok during the transition. Carrol if Im not mistaken, struggled in NE, before going to USC. He's doing quite well now. But I agree that the college level is quite different level than the NFL. That being said, it seems that the NFL is starting to transition to s similar style to the college game.

Barry Switzer was handed a stud team that Jimmy Johnson and company built, and then faded quickly after that. Pete Carrol made mistakes and learned from them making him a much better HC third time around and proven the doubters wrong. So far Chip has done well but the real test for him will be if his flaws show, will he be willing to change unlike Andy Reid. If so, then he'll be in Philly for a good while.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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Barry Switzer was handed a stud team that Jimmy Johnson and company built, and then faded quickly after that. Pete Carrol made mistakes and learned from them making him a much better HC third time around and proven the doubters wrong. So far Chip has done well but the real test for him will be if his flaws show, will he be willing to change unlike Andy Reid. If so, then he'll be in Philly for a good while.

And Jimmy stole from Minny. Without Minny's trade Jimmy and Dallas don't win those SB's. I will be forever grateful for that.



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And Jimmy stole from Minny. Without Minny's trade Jimmy and Dallas don't win those SB's. I will be forever grateful for that.


Excellent point! You know better then I do, did those picks Dallas picked up all hit on target?


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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Excellent point! You know better then I do, did those picks Dallas picked up all hit on target?

Here's what Walker brought Dallas.

Players/Draft Picks Received by the Dallas Cowboys
LB Jesse Solomon
LB David Howard
CB Issiac Holt
RB Darrin Nelson (traded to San Diego after he refused to report to Dallas)
DE Alex Stewart

Minnesota's 1st round pick in 1990 (21) (traded this pick along with pick (81) for pick (17) from Pittsburgh to draft Emmitt Smith
Minnesota's 2nd round pick in 1990 (47) (Alexander Wright
Minnesota's 6th round pick in 1990 (158) (traded to New Orleans, who drafted James Williams
Minnesota's 1st round pick in 1991 (conditional) - (12) (Alvin Harper
Minnesota's 2nd round pick in 1991 (conditional) - (38) (Dixon Edwards
Minnesota's 2nd round pick in 1992 (conditional) - (37) (Darren Woodson
Minnesota's 3rd round pick in 1992 (conditional) - (71) (traded to New England, who drafted Kevin Turner)
Minnesota's 1st round pick in 1993 (conditional) - (13) (traded to Philadelphia Eagles, and then to the Houston Oilers, who drafted Brad Hopkins)

I just read Jimmy tried to trade Irvin too, to the Raiders, but Al Davis talked him out of it. Granted I read this on Wiki so take it with a grain of salt.

So without Minny Dallas doesn't have Emmitt, Woodson, Harper or Solomon.

I wonder if Darrin Nelson kicked himself in the ads for not wanting to play in Dallas?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Here's what Walker brought Dallas.

Players/Draft Picks Received by the Dallas Cowboys
LB Jesse Solomon
LB David Howard
CB Issiac Holt
RB Darrin Nelson (traded to San Diego after he refused to report to Dallas)
DE Alex Stewart

Minnesota's 1st round pick in 1990 (21) (traded this pick along with pick (81) for pick (17) from Pittsburgh to draft Emmitt Smith
Minnesota's 2nd round pick in 1990 (47) (Alexander Wright
Minnesota's 6th round pick in 1990 (158) (traded to New Orleans, who drafted James Williams
Minnesota's 1st round pick in 1991 (conditional) - (12) (Alvin Harper
Minnesota's 2nd round pick in 1991 (conditional) - (38) (Dixon Edwards
Minnesota's 2nd round pick in 1992 (conditional) - (37) (Darren Woodson
Minnesota's 3rd round pick in 1992 (conditional) - (71) (traded to New England, who drafted Kevin Turner)
Minnesota's 1st round pick in 1993 (conditional) - (13) (traded to Philadelphia Eagles, and then to the Houston Oilers, who drafted Brad Hopkins)

I just read Jimmy tried to trade Irvin too, to the Raiders, but Al Davis talked him out of it. Granted I read this on Wiki so take it with a grain of salt.

So without Minny Dallas doesn't have Emmitt, Woodson, Harper or Solomon.

I wonder if Darrin Nelson kicked himself in the ads for not wanting to play in Dallas?

All I can say is WOW!


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Sep 2, 2014
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So it wasn't Chips idea to get rid of DJax? Give me a break.

It was - by most accounts - patently obvious that it was a matter of time before the DJax situation would end up in TO-style drama in Philadelphia. DJax was simply unwilling to go along with many of the changes Chip made, and had already proven difficult to handle under Andy Reid. In the one season Chip and DJax were in Philadelphia - according to reports that came out later - the only ones that made DJax behave to some extent and not blow up during the season were Avant and Vick. And both those players would not be there in 2014, and everybody knew that: Avant was just a bad fit within Kelly's scheme, and Vick wanted another shot at starting, something he was unlikely to get in Philadelphia. So DJax was untenable within Philadelphia.


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One. And how many win big by being all offense and no defense. Maybe I will care enough later to actually look up how many SB winners were in the bottom 3 of the time of possession stat. I'm willing to be zero.

^^^Somebody's scrrrred.:hungry:



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How about the one where you think a player should be fined because he made a legal hit on your fragile QB.

That no good piece of shit went low. It got flagged correctly.