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Anyone going to the Game on Sunday?


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Sep 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You should have been there last year. My daughter and I were getting heckled by the Charger's fans, then the second half occurred. The stunned faces were priceless and all I could say while walking by laughing was "Stay classy San Diego".

LOL, it has been that way for a long time, well, except for when the Chargers were good, then there fans came out of the woodwork.

I lived in San Diego during San Diego's brief run as a good team. Needless to say, I have an exceedingly low opinion of the Chargers fan base. One of the worst in the game, really. I would have loved to have been there at that game last year.

Fun story from my days in SD. In 2009 I left Afghanistan with the Broncos sitting at 8-4, only to see the team drop its 4 remaining games. Meanwhile the Chargers were 9-3 and went on to finish 13-3, only to step on their cranks in true Chargers fashion in their first playoff game and get beat by a Jets team that went 9-7 and only made the playoffs because their opponents rested some starters.

A few hours after that playoff game, my wife and I went to church. There was a woman there who was a huge Chargers fan along with her mom. After every Broncos loss, this woman made sure to give me an earful, both during that 4 game skid and in seasons before. I am not the kind to rub it in after my team wins or someone else's loses. It took some serious self control to keep my mouth shut. Then along comes my wife, bless her heart. She spots this woman who was sitting with her mom and blurted out, "How about them Chargers!" Death glare ensued, followed by all the excuses. That day the excuses were, "If Novak would have not missed those three FGs we would have won." My wife laughed and said, "But he DID miss those FGs!" She wouldn't let her off the hook.

My wife is a passive Broncos fan. She likes the team because she is from Denver and she is married to an orange bleeding fanatic. But she doesn't get excited or disappointed after wins and losses, so her aggressiveness surprised me. I asked her about it later and she said, "It pisses me off how she's always running her mouth to you."

I have such an awesome wife. And Chargers fans suck!


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Jul 23, 2013
San Diego, CA
Hoopla Cash
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I lived in San Diego during San Diego's brief run as a good team. Needless to say, I have an exceedingly low opinion of the Chargers fan base. One of the worst in the game, really. I would have loved to have been there at that game last year.

So, so true. I root for the Padres and I rooted for the Gulls when they were here, but not for the Chargers, ever.


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Apr 30, 2013
Orange County
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I've been to San Diego hundreds of times during football season, but just twice for a Bronco game. Yes, their fans are about as fair weather as it gets.

I went a lot during the Stan Humphries era, my college days....you would have thought they had a trophy case full of Lombardis.

They still don't.....lol


Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ahh, the Gulls. Those were the days....

I was at that game last year too, in the east endzone, and I can't imagine that I'll ever have a better live game experience. Totally fine with that too, cuz it was awesome.

Cali, way to bring some orange mojo to Qualcomm! Sorry I couldn't hook up with you as we had briefly discussed this summer. Maybe next year, possibly in Denver.