UK Cowboy
Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Uh huh.
-no choking loser qb who is on the wrong side of 30, who just underwent his second back surgery in two years, and who has a well documented history of choking.
- no Jerry jones, the worst, most delusional owner in the nfl.
- no head case wr, who cries often.
- no pathetically talentless head coach, who everybody KNOWS gets out coached by everybody he is up against, but can't get out of his own way.
- no aging skill players
- no geriatric defensive coordinator, whose team set records for worst defense ever.
- no status quo.
- no lack of cap room.
- no preference for drafting crappy razorback players at the expense of other positions
- no fair weathered fans, many of whom have never even been to that shitty tin can stadium in butthole, Texas.
- no horrible fanbase, full of stupid, clueless people, who clearly don't know much about anything, especially football related, and like to use backwards letters for their gay screen names.
And with all those problems, they still managed to kick the shit out of the Redskins