Harbor Center
Man, I really am the glue that holds this place together, aren't I? But seriously...I really don't think we need to investigate this stuff. It's a message board, not homeland security.
Exactly. Mods don't need to spend their time tracking and cross-referencing IP's because someone allegedly made a very hurtful, spiteful and cutting comment or two such as, "your team sucks", supposedly under an alt.
OK I LIED! I said I wasn't going to post in this topic again but.......
If you look at my post #7 and #12 I have my reasons for making those comments. I know some are trying to be helpful with their comments but the fact is they do NOT know ALL of the circumstances.
It goes beyond "someone allegedly made a very hurtful, spiteful and cutting comment or two such as, "your team sucks" way beyond that!.
Please give the mods a bit of credit for TRYING to do their jobs. I should have locked this damn thread down but didn't. I let a poster spout off but there are two sides to every story and I will NOT make it public because I don't roll that way. I have respect for all of our posters.
Now I hope we can put this topic to rest.