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AL Central Smack Talk


Royals -when they do win its a WS RING.
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.28
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Agree with most of that post, bums, but did you know that Hunter set a career high in at-bats last season (606)? Until he shows me any sign of breaking down physically, I'd expect we can get 140+ games out of him.

Look, gang, one of the most frequent complaints about the Tiger team of 2013 was (1) they are station-to-station on the bases, and (2) their infield defense has no range. They've upgraded SS and 2B in both speed AND defense, and upgraded LF at least in terms of speed. You can't have it both ways. Speed/power/defense guys like Mike Trout are not very plentiful, so you have to give and take.

from the outside looking in the view looked like a horrible bullpen and the offense was rather weak if the Tigers had to depend on Hunter, VMart and Peralta to significantly contribute with Fielder's slow, slow demise...like it or not Kinsler is an upgrade over Fielder over the next couple of years...Kinsler could have got 100 rbi's in Detroits 4 hole, almost anyone with a pulse over .280 could have....Miggy has to win the MVP's so there will be some offense to go with the starting pitching.

Personally with that Starting pitching, defense is 4th on the list of needs...1st being RP, 2nd being hitting, 3rd being speed...

Enrique at SS will be a disaster equivalent to Kozma. Hunter is going to go all in with one major injury and be done at his age, it seems that is what its setting up for. VMart pulled it out last year but if he starts off slow, watch out..

Twins are trying to sneakily get better by actually getting MLB players.

White Sox have already packed it in for 2014 and going on a backpacking trip around Europe.

Indians better get off the toilet and come back out or they will struggle like an Indians away series in Detroit.


D Back and ranger fans are GAF....
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 234.43
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oo Infante to the Royals. good move. I can understand the Royals trying to be just like the Tigers.

had some buffalo wild wings today. Deee lish!!

DD has said...no more trades in the works. no after any more players...
soooo the great DD has made this Tiger team weaker and he is all done.
after this season he will be all done to. we were sooo close to the ring. almost had the players getting fitted for them and he screws it up!!


D Back and ranger fans are GAF....
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 234.43
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I just got my first smart phone (I know right..iam so smart I should have had one long ago.
Samsung galaxy 3 with a Samsung tablet.
the tablet is small and harder to get to certain links like a regular PC.....

iam thinking of stopping my PC cable.. has any one done that? are tablet good enough????


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The Tigers are weaker in the bullpen, until/unless DD makes some other moves. On offense, they lost two guys who hit .300 last season (Peralta and Infante), but those guys really aren't .300 hitters. They lost a 100-RBI man in Fielder. But they upgraded speed and defense tremendously. How many net runs will that be worth next season? I call it a wash.

The big head-scratcher is the Fister deal, which puts us behind last year's team overall... again, until/unless DD makes some other moves.

On the other hand -- I don't see that any ALC team other than the Twins has gotten noticeably better than last season, so far. And for the Twins, Phil Hughes and Ricky Nolasco make them better only because their starting pitching was the pits last season.

I see the royals pushing detroit this year.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I just got my first smart phone (I know right..iam so smart I should have had one long ago.
Samsung galaxy 3 with a Samsung tablet.
the tablet is small and harder to get to certain links like a regular PC.....

iam thinking of stopping my PC cable.. has any one done that? are tablet good enough????

I havent used a laptop or tv in months and i havent had a problem.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Are you an alcoholic?

Regarding Davis....who else was available? Anyone currently with the Detroit Tigers organization. Getting Davis for his speed off bench would be GREAT. But based off pay...that's not what he got signed for.

Joba has a track record of success????? Seriously....alcoholism is BAD.

I have to say -- I HATE the Joba signing, but it is, what it is.

As far as Rajah Davis -- he was signed to platoon with Andy Dirks. He hit .319 in a 120 ABs against LHP with an OPS of .859. Dirks only hit .265 against RHP last year, but they already said he played thru injuries much of the year. In 2012 -- Dirks hit .336 against RHP in 250 ABs with .889 OPS.

That platoon should be just fine.

Dirks will play against RHP, Davis will play against LHP and be used as a pinch runner late in games when needed.


'Tis but a scratch...
May 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I said I'd wait until DD was done to pass judgment. If what Doug says is true and Dombrowski is truly done making deals, this Tiger team is weaker. That's based mainly on the bullpen. They lost their two best guys (Benoit to free agency and Smyly to the starting rotation) and the only known commodity they brought in is Nathan. They still haven't solved their lefty issue in the pen, even if Krol and Smyly are a wash. Rondon had better be the real deal, too, or every call Ausmus makes in the 7th-8th will be a wrong number.

As I said, I think net runs are a wash between the losses of Fielder, Infante and Peralta with the gains in speed and defense. It's just that the bullpen may give up more runs, and I think Smyly may wear down in his first year as a starter. I don't think he's thrown 100 innings in a major league season yet.

Like Laker, I see KC giving the Tigers the biggest push in 2014, so far. The Twins improvements maybe get them to .500, but that's about it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not just their pen howie, their rotation got much weaker as well. Fister is a legit two starter, hes a stud and was overlooked because of the flashier JV, scherzer, and sanchez. Their rotation, lineup and pen all took a step back. They are still the team to beat. Their rotation is still very strong, they have improved their closer and they still have miggy in his prime. Maybe nick will have a big year but the tigers rarely produce strong hitting prospects.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I will also wait to pass judgement but I cant imagine any scenario where the fister deal makes sense. There is one i guess. Ray turns out to be a stud but I cant help but be skeptical. They trade turner for sanchez because they want to stockpile starting pitchers then turn around a year later and trade fister for three average players? The guy shouldve netted a top prospect.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I havent used a laptop or tv in months and i havent had a problem.

Just started using a laptop again a little. But I went over a year and a half without one. Phone can work just fine.

I need the TV though lol


Active Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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"I said I'd wait until DD was done to pass judgment. If what Doug says is true and Dombrowski is truly done making deals, this Tiger team is weaker. That's based mainly on the bullpen. They lost their two best guys (Benoit to free agency and Smyly to the starting rotation) and the only known commodity they brought in is Nathan. They still haven't solved their lefty issue in the pen, even if Krol and Smyly are a wash. Rondon had better be the real deal, too, or every call Ausmus makes in the 7th-8th will be a wrong number."

Thats exactly what i been saying....


Active Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I will also wait to pass judgement but I cant imagine any scenario where the fister deal makes sense. There is one i guess. Ray turns out to be a stud but I cant help but be skeptical. They trade turner for sanchez because they want to stockpile starting pitchers then turn around a year later and trade fister for three average players? The guy shouldve netted a top prospect.

Yeah i dont get the trade either....thought it was to save a lil cash?

Then we go out and give davis 5 mil a yr
Joba 2.5

Id rather have fister than those 2.....couldnt fister had brought a LF as good as davis? But maybe DD knows something we dont....ill be ready to eat my crow burger wit cheese.


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Who tries to be a loser?


Dougie? How does mcgoofy only take 3 shots? Seems like somebody is missing burke....no heart....UM is becoming the school of moral victories....first OSU in football, now vs arizona in hoops....

UM=mediocre college.....

7-5 in football
6-4 in hoops....

For a combined 13-9.......woo hoo.....we knew they werent a football school anymore....now theyre not a hoop school....hmmm

Hey nos? Whats UM womens hockey team look like? Mediocre too?:lol:


Active Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Hey dougie.....sparty football team had 12 wins.....michigans football and basketball has a combined 13 wins......maybe UM should hire mike hart.....isnt he out of a job at eastern mich too?

Fountain City Blues

Love Everybody
Jul 2, 2013
The Gates of Hell
Hoopla Cash
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Hey dougie.....sparty football team had 12 wins.....michigans football and basketball has a combined 13 wins......maybe UM should hire mike hart.....isnt he out of a job at eastern mich too?

Clearly Michigan has no HEART. They CHOKED in the clutch against Arizona. CHOKED! Michigan has no heart I say!


Active Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Mitch mcgoofy.....no heart.....3 shots vs the number 1 team.....UM had ONE fluke year....