Well-Known Member
Well, yes and no... Speed will always make you more likely to score, but generally after the 5 hitter we are not talking about a good hitter... Chances are much more likely that they will not get that hit to score you... so you are really hoping that the base runner was able to get to 3rd before there is 2 outs... Which is a very low percentage.
A top of the order guy only has to move into scoring position, and the "BETTER" hitters will be able to get the baserunner home much more efficiently...
IMO, the trick in baseball is to maximize the abilities of your BEST players... And having men in running position for your Best hitters as often as possible is the way to do that...
When evaluating the baserunner's impact the question is the difference, how much he increased his chances of scoring. The runner on base for the 7-8-9 hitters obviously has a lower chance of scoring than the runner on base for 2-3-4 but the difference between being on 1st and being on 2nd is usually greater in the first situation than the second.
Let's try a simple example to illustrate what I'm talking about. Last year Edwin Encarnacion batted 4th for the Blue Jays and was a much better hitter overall than Ryan Goins, who batted mostly 8th and 9th. Better average, better power, better at everything. Let's assume for simplicity that all singles will score the runner from 2B and all doubles will score the runner from 1B (I suspect that this simplification actually hurts my argument but fuck it).
If I'm on first base my probability of getting knocked in during an EE plate appearance is basically equal to the probability of him getting an extra base hit, around 0.112. If I am on second base this rises to the probability of him getting any kind of hit, roughly 0.234. This gives us a net gain of about 0.122.
Similarly, if I am on first base my probability of getting knocked in during a Goins PA is only about 0.058. But if I can get to second base this probability rises all the way to 0.196, giving us a net gain of 0.138. So although my odds of scoring are always better with EE at the plate than Goins (duh