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49ers cease to exist


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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lol ESPN...

Maybe the 9ers are worried they can't win 3 games so they just changed their name to Arizona in an effort to confuse the league.


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Ups.... That was a typo.... hehe


Swollen Member
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The way they are playing currently, I welcome the typo...


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The Harbaugh factor. He took a talented team and won with them, as the talent leaves so does the success. Also the players seem to be getting fed up with his cry baby antics on the sideline.

Who's got it better than us! Uhm Half the NFC west and 16 other teams in the NFL right now (18 total).


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Way back in the day on ESPN gamecast the image for Alex Smith was Akili Smith. It was like that forever.


Swollen Member
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The Harbaugh factor. He took a talented team and won with them, as the talent leaves so does the success. Also the players seem to be getting fed up with his cry baby antics on the sideline.

Who's got it better than us! Uhm Half the NFC west and 16 other teams in the NFL right now (18 total).

You can say that about Belichek, Payton, Coughlin, etc. Stop with the bullshit argument. I get it, you don't like Harbaugh. But for it to be a FACTOR, there has to be a pattern. And there isn't one. He built up USD, then went to Stanford. He built up Stanford, then came to the Niners. At no point in that journey was there some sort of player mutiny or drop off in production. But I'm guessing that doesn't fit your narrative. Facts don't support what you are trying to sell.


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Jul 2, 2013
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You can say that about Belichek, Payton, Coughlin, etc. Stop with the bullshit argument. I get it, you don't like Harbaugh. But for it to be a FACTOR, there has to be a pattern. And there isn't one. He built up USD, then went to Stanford. He built up Stanford, then came to the Niners. At no point in that journey was there some sort of player mutiny or drop off in production. But I'm guessing that doesn't fit your narrative. Facts don't support what you are trying to sell.
I think Harbaugh is a perfectly decent coach. Leagues better than Singletary was (worse coach ever?). He has an idiot QB that only thinks he has one wr on every play and stares at them until the play breaks down and still Harbaugh has managed to create plays that create great results.

Unfortunately for Harbaugh, the teams quickly figure out the scheme and make their adjustments and Kaep becomes a burden


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Apr 23, 2013
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You can say that about Belichek, Payton, Coughlin, etc. Stop with the bullshit argument. I get it, you don't like Harbaugh. But for it to be a FACTOR, there has to be a pattern. And there isn't one. He built up USD, then went to Stanford. He built up Stanford, then came to the Niners. At no point in that journey was there some sort of player mutiny or drop off in production. But I'm guessing that doesn't fit your narrative. Facts don't support what you are trying to sell.

I don't have any links to anything, but I thought the national talking heads were saying that Harb's could lose the locker room with his antics, plus upper management is tired of it as well and would dump him at the end of the season. I thought I heard this a few months back so it could have been rumors just to kill time before training camp opened. Is any of this true?


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Aug 23, 2014
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I don't have any links to anything, but I thought the national talking heads were saying that Harb's could lose the locker room with his antics, plus upper management is tired of it as well and would dump him at the end of the season. I thought I heard this a few months back so it could have been rumors just to kill time before training camp opened. Is any of this true?

heard the same stuff. It came out when the media was circulating story that the 49ers where trying to trade him


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Rumor is he will go to Michigan, but why not miami? He almost went there instead of sf in the first place. He would have a real qb to mold there too.


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heard the same stuff. It came out when the media was circulating story that the 49ers where trying to trade him

Sometimes it is hard to dig through all the crap the media throws out to actually find that one nugget of truth. Always got to love the "unnamed sources" that they find. I mean I could work at the stadium on the cleaning crew and be considered an employee of the 49ers and be an inside source.


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Rumor is he will go to Michigan, but why not miami? He almost went there instead of sf in the first place. He would have a real qb to mold there too.

Well he is a Michigan man. If he goes back to college I would image it would be Michigan although I don't know if he wants to do that.


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Sometimes it is hard to dig through all the crap the media throws out to actually find that one nugget of truth. Always got to love the "unnamed sources" that they find. I mean I could work at the stadium on the cleaning crew and be considered an employee of the 49ers and be an inside source.

The media is full of shit half the time


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What we have seen is Harbaugh take over an extremely talented team and succeed

What we haven't seen is how well he can handle adversity, handle when it goes bad at this level. To say he can or can't handle the hard times well is merely speculation at this time


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There's just too much talk about Harb's. I don't know if it's his doing, but it always seems that it's all about him when people talk about the 49ers. I can't thin of another team where the head coach gets so much attention. PC's a high profile guy but he isn't the first person that pops into anybody's head when thinking about the Seahawks. It's the players.

He's a much better college coach than a NFL coach because he can recruit with anybody and he does know the x's and o's. I just think his ego is a little bit too big to build a team from scratch on this level. He's perfect for Michigan. He's going to take the job, build a nice team in Ann Arbor, and make Michigan a contender once again.


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Well he is a Michigan man. If he goes back to college I would image it would be Michigan although I don't know if he wants to do that.

If the rumblings are true and upper management does want to make a change, then Harb's may not have a choice and take the Michigan job.


Swollen Member
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I don't have any links to anything, but I thought the national talking heads were saying that Harb's could lose the locker room with his antics, plus upper management is tired of it as well and would dump him at the end of the season. I thought I heard this a few months back so it could have been rumors just to kill time before training camp opened. Is any of this true?

Sorry for the delay in response, been out of town, somewhat off the grid.

Harbaugh wants to be paid as the top coach in the league. York, the owner, wants another Lombardi before forking over the dough. Harbaugh used Cleveland as leverage and York called his bluff. Offseason shenanigans explained.

There were reports of Baalke and Harbaugh not getting along, which were blown completely out of proportion considering they have been golfing buddies.

As far as the players are concerned, they didn't address the media with any of this prior to the Eagles game and typically keep it in house. However, reporters have been riding this Stupid Train for two weeks and it all came to a head when Deion decided to spew bullshit out his pie-hole, claiming UNNAMED SOURCES, that the players no longer play for Harbaugh. People assumed Crabtree as his source considering their past relationship and Crabtree comes out publicly saying, sorry Mr. Deion but we all good here....
Dilfer hadn't stepped foot in the building but decides to call the Niner locker room toxic...15 minutes after a win.
Alex Boone goes on the local radio and basically says that (paraphrasing) he knows for a fact that every one of the players loves Harbaugh, how could you NOT love to play for a guy with his energy, who wouldn't play hard for a coach who wears cleats on game days, etc. He also calls out the sources and basically says that it's all bullshit and the players stand by the coach.
Antoine Bethea said the same as Boone, but far more toned down. And now the players are coming out of the woodwork in support of Harbaugh. Willis, Bowman, Gore, etc. Key character guys on this team are standing up and saying enough is enough.

So when I see reports floating around with regards to an organization that prides itself in keeping things in house and not giving up anything, I typically call bullshit on it. This is the NFL and its writers trying to write about something other then domestic violence and child abuse, finding scandal any way they can.

Could Harbaugh jump ship and head off to Michigan? I'm sure if Michigan offered enough, he would surely consider it. But all of this manufactured drama is exactly that. The players still fight hard and play hard for him. He is NOT the distraction that he is made out to be. He is the Niners HC and the best one we've had since Walsh. He is prickly at times, he is stubborn, he is condescending to the media, but at the end of the day he has produced results and this team KNOWS this. There is a reason why guys like Gore and Willis jump to his defense. Because they were there firsthand to live through the ineptitude of Nolan and Singletary. They know what shitty coaching is. They also know that they have been one of the best teams in the league since Harbaugh has taken over and they WANT him there.

Bottom line: Grain of salt. Bullshit. How ever you want to perceive these reports. And unnamed sources should put their name on it if you are going to talk shit and stop hiding otherwise it holds no weight.


Swollen Member
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If the rumblings are true and upper management does want to make a change, then Harb's may not have a choice and take the Michigan job.

There are about 20 NFL gigs that would pay top dollar to have him as HC. It's not like the Michigan job would be the only choice he would have.