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Justin Smith HAS sleeves on.
All I've heard all week is how cold it's going to be. Does anybody realize how cold Nevada and BSU get in November?
Cold = overrated.
Justin Smith HAS sleeves on.
Matt Barrows:
Sleeve Watch: Aaron Rodgers is wearing sleeves. Kaepernick is the only QB on either team without them.
Hope Wright or Cox can cover Cobb.
I'm drinking beer with red and white in the label.
Of course, it is brewed in Wisconsin. I'm feeling very conflicted right now.
Idiot wants to display his tats at the expense of the team.
Warty, when are you NOT drinking beer, is the question.
Matt Barrows:
The only thing that Jim Harbaugh has added to his attire are black gloves and a black hat. Wearing his black cleats. Extra long spikes today
Idiot wants to display his tats at the expense of the team.
When aren't any of us during these games.