Special Agent
That is why Kap is our QB. Great game by him. 3-0 against rogers.
If you think your QB running all the time is a long term solution, you will be unhappy when your backup is the starter. Kaepernick will take a bad hit at some point and everything will stop for him. Just what i'm thinking.
You don't even have to go that far back; Akers was god awful only last season.
I'm very happy with the Dawson signing... Probably the biggest FA signing we've made since we brought in cowboy.
Nope because Kap doesn't get hit. Get a clue Troll
Some of it is the horrendous play calling when we get down close and some of it is Kaepernick still not seeing the field well. he is a completley different Qb down by the goal line, he gets skittish because there are so many defenders in such a small area. They should try to run the ball.
Kap has never been hit? Really?
I disagree. I think he's the same QB, but his weaknesses are more obvious.
Well FYI we were getting into the endzone but were missing extra points and any FG outside of 20 yards
The thing that really pissed me off about that TO to start the half was Kap's reaction. He and McCoy (I think?) were laughing about it. I can't imagine that happening to Manning or Brady, but if it did, they'd be absolutely furious with themselves. I like Kap, but he really pisses me off sometimes.
FYI, I've been watching this team longer than you've been alive.
Crims, listen to this crap here:
Harbaugh: ?You didn?t think we were going to pull that out, d | Chat49ers.com
Q: What was going on with the back-to-back timeouts in the third quarter?
HARBAUGH: Kap forgot his wristband on the first play of the second half. A player lined up on the wrong side of the formation another time.