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POLL .400 or 70

.400 or 70

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Jul 3, 2013
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Update on this, through 86 team games Luis is batting .172/.253/.460 with 14 HRs in 195 PAs. .186/.263/.497 vs RHPs. We keep winning though so it's kinda fun, waiting to see when he'll wake up and uncork one.

Through 122 team games Luis Valbuena is batting .198/.283/.462 with 19 HRs in 312 PAs, .209/.292/.498 vs RHPs. But he won't get to 30 HRs this year as he's been replaced at the trade deadline by Chase Headley, who is only a little bit better but brings a different mix of skills. But he should pinch hit his way to a 20th HR.

Indrid Cold

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Jul 18, 2014
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70 also guarantees 70 runs scored and 70 RBI's ... I just feel you have to have more info. 70HR with a .200 batting average is a lot less impressive than 40HR with a .400 batting average.

Only been done once....Rogers Hornsby in 1922. George Sisler also hit over .400 that season in the same home park, but for the Browns instead of the Cardinals.

Rajah came damned close in '25 with 39 HRs and a .403 BA, and he only played 138 games that season!

Given the fact that he hit over .400 3 times and also had impressive power (while playing second base!), Hornsby should probably have at least 10% of the present day fame of Babe Ruth instead of sitting at maybe 0.1% by my estimation. Of course, offense was going crazy in baseball in the '20s and early '30s, so it was hard to stand out.

By most everybody's estimation, Rogers was a total jackass and his autobiography, "My War With Baseball", is one of the worst books I have ever read. He spent a few pages going over his career, which is what I really wanted to hear about, and then spent over a hundred explaining why modern (meaning 1950s era) ballplayers were so much worse than those from his time.
One quote of Hornsby's explains the man in a nutshell...later in his life, he had a girlfriend in Chicago he was using to hide money from his ex-wife. Rogers promised to marry her but never did, which didn't stop the lady from telling her friends that she was Mrs. Rogers Hornsby. Eventually, this unfortunate and delusional woman committed suicide by jumping from a building...Rogers was brought in to identify the body and his first comment upon seeing it was,
"Oh...she must have landed on her face."


Detroit Born and Raised
Apr 24, 2010
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Only been done once....Rogers Hornsby in 1922. George Sisler also hit over .400 that season in the same home park, but for the Browns instead of the Cardinals.

Rajah came damned close in '25 with 39 HRs and a .403 BA, and he only played 138 games that season!

Given the fact that he hit over .400 3 times and also had impressive power (while playing second base!), Hornsby should probably have at least 10% of the present day fame of Babe Ruth instead of sitting at maybe 0.1% by my estimation. Of course, offense was going crazy in baseball in the '20s and early '30s, so it was hard to stand out.

By most everybody's estimation, Rogers was a total jackass and his autobiography, "My War With Baseball", is one of the worst books I have ever read. He spent a few pages going over his career, which is what I really wanted to hear about, and then spent over a hundred explaining why modern (meaning 1950s era) ballplayers were so much worse than those from his time.
One quote of Hornsby's explains the man in a nutshell...later in his life, he had a girlfriend in Chicago he was using to hide money from his ex-wife. Rogers promised to marry her but never did, which didn't stop the lady from telling her friends that she was Mrs. Rogers Hornsby. Eventually, this unfortunate and delusional woman committed suicide by jumping from a building...Rogers was brought in to identify the body and his first comment upon seeing it was,
"Oh...she must have landed on her face."

The only thing I ever really knew about Hornsby was the numbers, which were impressive. If he played for the Yankees he would probably be a lot more famous and his story would have been a lot more "airbrushed". Hornsby does sound like a dick, maybe worse than Ty Cobb.

Indrid Cold

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The only thing I ever really knew about Hornsby was the numbers, which were impressive. If he played for the Yankees he would probably be a lot more famous and his story would have been a lot more "airbrushed". Hornsby does sound like a dick, maybe worse than Ty Cobb.
Hornsby's saving grace, other than his baseball talent, was his soft spot for kids.
Rogers worked for the Chicago Park District for many years running baseball camps after his managing days were over, and by all accounts he was great with the kids and really loved the work.
One can only imagine what Hornsby would have done in 1930 for the Cubs if he had been healthy...Rogers was getting a little old at 34, but he had roundly outhit Hack Wilson overall in 1929 and both men had 39 HRs. Hack went on to hit 56 in '30 while Hornsby's heel problems got really bad and he never put in a full season after that. 1930 was also the year Bill Terry hit .402 with 254 hits, Wilson had 191 RBI, Chuck Klein had 445 total bases and 107 extra base hits, etc.


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Apr 17, 2013
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But with that said, give me the dingers. Chicks dig the long ball.
NO... they dig a long DONG. Long balls actually freak them out a little. Please don't ask how I know this.

black francis

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8 retarded people participated in this poll


Feb 28, 2014
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70 homeruns is somewhat arbitrary. A guy like Joey Gallo could hit 70 and still not muster even a 4.0 WAR. It is a misleading number as far as it's potential impact goes. But if a guy hits .400 and gets enough plate appearances (502) to qualify for the batting title, then you know for a fact that he going to reach base a minimum of 200 times and in all likelihood will probably be more like 300 times on base.