C’mon shamu, we were on subject of be prepared...
it makes no difference the sport you are preparing for..
You have to sacrifice, condition yourself for the long haul ...
Does it matter the sport? Lol I never said anything about NBA players anyway so don’t even know where you got that from.
lol, and btw, this is what we did in spring training, baseball.
first day, got off plane right to clubhouse, pissed in cup, that nightie you got a knock on your hotel door you were sent home next plane, or put in program. Then you were weighed in, by the end of 1st day I lost 12 lbs, and why ?
you started of running the 4 ball fields 4 times.. then you lined up did 60 yard wind sprints and during dropped down and did squat thrusts and jumpin jacks... after that we did what was called a “circle jerk” we all ran in a big circle holding our gloves while line drives were fungoed at your head. And finally ended day running around the 4 ball field 4 more times. We hardly took BP or infield to get ready. Then went right into games played . You were not allowed to get a ride tofacilty which was a 20 minute walk, if you were caught using any form of transportation, you were fined, even a bike!
we literally had to use our arms to lift our legs out of bed in morning from the training. Then the geniuses had us lifting weight before going out to field.
They don’t do this in boot camp!
You still pretending to be a pro baller?