I'm just here to troll everyone
Right, and what people are trying to tell you is the calls aren't worse you're just WATCHING more, so you see more. They've been making around the same number of bad calls every year, you just didn't see them all. Because it's pretty much impossible to get it perfect, it's just assumed the refs will make a few mistakes every game, and it evens out over time.The only thing that makes things worse this season than others is this year I have the ability to watch all games, with the exception of the Nuggets.
I haven't gone the homer route and said the Celtics are getting screwed. And I haven't singled out any one team. Every game I've watch there are multiple missed calls, not just one or two, per game.
They do get graded and the refs that make too many bad calls get fired.
In addition, some of it is becuase refs can't call everything literally by the book or the game would suck. Travelling, for example, only gets called when it's egregious even though there are many more by the book travels made every game. Same with moving screens and incidental contact. It's that way with holding calls in football too, they could call holding every play but if they did the game would be ruined.