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2019-2020 Official Regular Season Thread


One day it will all make sense
Oct 8, 2016
Hoopla Cash
$ 77,957.12
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My whole Family is in California.

They jumped on the self quarantine bandwagon quickly.

So far, nobody in my family has it and that's out of 32 people.

Yea have a ton of family there and haven't heard anything of anyone getting anything

Considering I have five aunt's/uncle's and they're all married there and they've got two to three kids each....plus their kids..I might be close to your total there lol. Probably a couple shy

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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Should be easy since I already do that
Don't you just love the internet?

Immediately after telling @bksballer89 to stop wasting his time arguing with you, I engage in a multi-page argument with you?

Sure, sure.....

No hypocrisy here.....lol

thank you for the distraction.



I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
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Don't you just love the internet?

Immediately after telling @bksballer89 to stop wasting his time arguing with you, I engage in a multi-page argument with you?

Sure, sure.....

No hypocrisy here.....lol

thank you for the distraction.


What would we do quarantined without the internet?

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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What would we do quarantined without the internet?
Go crazy.

Here is a rundown of my waking hours...

FaceTime my kids, repeatedly....

Watch Slingtv....

Play videogames with my kid on XBox/Microsoft

Shoot the shit here....

Eat, drink, use the bathroom....

Rinse, repeat.

Outside of the restroom, none of those things would be possible without the internet.

Not even the food.

Everything is contactless ordering and delivering.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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"This is our busiest time of year," said Heyboer, who drove to Lansing for the demonstration dubbed "Operation Gridlock" because organizers said they wanted to gain attention by tying up traffic.

"I'd rather die from the coronavirus than see a generational company be gone."

Thousands converge on Lansing to protest Whitmer's stay home order

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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Jay Williams is all over Durant's dick.

No, the Dubs were never going to be Durant's team.


If people chanting MVP to Curry got KD in his feelings, that's a KD problem.

Nobody else's.

Dude is so SOFT.

Great player, mental midget.

I saw something last night -- and I'm not speaking for him (Durant) -- but for me, it kind of bothered me. Stephen Curry was on the free throw line (late in the third quarter) and granted Steph is an incredible player, he's MVP-caliber, two-time MVP. Take a listen to what the fans were cheering..."

The show then cut to a clip of the Oracle Arena crowd chanting "M-V-P! M-V-P! M-V-P!"

And that bothered Williams?

"It's like, 'OK, could this ever really be my team?'" Williams answered. "I feel like if you're a basketball player, you know that's Kevin Durant's team. But from the outside looking in, fans still see it as Stephen's team. And I don't care what anybody says, that has to sit with you in some kind of form or capacity.

Jay Williams blames media speculation for Kevin Durant leaving Warriors


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
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Fav. Team #3

Jay Williams is all over Durant's dick.

No, the Dubs were never going to be Durant's team.


If people chanting MVP to Curry got KD in his feelings, that's a KD problem.

Nobody else's.

Dude is so SOFT.

Great player, mental midget.

I saw something last night -- and I'm not speaking for him (Durant) -- but for me, it kind of bothered me. Stephen Curry was on the free throw line (late in the third quarter) and granted Steph is an incredible player, he's MVP-caliber, two-time MVP. Take a listen to what the fans were cheering..."

The show then cut to a clip of the Oracle Arena crowd chanting "M-V-P! M-V-P! M-V-P!"

And that bothered Williams?

"It's like, 'OK, could this ever really be my team?'" Williams answered. "I feel like if you're a basketball player, you know that's Kevin Durant's team. But from the outside looking in, fans still see it as Stephen's team. And I don't care what anybody says, that has to sit with you in some kind of form or capacity.

Jay Williams blames media speculation for Kevin Durant leaving Warriors
It was.always Curry's team. In the end it wasn't a big surprise KD left.

You're right he's emo as fuck. I can't see a team led by him and Kyrie having the mental fortitude to win a title.

DJ Fieri

Generic line for rent here
Supporting Member Level 3
Jun 26, 2014
Still stuck here in Nashville
Hoopla Cash
$ 25,440.69
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What did I miss while watching replays of old college football?

*Does what I do best, scroll through pages of comments to get caught up*


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Sitting at home safe and sound in your livingroom gives you the same distorted view.

So people sitting at home can't take in all of the information that is out there and form an objective opinion?

As for good news, there seems to be some evidence now that there is "herd immunity" with this thing.

Some are saying that may be why things haven't really gotten bad in California.

Apparently, some are thinking that this thing may have been here since November or December (apparently there were a lot of folks flying in from China at that time), but no one knew it existed, so everyone thought it was the flu. So, they treated it as the flu and moved on.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
More good news...

I went to Wal-Mart this morning and there was a shit ton of toilet paper (pun intended) there.

The last time I went, just 2 days ago, there was none.

If that doesn't show things are getting better, nothing will.

DJ Fieri

Generic line for rent here
Supporting Member Level 3
Jun 26, 2014
Still stuck here in Nashville
Hoopla Cash
$ 25,440.69
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So just to be clear, you're not being sarcastic...you think we are all doomed and will never get to a better place?

The news channels all say we're never gonna get back to normal.....trying to scare the fuck out of people so they panic and shit.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I'm astonished it isn't worse here in Arizona.

They just closed hair, nail salons and barber shops last Saturday.

Stay at home order was issued 3 days prior.

I actually eat down in a Dennys and Ihop to eat last week.

Unless things have changed drastically since the last time I was there...folks aren't stacked on top of each other in Arizona. In that respect, outside of LA and the Bay Area (and being a million times hotter) it's a lot like the rest of the West Coast. There's almost a natural "social distancing".

Also, if the "herd immunity" theory that I posted about is a real thing, you may have some of that going on since there is a lot of travel between Arizona and California.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I think the weather must stifle it some. Considering how many old people are in Florida you haven't seen the rash of deaths like other places. For California to be relatively ok is pretty remarkable.

And Florida has been pretty slow on dealing with this too.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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So people sitting at home can't take in all of the information that is out there and form an objective opinion?

As for good news, there seems to be some evidence now that there is "herd immunity" with this thing.

Some are saying that may be why things haven't really gotten bad in California.

Apparently, some are thinking that this thing may have been here since November or December (apparently there were a lot of folks flying in from China at that time), but no one knew it existed, so everyone thought it was the flu. So, they treated it as the flu and moved on.
Who said that?

I said it could be skewed from both points of view.

Just as people at home who see no destruction can think that's the way it is everywhere, same goes for People who see nothing death and chaos.

I don't find comfort in the power of positive thinking. Speaking shit into existence isn't gonna cut it in a pandemic.

As for Herd Immunity...


It could work.

It could be a game changer.

But, testing needs to be done to see if enough people carry the antibody.

Herd Immunity doesn't kick in unless over 50 %
of that particular community is immune.

That is a humongous amount of people.

Any Government that reopens based on the this premise is playing Russian roulette with their population.

Yes, it could end things much quicker than the slow trickle of self quarantine.

But, at what cost?

The problem with Covid 19 is the same as Swine flu, Ebola etc.

We just don't know enough.

When does a community reach herd immunity? It depends on the reproduction number, or R0. The R0 tells you the average number of people that a single person with the virus can infect if those people aren’t already immune. The higher the R0, the more people need to be resistant to reach herd immunity.

Researchers think that the R0 for COVID-19 is between 2 and 3. This means that one person can infect two to three other people. It also means 50% to 67% of the population would need to be resistant before herd immunity kicks in and the infection rates start to go down.

Herd Immunity
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Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Unless things have changed drastically since the last time I was there...folks aren't stacked on top of each other in Arizona. In that respect, outside of LA and the Bay Area (and being a million times hotter) it's a lot like the rest of the West Coast. There's almost a natural "social distancing".

Also, if the "herd immunity" theory that I posted about is a real thing, you may have some of that going on since there is a lot of travel between Arizona and California.

We have a long way to go before we can even begin to know if any of this is working. Social distancing, Stay at home orders, herd immunity...

They all offer possible solutions. But, we won't get definitive answers for awhile.

What does this mean for immunity in California?

We’re not “immune” in California, because we’re already starting to get antibody tests, and we don’t have a high rate of antibody prevalence in just the few tests that have been run. In the coming weeks, we plan to use our own Stanford tests to look at antibody levels, and we’re just not going to see very high levels. As devastating as this epidemic is, around the world we estimate that about 5% or less of people have actually been infected.

If you look at Johns Hopkins data, we’ve done more than 3m tests, and we’ve only found about 20% of those to be positive. But the people who have been tested are generally symptomatic. If you test more people, including those who are asymptomatic, you may find that the percentage is going to be on the order of 0.5% to 1-2% overall. That’s what we anticipate will be the case here. As time goes on perhaps that number will go up, but it’s not expected that number will go much higher because of shelter in place.

Herd immunity in California? A Stanford expert on why we're nowhere close


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Who said that?

I said it could be skewed from both points of view.

Yeah, but you've been getting on people who have positive attitudes about this thing for awhile though.

I get it. You have a double whammy. You have a loved one who is in a high risk category and you are on the frontlines. My wife, mother-in-law and best friend are all among the most vulnerable and I have a pregnant daughter who is on the frontlines too (and she's in Florida so I can't go over to her house and lock her in lol).

My best friend recently got sick enough that he had to go the VA and get tested...turns out he just had the regular ass flu. So, I feel like I understand at least a little of what you are going through.

But folks need to be allowed to point out the positives that do exist without being made to feel they're doing something wrong...especially when the overall numbers show reason for optimism.

If someone were trying to say that this should be over and all restrictions should be lifted right away. Then yeah, they need to be called out. Because you're right, that can get people killed. But I haven't seen anyone here suggesting that.

Additionally, sooner or later, we are going to have to start lifting restrictions and moving back towards some sort of normalcy. So there is also nothing wrong with starting to have conversations about what that might look like, how it might work and when it might start.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,454.21
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I just want to buy toilet paper, bread, and CDs without fearing infection. I'm perfectly fine with working from home, although I'd prefer a full paycheck of course...
You can buy toilet paper online on Amazon and they deliver


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
We have a long way to go before we can even begin to know if any of this is working. Social distancing, Stay at home orders, herd immunity...

They all offer possible solutions. But, we won't get definitive answers for awhile.

What does this mean for immunity in California?

We’re not “immune” in California, because we’re already starting to get antibody tests, and we don’t have a high rate of antibody prevalence in just the few tests that have been run. In the coming weeks, we plan to use our own Stanford tests to look at antibody levels, and we’re just not going to see very high levels. As devastating as this epidemic is, around the world we estimate that about 5% or less of people have actually been infected.

If you look at Johns Hopkins data, we’ve done more than 3m tests, and we’ve only found about 20% of those to be positive. But the people who have been tested are generally symptomatic. If you test more people, including those who are asymptomatic, you may find that the percentage is going to be on the order of 0.5% to 1-2% overall. That’s what we anticipate will be the case here. As time goes on perhaps that number will go up, but it’s not expected that number will go much higher because of shelter in place.

Herd immunity in California? A Stanford expert on why we're nowhere close

Yeah, like I said, it's a theory that some have. Nothing even close to definitive. Logically, assuming there is immunity after getting it, it would make sense.

However, it is also based on the assumption that a lot of people were infected and recovered before we even knew of it's existence. Even if that's true, we'll never know how many people were infected before we knew about it. Especially since so many never get sick.

Based on the current number of known infected in California, even if every one of them recovered and were immune, it still wouldn't be close to enough people to truly say there was herd immunity.