When is the last time I had any issues with LeBron?
I’ve never liked the Buckeyes.
Is there a law that says I have to?
So you've never liked Ohio State yet this is the first time I've ever seen you say that. I think that's funny.
As far as you asking when was the last time you've had issues with LeBron. Don't know. Stopped paying attention to that a while ago as for a time all you did was have issues with him. And you did have the phrase fuck lebron under your avatar for a while.
Gotta ask do you also hate the Browns, Indians, Bengals, Reds, Akron U., Kent St., Mount Union, Dayton, Miami of OH., Cleveland St., Ohio U., Bowling Green, Toledo, Youngstown St. & Oberlin? I would have mentioned more but those were the ones I could think of without looking up colleges in Ohio.