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2017 NFL Salary Cap Draft: CHAT


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.66
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I had one of the worst days I have had in years today!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.66
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Just looked at the teams, there are a few teams I really like so far... I wanna vote!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.66
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
What happened man...?

I woke up at 3:30 because I was having a dream I was walking with dead people. I couldn't fall back asleep so I laid there until about 8:00 then logged into my work computer and I had a fuck shit email from my boss calling me out on some shit! I don't take criticism well from bad leadership! Then at about 1:00 I went and got my car inspected and the first place I went the guy said he can't pass my car because my windows are too tinted...

Well, I went to another place and the guy was cool as shit, he didnt even do anything he just asked me if I had insurance and then gave me the passing paper. I then took that to the place to get the registration sticker for the car, took just a few minutes in there when I got back to the car it wouldn't start. Battery is fucked and oh did I mention the reason I left work early is because I had a doctors appointment that I now was not gonna be able to make because I sat and waited for my roadside assistance in the rain. Guy took 45 minutes to get there and jump the car which started right away but now for some reason the engine light was on.

I then drove to Advance Auto and bought a fucking $200 battery but couldnt change it because I couldnt get the post off the negative and it was raining like crazy so I was soaked! So, now I gotta have the car looked at! The reason I had the doc appointment is because when I had my yearly check up for work in July my blood pressure was crazy high and I don't have any meds for it. My busy season starts next week so I wont be able to get anytime off so it looks like I may go all winter living with a really high blood pressure...

Did I mention i've had a massive pressure headache all fucking day???

I need a new job!!!


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 168,223.71
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I woke up at 3:30 because I was having a dream I was walking with dead people. I couldn't fall back asleep so I laid there until about 8:00 then logged into my work computer and I had a fuck shit email from my boss calling me out on some shit! I don't take criticism well from bad leadership! Then at about 1:00 I went and got my car inspected and the first place I went the guy said he can't pass my car because my windows are too tinted...

Well, I went to another place and the guy was cool as shit, he didnt even do anything he just asked me if I had insurance and then gave me the passing paper. I then took that to the place to get the registration sticker for the car, took just a few minutes in there when I got back to the car it wouldn't start. Battery is fucked and oh did I mention the reason I left work early is because I had a doctors appointment that I now was not gonna be able to make because I sat and waited for my roadside assistance in the rain. Guy took 45 minutes to get there and jump the car which started right away but now for some reason the engine light was on.

I then drove to Advance Auto and bought a fucking $200 battery but couldnt change it because I couldnt get the post off the negative and it was raining like crazy so I was soaked! So, now I gotta have the car looked at! The reason I had the doc appointment is because when I had my yearly check up for work in July my blood pressure was crazy high and I don't have any meds for it. My busy season starts next week so I wont be able to get anytime off so it looks like I may go all winter living with a really high blood pressure...

Did I mention i've had a massive pressure headache all fucking day???

I need a new job!!!

That's some bullshit man! I'll say this, Kirsten has high blood pressure and it causes bad headaches when she doesn't take her blood pressure meds... I may be able to get you some if you want but I don't know how dangerous taking it would be if the dosage is too high or what have you... maybe go to an emergency, they might be able to get you a prescription... either way you need to get that taken care of, I know you know just reinforcing what you already know is all... also tell your boss to kiss my ass too when you find that new job... maybe look at a different profession with the same skill set if you're not liking other companies within the profession or the pay they're offering... if I've learned anything these last months it's being happy and healthy is what's most important... I do realize you just closed on a house so your situation has consequences that won't allow you to go Jerry McGuire on them... but I'm just saying look at different angles and that might get you the where you want to be... if I can help at all let me know... we have an extra bedroom here, a few extra bucks, some meds... whatever it is just ask and I'll do what I can brother...


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 506.35
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Femur is willing to trade down (he texted me). So if interested you can text me or if you don't have his number post it on here please....he said his internet connection sucks so a PM wouldn't be the best choice


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 168,223.71
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Femur is willing to trade down (he texted me). So if interested you can text me or if you don't have his number post it on here please....he said his internet connection sucks so a PM wouldn't be the best choice

Tell @femurov if I'd known he was going to select my next pick I would have traded the pick... :finger2:


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 168,223.71
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Hahaha HILARIOUS!!! My next 2 picks tyreek Hill & Sammy Watkins.. bastids! :tsk:


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 506.35
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I texted Femur


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,138.34
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
LT Jason Peters, $6,916,666