Special Agent
no the NBA needs to tell players can't go to the bench and talk to the coaches when they do reviews unless u want to burn a TO. There was no reason for a review that long. that is the main issue.Why is no one mentioning the clock situation after the 24-second shot clock expired?
Everyone is saying the refs screwed up giving the Cavs a free timeout? That's not the refs fault. The clock kept going for like 3 more seconds and they have to fix that. What do you want them to do? Guess the correct time? Just throw away 3 seconds?
Also... if you're going to mention LeBron not getting a tech... I'm gonna need an opinion on RJ getting a tech for that wink.
As for the last play by Durant. That was a foul. Looking at the replay, there was no shove in the back at all, but RJ stepped on his foot. I doubt you're ever gonna see that called in that situation, though, right or wrong.