Well-Known Member
That tech on horford might be the worst one I've seen since Crawford gave onee to Duncan for no reason.
lolTypical bullshit. When a player's agent meets with a team, it's the same as the player meeting with the team. In virtually every situation, the first meeting is always with the agent and not the player. The agent fields the offer/finds out the plan. If the agent feels it's a good enough offer/plan, that's when the player gets involved.
The sign that a guy doesn't take you seriously or has already made up his mind, is when he won't even let you meet with his agent. Lebron had a list of teams that he was willing to at least let make an offer...the Lakers were one of those teams.
If Lebron's agent felt the Lakers offer was good enough, Lebron would have met with the Lakers personally. Even with the storyline of Lebron returning home, it's unlikely that he was directly involved in the initial meetings with the Cavs. It's possible because of his history with the team. But the most likely scenario was Lebron sending his agent to meet with the Cavs and telling them what he wanted to return and his agent reporting back on whether or not the Cavs would be good with it.
So, the Lakers did exactly what I said they'd do. They presented the most attractive offer they could and hoped it was good enough. It wasn't, so they moved on.
Just admit you were wrong (like you claim you do) and move on.
Melo Over dribbles a lot in clutch spots.Avery Bradley probably just won the game with that turnover
Not true LBJ said Bulls were close where Wade and LBJ was going to the Bulls but they wanted Bosh and Bulls couldn't add Bosh thats why they picked Miami because could of done all 3.lol
LeBron never met with the Lakers because he was never going to go there...why would he have even considered them at that point?
He sent his agent to politely tell them to stop sniffing glue
Cmon- you cant possibly think its a serious meeting when THE ACTUAL PLAYER doesnt even bother to show up? Could you ever imagine a major free agent signing occuring in todays NBA without the PLAYER actually talking to ownership- ya think Chris Paul is gonna be like--- naw- its cool- i dont want to meet with anyone- lol.
cmon man....
you guys couldnt even win a battle with Milwaukee over Greg Monroe and you had a shot at LeBron? everyone knows LeBron never considered anywhere that wasnt Miami or Cleveland. At no point in time have the Lakers EVER had the slightest inkling of a chance to ever sign LeBron James.
LeBron never met with the Lakers because he was never going to go there...why would he have even considered them at that point?
He sent his agent to politely tell them to stop sniffing glue
Cmon- you cant possibly think its a serious meeting when THE ACTUAL PLAYER doesnt even bother to show up? Could you ever imagine a major free agent signing occuring in todays NBA without the PLAYER actually talking to ownership- ya think Chris Paul is gonna be like--- naw- its cool- i dont want to meet with anyone- lol.
cmon man....
you guys couldnt even win a battle with Milwaukee over Greg Monroe and you had a shot at LeBron? everyone knows LeBron never considered anywhere that wasnt Miami or Cleveland. At no point in time have the Lakers EVER had the slightest inkling of a chance to ever sign LeBron James.
We should of started a Christmas Day thread for the Games.