Well-Known Member
I will only respond to the recruiting. Number one, each of the schools you mentioned have IN STATE high school talent about 5000 times better than West Virginia, they recruit that talent agressively, and it becomes a state pride issue. Take a deeper look at their recruits, where they come from, and you will see the kids who stay close to home. Now, tell me how many 4 star and 5 star kids come out of West virginia? How many stay in state? Who was the last Heisman winner from West Virginia? Yes I agree, all of those schools, despite records, recruit and get top talent, and each of those schools have some serious facilities, great educational programs and local down time entertainment? WVU has less than average facilities, great educational programs and for local entertainment they offer couch burning 101, climb Coopers Rock, sled riding down 8th street, a handful of sleezy men's clubs and get drunk night(7 days a week), oh yes, the single largest number of fast food joints. Be honest BB, if you were a kid, and you were a good football player say from Texas, and you were being recruited by Texas and West Virginia, please, be honest, who would you choose? Having been on both campuses, and been in both facilities, and looked at the classrooms, transportation, housing, fun things to do, I tell you who's offer I would accept, Texas, even with my love of West Virginia, we just don't have what it takes yet. We joined the Big 12 without being ready for the jump to big time college football. The fans based it on occasional wins, not understanding a regular diet of upper class college programs was nothing we had to compare it too. We can hope all we want, but we better wake up to some serious deficiencies that will be a terrible mountain to overcome if we continue to lose. Once more, we continue to look forward with blinders, thinking small while being in a very large arena, and for those who think losing is somehow going to entice the top talent, well, I'm sorry, but it has to be too much moonshine in the veins. We have got to find a coach with driving force to not only lay out offensive schemes, but inspire players to greatness, to elevate beyond basic skill. Again, sorry, that man is not Dana Holgerson, and it never was. We need a coach of the caliber of Saban or Meyer. I have no clue if that personality is out there right now, but we need to search, long and hard, balance it not only by points and stats, but the personality and character to be a teacher, to scold equitably, but professionally. I don't mind emotion, But I have complete distain for out of control temper.
Could not agree more with you about facilities and the uphill battle WVU faces recruiting talent.