Mike Oxlodge
I'm better looking than U
If you dressed like an "Uncle Tom" police wouldnt harass you.
so its ok for black people....but not ok for white people...and youre implying im racist....we see your true colors shining through
you ever see the motherfuckers buying beer and smokes with ebt cards....oh yeah dude i need some papers too...huh huh
You had me going... Right up until I remembered you call me a racist because if presented with the choice, I'd go with a white QB's style of play if I want to win a Super Bowl...
EBT cards cannot be used to purchase smokes and booze. I don't care what your sister's heardresser's nephew says they saw at the piggley wiggley.
Posted: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 12:15 pm | Updated: 11:54 am, Fri Jun 29, 2012.
By Garrett Brnger Sentinel Staff | 133 comments
PETERBOROUGH — Jackie R. Whiton of Antrim had been a six-year employee at the Big Apple convenience store in Peterborough until a single transaction sent her job up in smoke.
The store clerk was fired after she refused to take a customer’s Electronic Balance Transfer card to pay for cigarettes.
A former employee of the Big Apple convenience store in Peterborough, Whiton was fired after she refused to accept Electronic Benefit Transfer cards as payment for cigarettes. She is now collecting signatures for a petition protesting how the state aid program is run, and plans to lobby the governor.
“Somebody told me to call Welfare Fraud and I said absolutely not. This is not fraud. They allow this to happen,” she said of the state.
or by heatwave
oh and heat the blue jays still fucking suck
then you have no f'ing clue who Malcolm X was and what he preached
i explained why i said "my people" nothing racist about my people being my family. the history of my family.. i didn't say the history of BLack people.. there's a difference.
you however bring in jesse jackson (because he is black) to make an example and that doesn't show racial overtones? you say you don't owe black people anything. that doesn't show racial overtones? that's where i say you're spewing hate and racism. it's becoming so common to you like down just said that you don't even realize what you say when you say it.. change is needed and that starts by looking in the mirror
then you have no f'ing clue who Malcolm X was and what he preached
"white" style of play...
above and beyond to make up for the past.. really? when black unemployment is less than what it is for whites. when blacks are incarcerated a higher clip than any other ethnic group. please Pete, it's fine to discuss race relations here in america because it helps to understand one another. but please don't try and comment on what's fair and not fair when you don't live in the skin of those oppressed. do you know what it's like to be followed around in a store. do you know what it's like to walk in a elevator and a white lady holds her purse a little tighter. do you know what it feels like to be stopped and frisked or stopped by police just because your black.. no. please don't take this the wrong way there is far from "equality" here in america. has it come a long way, hell yeah is it a equal oportunity country. hell no
Which is not at all what I said...
Your schtick is transparent...
I'd go with a white QB's style of play
___________True, but I can trade a case of beer and two packs of cigs for a grocery cart full of goodies. Happens all the time, unfortunately.
this shit is giving me a headache.. i am going to eat some cereal and then look for some tickets to tonight yankees blue jays game.. be back in a few.. bitches
EBT cards cannot be used to purchase smokes and booze. I don't care what your sister's heardresser's nephew says they saw at the piggley wiggley.