Well-Known Member
So fuck ya'll.
I'm drunk, and I don't want to hear any of your shit.
I'm drunk, and I don't want to hear any of your shit.
Big difference, BK and Gordon were going after a title.... when has Hamlin ever been in that situation???
You asked when was the last time Hamlin was in a position to win a title. I gave you what you asked.
Do you know how unwritten laws are handled?
I'm sure Brad will get his payback, no denying that, this is about the ridiculous thought of some race etiquette bullshit and how what Brad did 'no other racecar driver would ever consider doing'
Plain and simple it was good ole fashioned racing, nothing more nothing less. Is brad a dick for how he acts towards other drivers..... hell yes he is, doesn't make what he did in those circumstances wrong though.
I believe I covered that with this.... no doubt they will pay him back, but he still did what he had to do, bottom line. If he pissed Gordon off, yea well. Did he handle the post race BS with Gordon wrong, without a doubt, but shit happens and so does Gordon.
So which is it? There are unwritten laws about driver etiquette or there isn't? If there aren't unwritten rules, then why should brad expect anything in return?
Was he?
Get some new lenses on your fucking coke bottles, dude.
NASCAR is now sticking your nose where it doesn't belong and crashing a rookie on the last corner of the last lap because you don't have enough skill to race.
I also love that a driver who hasn't finished higher than third place this season and another driver that missed a fucking race even have a chance at a 'title'.
Dead Earnhardt fans and Harvick fans will stoop to any level to defend the embarrassing state of NASCAR these days.
You'e new to racing, aren't you?
Sure there are unwritten rules, but those rules aren't worth the paper they are printed on when your season is on the line with 2 laps to go.
Your talking about a track full of ego maniacs, and with a chance to win a race, the gentlemans agreement dont mean shit. Like I have said before, if you have a chance to win and now a chance to keep your championship hunt alive, that agreement means as much as someone telling you they would push you to the win at the Daytona 500.
They have no bearing in such a situation.
If you had the chance to win a race and keep your championship hopes alive, but in order to do so you would have to trade paint with lets say Dale Earnhardt.... you know you'd do it, any true racer would.
Those unwritten laws will have plenty of bearing on the situation going into the future when he can't catch a break among other drivers and finds himself incapable of being in the same situation again as a result.
His payback has nothing to do with this whole conversation..... I wouldn't give 2 shits if they stripped him down and tar and feather him
And the consequences were, he got the spot, finished higher than Gordon. So on that day and with that balls to the wall move, he was the better driver that day!!!
That's great logic, for people who are 16 years old and can't see the real consequences of their actions beyond the immediate future.
At any rate, any dumb ass can make that move in racing. Divebombing someone is the opposite of being a skilled driver.
Obviously you've been drinking or you don't shit about racing. Sober up, dude.
Which present drivers? Present drivers don't like or respect brad because of moves like that. The other people you mention are Nascar stooges.
As for the etiquette - it is enforced by other drivers, and if you can't handle someone pointing out the line has been crossed then I don't know what to tell you.
I can handle anything you can dish, so really aint a thing you can tell me. I was just trying to be respectful and say just call it agree to disagree....
But as i said etiquette and whatever other bullshit you can dig up dont mean shit in that situation. And who gives a damn, respect dont pay the bills!!!