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brian mclaren
New Member
I wont miss espn if we can get some game threads going on over here.

the ESPN board is still up.
Looks like they shut the board down early.
Don't know. They have a bookie board. Maybe it has something to do with that.We all got 500 V cash ?? under our post count. What is it?
It pays to visit mutiple sites. If 1 is slow the other just might pick up the slack. I get a lot of my Bears news from WCG. So I post there also. Scouts.com is pretty much set up like ESPN, with out trolls, but the posters there are hard core football fanatics.Good to be seen, same to you. I figure after looking things over I will try here and chicitysports for a little while and go with one or the other. Just play it by ear.
Yeah, Its virtual cash that can be used @ the bookie board. Only thing going on is baseball right now. But Ive got a hunch I will vist that board often come football season . Especially if they do college football. I'ts all for fun from what I read. Liking this site more & more.We all got 500 V cash ?? under our post count. What is it?
Yeah, Its virtual cash that can be used @ the bookie board. Only thing going on is baseball right now. But Ive got a hunch I will vist that board often come football season . Especially if they do college football. I'ts all for fun from what I read. Liking this site more & more.
Ya they got some real nice features and a good set up with all the sports. If the traffic picks up this board is gonna be much much better then bspn ever was.
Another espn refugee present and accounted for!
Um...There doesn't seem to be any GB trolls over here. I don't know if I'm going to know how to act without the constant stupidity being flung our way.
Won't be the same if Leo doesn't show up ( who else is gonna like my posts LOL). Would also to like to silverwulf & NCCfan also.Good deal BLH. Looks like a lot of the old crew has made it over. We need NCCfan now.
Another espn refugee present and accounted for!