Half Woke Member
Heard an excellent rant from him recently outlining why LIV needs the PGA but the PGA is doing just fine wihout LIV.
Where are the up and coming young players feeding LIV? There aren't any. The entire league consists of established players and has-beens.
Not sure where I stand on a player ditching out on the press after collapsing.
I did too.. just last night. McGinley was making a case for some sort of cooperative merger and Chamblee's stance was why should the PGA concede anything to LIV. LIV is the basket case. The PGA doesn't need a thing from LIV.
I understand and sympathize with Morikawa not wanting to do an interview. In fact he admitted that he was just pissed and disappointed and couldn't bring himself to do it. I get all of that. But his comment that he doesn't owe the press anything was misplaced. The press are just the public's window to those guys. So it's not the press he turned his back on, it was golf fans.