Let The Games Begin!!
yeah but we give him hell during the season
Well thats family luv for ya!..

yeah but we give him hell during the season
yea not the most polite either psych
Hey psych,
I noticed your av girl.
On her shorts, she's got a "V" down by her "V"
nice body art .. hell psych is tryin to put some class in our lives through art
nothing much cali .. its a dreary day here in the north land
nice body art .. hell psych is tryin to put some class in our lives through art
Well then, she's got a "V" painted by her "V"
Lookin great here misk (sorry)
The Mrs. and I are going out of town for the evening.
It's twenty years that we met at a nightclub where I was a bouncer, and she was there with a friend of hers.
The owners are friends of mine.
And they have a big anniversary party every year to mark the day they bought the place.
We go and party all night, spend the night at the hotel across the street.
They have bands playing all day, starting at noon. Free food being served all day, and so on
We meet a bunch of friends there. Only about an hour away.
Is that what that is.......
I thought it was pointing to the endzone!!!!
I wanna score and go for two damnit!!!
sounds like you should have fun congrats on the 20 years