@dare2be , you ok?
Florida woman spiked man's drink with cockroach spray after they met at a bar, authorities say
A Florida woman is charged with poisoning a man's drinks with Raid roach spray, causing him to become sick.www.foxnews.com
I'm feeling a lot better, thanks. I think I'll fully recover.@dare2be , you ok?
Florida woman spiked man's drink with cockroach spray after they met at a bar, authorities say
A Florida woman is charged with poisoning a man's drinks with Raid roach spray, causing him to become sick.www.foxnews.com
Pizza cures everythingCOVID is fucking gone .
Had I had Hawaiian in woulda been cured fasterPizza cures everything
would have burned upHad I had Hawaiian in woulda been cured faster
Yeah me too. I started reading the replies and I guess it wasn’t.I kept thinking it had to be a joke.