Mornin, Steeler Nation.
g-morning rie,,,,,I hope you are well today
good morning steeler fans and friends
mornin rie and ghost
Mornin, Rie.
Put some booze in your morning coffee. It'll make things more pleasant.
Net, I agree with you to a degree. Irresponsible corporations and banks have hurt our country badly, but those Occupy freaks aren't being realistic. You seen their "demands?" They want free EVERYTHING! And I actually saw one of those fuckwads taking a shit on the American flag. No, I didn't see it in person, or I would have beaten the corksacker to was in a photo, on one of the political threads a few weeks ago.
Communism has never worked, but that's what those people are asking for. Ain't gonna happen. What we need is to rein in the clean up capitalism, not replace it with a system that has failed everywhere it's been tried.
OK, sermon over...back to Steeler stuph...Coach Tomlin, DON'T RISK BEN IF YOU DON'T ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO ! ! !
What to do, What to do. Hmmmmmmmm
Good morning North
I left the Crown at home...![]()
Morning loc.
If I say
I want an overturn of Citizens United
I want an overturn of Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad
I want reinstatement of Glass Steagal, and 'overturn' of Graham-Bailey
I want a return to pre-2000 tax rates (yes, this impacts me 'negatively')
I want larger prison sentences for corporate criminals
I want an end to business subsidy unless it is for research only
I want any firm "too big to fail" immediately broken into smaller subcompanies
I want any firm bailed out in the last 4 years to have 100% transparent accounting/balance/etc sheets viewable in the public domain
I want a shift from supply side economics as a general govt policy (which the last 2 years has absolutely refuted)
does that make me a Commie ? A leech? I don't think I'm really asking for anything free. Because a lot of those ideas were original OWS tenants before it became corrupted by a lot of simpletons with nothing better to do.
Just asking.