Well-Known Member
you're not paying attention....the luck was the playoff run
year earlier Dallas went 13-3 and lost to Rodgers....13-3 meant very little in the grand scheme of things
The playoffs were luck even though they were the best team in the league from start to finish. We went 13-2 but all the sudden just the playoffs were luck even though they did nothing but win all year long.
Was the curb stomping V’s Minny luck too?
If the Patriots had won would that have been luck too because the week before the refs inadvertently took away a game clinching Jacksonville TD on D with a couple minutes left?
But please I beg of you to answer this one question for me...
If Dallas goes 13-2 this year, then wins the SB while beating a dynasty and I came on here saying, “Dallas only won the SB because of luck” how do you think you, Manster, Schmoop, Jarntt would respond. Honestly
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