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US ARMY retired /mod.
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I spent a year studying the rise and fall of the Third Reich. I suggest the intellectually paralyzed read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny by Alan Bullock and Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer for starters. One will discover the tactics used by the left are a stunning parallel to those employed 75 years ago. Hired goons, false accusations held up as truth, outright lies defended as truth and a press bought an paid for by the Reich. See, MSNBC, CNN, and other Soros backed and funded outlets and groups. Our failed education system has totally overlooked or glossed over this crucial section of world history.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ignored over 1.3 million cases of identity theft by illegal immigrants between 2011 and 2016.

so how many law abiding citizens have to suffer from this crime for open borders ?

identity theft is a very serious crime, and not a victimless one either. And many illegals would need to steal a Social Security number in order to work.

One recent case involved an illegal named Andres Avelino Anduaga who assumed the identity of an American citizen and stole over $360,908.85 in government benefits over a 37-year period.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Even though the IRS is able to easily identify undocumented workers who are using fake Social Security numbers, the agency chooses to look the other way – even when a valid Social Security number belonging to an American citizen is used to file a tax return and
Last year alone, the IRS discovered more than 1 million Americans whose Social Security numbers were stolen by illegal immigrants, but officials never bothered to tell the taxpayers themselves, the agency’s inspector general said in a withering new report released in August of last year. (2017)

The Center for Immigration Studies found that illegal aliens are not undocumented. They have fraudulent documents such as counterfeit Social Security cards, forged drivers licenses, fake “green cards,” and phony birth certificates. Experts suggest that approximately 75 percent of working-age illegal aliens use fraudulent Social Security cards to obtain employment.

Children areJennifer Andrushko’s 3-year-old son is one of those victims. His identity was taken by an illegal immigrant, who then used it to fraudulently obtain work and run up unpaid medical bills. prime targets. In Arizona, an estimated one million children are victims of identity theft.When Andrushko’s son was born, the Social Security Administration issued him a Social Security number that had already been used for years by an illegal immigrant. His credit, his medical history, his work history and his potential for being de nied future benefits were immediately corrupted.The illegal immigrant who created the fake Social Security number was arrested and placed on an immigration hold and yet released – twice. She runs free while the Andrushko boy’s Social Security number is tied to a criminal record.
The millions of victims include:

· A 9-year-old boy who was denied Medicaid because wages were reported on his Social Security number.

· A 13-year-old girl who was denied as a dependent on her family’s tax return because she supposedly made too much money.

· An 11-year-old girl and a 13-year-old girl whose Social Security numbers are being used by multiple people for work authorization.
nied future benefits were immediately corrupted.The illegal immigrant who created the fake Social Security number was arrested and placed on an immigration hold and yet released – twice. She runs free while the Andrushko boy’s Social Security number is tied to a criminal record.
Other consequences:

  • Illegal immigration and high levels of identity theft go hand-in-hand. States with the most illegal immigration also have high levels of job-related identity theft.
  • Illegal aliens commit felonies in order to get jobs. Illegal aliens who use fraudulent documents, perjure themselves on I-9 forms, and commit identity theft in order to get jobs are committing serious offenses and are not “law abiding.”
  • Illegally employed aliens send billions of dollars annually to their home countries, rather than spending it in the United States and helping stimulate the American economy. In October 2008 alone, $2.4 billion was transferred to Mexico.
  • Tolerance of corruption erodes the rule of law.
  • Most (98 percent) Social Security number (SSN) thieves use their own names with stolen numbers. The federal E-Verify program, now mandated in only 14 states, can detect this fraud. Universal, mandatory use of E-Verify would curb this and stop virtually 100 percent of child identity theft, the Center found.

more of the unspoken truth about what illegals do
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US ARMY retired /mod.
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There are six main drugs most commonly trafficked in the United States. In 2013, the percentages of drug trafficking offenses per drug were as follows:

  • Methamphetamine: 24 percent
  • Powdered cocaine: 24.1 percent
  • Marijuana: 21.5 percent
  • Crack cocaine: 13.1 percent
  • Heroin: 9.8 percent
  • Oxycodone: 4.6 percent
  • Other drugs: 3 percent
Drugs continue to pour into the country from numerous sources despite the efforts of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), law enforcement agencies, border patrols, and the United States government. Illegal drug abuse costs American society $181 billion a year in health care costs, lost workplace productivity, law enforcement, and legal costs. Prisons are overflowing with drug-related offenders, as 330,000 prison inmates in 2012 were incarcerated for drug offenses. Over 30 percent of all offenses in 2013 were related to drug trafficking, and 22,215 cases of drug trafficking were reported to the United States Sentencing Commission in the 2013 fiscal year.

The majority of drug trafficking offenders arrested in 2013 were Hispanic, at 47.9 percent, while 26.7 percent were black, 22.3 percent were white, and 3.1 percent were other races. Almost all drug trafficking offenders sentenced in 2013 went to prison, 96.3 percent, with an average sentence length of 72 months. Sentences varied depending on the type of drug trafficked, with the biggest penalties for crack cocaine and meth, and the lightest sentences for marijuana-related offenses

Most of the illicit drugs come into the United States across the vast 2,000-mile land border between the US and Mexico, called the Southwestern border or SWB. Drug cartels in Mexico utilize drug mules, tunnels, boats, vehicles, trains, aircrafts, donkeys, and couriers to get illegal drugs into America. Mexican drug cartels make an estimated $19-$29 billion a year on drug sales in the United States. Conflicts between drug cartels over territory as well as the attempts to stop drug trafficking by law enforcement officials often results in violence, and this has caused over 55,000 deaths since the proclaimed Mexican Drug War began in 2006.

  • Marijuana: Mexico is the number one foreign supplier of marijuana to the United States, and marijuana is thought to be the top revenue generator for Mexican drug cartels.
  • Cocaine: Mexico does not produce cocaine, however, Mexican cartels move Columbian cocaine through South and Central America and into the United States. An estimated 93 percent of cocaine headed to the US from South America moves through Mexico.
  • Methamphetamine: Mexico remains the biggest foreign supplier of methamphetamine to the United States, and Mexican drug cartels set up labs to manufacture meth on both sides of the border, controlling labs in Southern California as well as domestically.
  • Heroin: While Asia and the Middle East remain the biggest producers of heroin, Mexican black-tar and brown heroin is on the rise. In fact, 39 percent of heroin identified under the DEA’s Heroin Signature Program (HSP) in 2008 came from Mexico, making Mexico the source country for many of the heroin abusers west of the Mississippi River.
It is no surprise then that the top five districts sentencing drug trafficking offenders were on or near the SWB in 2013:

  • Western District of Texas: 1,587 sentenced drug trafficking offenders
  • Southern District of California: 1,426 sentenced drug trafficking offenders
  • Southern District of Texas: 1,279 sentenced drug trafficking offenders
  • District of Arizona: 1,162 sentenced drug trafficking offenders
  • District of Puerto Rico: 687 sentenced drug trafficking offenders
now these are the facts directly from our govts sources . no one can make the rational argument as a price of "doing bussiness " to allow so called " good illegals " in as with the ID theft post above they clearly show americans are suffering

this all has to do with trump hate . the same dems HELD trumps position yet mysteriously flipped flopped . the sad thing is people on this board KNOW it but choose to side with dems because of trump hate americans be damned


US ARMY retired /mod.
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people from over 150 countries enter our country illegally from our southern border . this isnt just a central and south american problem . illegals KNOW that is the weak spot


Jul 14, 2013
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I do, but I don't think what you suggested would do so. I'm open to wholesale amnesty, but, only at a cost- that cost being extracted on those that would be citizens. Not Americans. You don't get rewarded for breaking the law and cheating/circumventing the system.

So really... You just want to punish those here illegally even if they are productive members of society?

And thereby America as a whole...


Mar 12, 2015
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1. Who was quickly absolving the kids? Hell, there are still people, such as yourself, who are blaming them.

2. Do you have stats on how SYG has been applied in a biased fashion?

I think your racism is clouding your judgement.

pot meet kettle


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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I spent a year studying the rise and fall of the Third Reich. I suggest the intellectually paralyzed read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny by Alan Bullock and Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer for starters. One will discover the tactics used by the left are a stunning parallel to those employed 75 years ago. Hired goons, false accusations held up as truth, outright lies defended as truth and a press bought an paid for by the Reich. See, MSNBC, CNN, and other Soros backed and funded outlets and groups. Our failed education system has totally overlooked or glossed over this crucial section of world history.

That's so weird how people have said the exact same thing about Trump and the Trump GOP. Hmmmmmm....


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Jul 18, 2013
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I spent a year studying the rise and fall of the Third Reich. I suggest the intellectually paralyzed read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny by Alan Bullock and Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer for starters. One will discover the tactics used by the left are a stunning parallel to those employed 75 years ago. Hired goons, false accusations held up as truth, outright lies defended as truth and a press bought an paid for by the Reich. See, MSNBC, CNN, and other Soros backed and funded outlets and groups. Our failed education system has totally overlooked or glossed over this crucial section of world history.

And wouldn’t Soros know considering he basically played a part back then too?


The Scorpio
Dec 2, 2016
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So really... You just want to punish those here illegally even if they are productive members of society?

And thereby America as a whole...
No. That makes no sense.

Being granted amnesty would be a reward. They gain everything and have done nothing to earn it. Denyting that option isn't punishment.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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No. That makes no sense.

Being granted amnesty would be a reward. They gain everything and have done nothing to earn it. Denyting that option isn't punishment.
ebb is for open borders no matter how many americans are victims of their crimes . he might put up a lame defense saying he isnt but every policy he supports is either the SOS or is half ass at best . he is foolish enough to buy that illegals contribute far more then they take at less the minimum wage which doesnt pass the common sense test

its all about trump hate because the people he supports now are the same ones who wanted a wall before trump said he wanted it


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The ability to construct things like Manchu Pichu(sp?), the Pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge, etc.. And that is just scratching the surface. The mysteries of ancient mankind/history are mind blowing. Some of the things they have dug up over the years like ancient batteries as just one example. Please tell me you have some hint of what I am talking about in your head?

Yes I am very familiar with those references, however, there's a lot of mystery surrounding such structures and who actually built them. To attribute them strictly to early man is dubious at best, but without further evidence, that's all that we have to rely on at this point.


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Maybe we can charge some of this to the wall

Did you use the "hop" system when you served? I did, and never really paid a dime for air travel while using the system. Pretty sure there are a lot of federally elected members using the same system.

Oops!! did I just reveal something to the general public that I shouldn't have?:nono:
If so, anyone who has never served, this is fake news, got it? Fake news!! :D


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Not at all...but if you to be an asshole...the rest of us will be too.

Ironically, while it's an effort for me, some don't have to try!


The Scorpio
Dec 2, 2016
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ebb is for open borders no matter how many americans are victims of their crimes . he might put up a lame defense saying he isnt but every policy he supports is either the SOS or is half ass at best . he is foolish enough to buy that illegals contribute far more then they take at less the minimum wage which doesnt pass the common sense test

its all about trump hate because the people he supports now are the same ones who wanted a wall before trump said he wanted it

The denial of truth and logic in favor of partisan politics is frightening.


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I do not consider any of this a game.

A young woman from Iowa was murdered by an illegal Alien. That's too close to ME and my eldest daughter and my granddaughter. Cali is a sanctuary state? That's where my younger daughter lives. My town has lots of manufacturing, so many of my friends hold those kinds of jobs. And I believe Socialism is EVIL, and I believe many others feel the same way and would be willing to both die for their beliefs, and I don't know for sure, but I suspect many of them would be willing to kill anyone that came for their guns, or their religious freedom or their freedom of speech, and yes, for their money.

So this is not a game. Civil war is coming. Leftists hate guns, right leaning folk LOVE guns.

You do the math.

My daughter is an attorney in California, two of my grandkids are there with her while my son-in-law serves in the Coast Guard. An illegal alien comes from a world not called earth and your math is terrible. You might familiarize yourself with this...

Which disproves your simple theory that leftists and right leaning folks are uniformly one thing or the other.

BTW: whether there's a civil war or not, don't take for granted that gun lovers or pacifists who can shoot at a silhouette will be able to do the same when there's a live person in front of them. Killing changes you and leaves you with ghosts, ( war vets will get the reference) it becomes easier to do over time and with each one the cost to your humanity takes a hit. The largest and most dangerous segment in this country is its veterans, we've been there, done that!


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So against the military at the border because it is lazy? Do you mean effective?

Demand will go away in time if there is no supply.

Oh...I am all for that libertarian approach. Just as I am for allowing people to die who take them and making them pay their own medical expenses.

No, I meant lazy and stupid. Any real threat and there would have been zero need to pull them immediately after the election, right?

Demand creates a need for supply, not the other way around. Pile as many drugs in or around your home or mine and it's likely neither of us bothers with it. People use drugs liquid and otherwise for recreation and/or escape. Demand is increasing not going away, it will be here for as long as there are people.

You don't have to continue with the fake, "let them die" narrative, I get it, you're a tough guy.:pound:
Oh yeah, being the ONLY industrialized country in the world without some form of national health care is also smart because of what? It's anti-conservative because it costs more NOT to have it got it.
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