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Game Thread: Wisconsin vs. Kentucky


Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Read my post on page 22 that says Wisconsin played really well. Kentucky was simply better.

Love how you arbitrary said that the Michigan game was 1/10th as good. I guess I can say the Wichita State vs Kentucky game was 100 times as good as any other game ever in the history of sports since there is no way anyone can ever prove against that because it is an opinion.

You can think that all you want. The difference is that I'm not going to troll you by making up lies about Wichita played poorly or tell you to "STFU and take it like a man" (because only real men use the phrase STFU) if you say it. I enjoy sports at the highs and the lows. I enjoyed both tonight, and though I am sad about the result, I'm happy for the effort and grit we showed.

You experience no highs or lows. You are just a mentally challenged, weak, emotionless, troll who thinks that "getting laid" on a campus 300 miles from me will somehow ease the pain. If you were a real sports fan, or even a real passionate person, you'd get it. You'd get that it's tough to emotionally invest yourself in a great group of people who work their ass off, only to come up short when they fought like hell. You'd get that it's a solemn occasion, but also a happy one to see how far they've come and remembering the memories you made. You would understand that sports are a part of who were are and more than an arbitrary box score.

But you don't get it, because you don't sports. You are here to troll. It's a shame. And it makes me sick that when the Bears win the title, someone like you can act all happy when you didn't go through the emotional roller coaster ride to get there.

I'll get over tonight, and I'll go back to the highs and lows of fandom. At the end of the day, you'll still be a pathetic schmuck trying to find someone to bring down, and not realizing that the journey makes the destination all the more better.


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Jul 29, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You can think that all you want. The difference is that I'm not going to troll you by making up lies about Wichita played poorly or tell you to "STFU and take it like a man" (because only real men use the phrase STFU) if you say it. I enjoy sports at the highs and the lows. I enjoyed both tonight, and though I am sad about the result, I'm happy for the effort and grit we showed.

You experience no highs or lows. You are just a mentally challenged, weak, emotionless, troll who thinks that "getting laid" on a campus 300 miles from me will somehow ease the pain. If you were a real sports fan, or even a real passionate person, you'd get it. You'd get that it's tough to emotionally invest yourself in a great group of people who work their ass off, only to come up short when they fought like hell. You'd get that it's a solemn occasion, but also a happy one to see how far they've come and remembering the memories you made. You would understand that sports are a part of who were are and more than an arbitrary box score.

But you don't get it, because you don't sports. You are here to troll. It's a shame. And it makes me sick that when the Bears win the title, someone like you can act all happy when you didn't go through the emotional roller coaster ride to get there.

I'll get over tonight, and I'll go back to the highs and lows of fandom. At the end of the day, you'll still be a pathetic schmuck trying to find someone to bring down, and not realizing that the journey makes the destination all the more better.

Now you are just assuming. You have absolutely no idea how big of a Bears or sports fan I am. How upset I was when Peppers let John fucking Kuhn block him away from Rodgers and Chris Conte blow his coverage to let Randall Cobb become wide open on 4th and 8. And even though I know the Bears would have gotten rocked in the playoffs, it still would have meant something to be there and to beat the Packers team with Rodgers finally back. Why would I waste my valuable time on here if I was not a huge sports fan? Do you think I just love trolling people to get them upset? You will never see me on this board before 6 pm at the very earliest on any workday. Because I can never visit a site like this at work. So for me to take time out of the rest of the days and even some weekends to be here means I must love sports and discussing themwhether people agree or disagree with what others have to say. Ofcourse you were gonna be upset. But to me, you said something that I strongly disagreed with. You came on here and said what you said about Kentucky, about Michigan, and so on. You made it sound like it was some unbelievable fluke that Wisconsin could lose to Kentucky and that anyone else would lose by 20 points in the same game. But why do you feel the need to say that? Do you think it makes your great season any better? Do you think people are going to believe that Wisconsin was unlucky to not win the National Championship?

The Crimson King

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Feb 8, 2010
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please, i want to be on whatever drugs you are on right now. Because you are hallucinating REALLY BAD (which actually is really awesome) if you still believe that.

you guys are being trolled by smart. :lol:


Nov 22, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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I disagree. The school is one business and cbb is another. Once you separate the two, you find UK is pretty good in both.
But you cannot separate them.


Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Now you are just assuming. You have absolutely no idea how big of a Bears or sports fan I am. How upset I was when Peppers let John fucking Kuhn block him away from Rodgers and Chris Conte blow his coverage to let Randall Cobb become wide open on 4th and 8. And even though I know the Bears would have gotten rocked in the playoffs, it still would have meant something to be there and to beat the Packers team with Rodgers finally back. Why would I waste my valuable time on here if I was not a huge sports fan? Do you think I just love trolling people to get them upset? You will never see me on this board before 6 pm at the very earliest on any workday. Because I can never visit a site like this at work. So for me to take time out of the rest of the days and even some weekends to be here means I must love sports and discussing themwhether people agree or disagree with what others have to say. Ofcourse you were gonna be upset. But to me, you said something that I strongly disagreed with. You came on here and said what you said about Kentucky, about Michigan, and so on. You made it sound like it was some unbelievable fluke that Wisconsin could lose to Kentucky and that anyone else would lose by 20 points in the same game. But why do you feel the need to say that? Do you think it makes your great season any better? Do you think people are going to believe that Wisconsin was unlucky to not win the National Championship?

I said Kentucky shot and played really well. Better than normal, even. I also said that we did as well. I'm not sure where you are getting that I think they are in any ways a fluke.

The troll crew was saying Michigan had played Kentucky as well as we did. That by itself is ludicrous. The quality of the shots Kentucky had to make (often contested) was much higher tonight. We are a much better defensive team than Michigan, and have been all year. And on offense, we executed extremely well.

But its one thing to have ludicrous opinions. It's quite another to have the Troll Crew come up with a ridiculous statement and then have the audacity to call out ME for saying you were wrong and telling me to "STFU and take the loss like a man." That's just fucking pathetic. And no sports fan would ever tell another sports fan "oh, you feel sick that your team lost...go out and get laid." It's sort of like telling someone to get laid after their Grandma died. A real sports fan would understand a loss is a somber occasion, and that wasn't just any loss. We had the national title in our hands for a great group of kids and a coach who deserves it more than anyone.

And as much as pains me to say it, I expect pieces of shit like you to somehow tell me next year how Bo Ryan is a "complete failure" because he "lost to an 8 seed." It seems to be par for the course for scum like you.

SEC Official

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I will chime on the Zona vs. Wisky debate since I have no love loss for either team...

To any objective basketball fan, the calls at the end of the zona game and tenn game were aweful. Does that mean Tenn or Zona would have won? In the case of Zona, probably because it was a free-throw shot if the foul was called properly. For Tenn, it was 50/50... as Stokes is so unpredictable.

So sure, Wisky/Michigan fans will claim the calls were valid. Zona and Tenn fans will claim they were the worst calls ever. Both sides are wrong...but I think Zona fans in particular are closer to the truth as they were bad call, but not the worst. They were only the worst in respect to timing because it was such a crucial part of the game.

Anyway... that is my 2 cents which I think is worth more than a fan of one team or another.

Zona got shafted and likely would have won or sent the game to OT... Tenn sucked but was a 50/50 IMO and they could have easily still lost.


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Jul 13, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I said Kentucky shot and played really well. Better than normal, even. I also said that we did as well. I'm not sure where you are getting that I think they are in any ways a fluke.

The troll crew was saying Michigan had played Kentucky as well as we did. That by itself is ludicrous. The quality of the shots Kentucky had to make (often contested) was much higher tonight. We are a much better defensive team than Michigan, and have been all year. And on offense, we executed extremely well.

But its one thing to have ludicrous opinions. It's quite another to have the Troll Crew come up with a ridiculous statement and then have the audacity to call out ME for saying you were wrong and telling me to "STFU and take the loss like a man." That's just fucking pathetic. And no sports fan would ever tell another sports fan "oh, you feel sick that your team lost...go out and get laid." It's sort of like telling someone to get laid after their Grandma died. A real sports fan would understand a loss is a somber occasion, and that wasn't just any loss. We had the national title in our hands for a great group of kids and a coach who deserves it more than anyone.

And as much as pains me to say it, I expect pieces of shit like you to somehow tell me next year how Bo Ryan is a "complete failure" because he "lost to an 8 seed." It seems to be par for the course for scum like you.

My God are you a gigantic tool. Every game Kentucky has played this tourney has been an instant classic yet you are going to dissect last second win after last second win and declare that the game with YOUR team is 100 times better than the rest.
We have a homer sighting in aisle 5 here people. Can't miss him hes the guy in all red with a foam cheesehead shoved up his ass.

And just to be a dick Bo Ryan sucks


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Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wisconsin played poorly against Arizona and still won; a mark of a very good team. Kaminsky had a tough night against the Kentucky bigs and that was to be expected. Kentucky did what I stated they would do and that was not allow Kaminsky to roam around the paint with the ball. Arizona is no where near the team that Kentucky is and had Wisconsin hit a few outside shots, they win by 20. Kaminsky was forced to pass it back out and the other players did an excellent job and almost won the game. Bo Ryan had a good game plan and it worked. Andrew Harrison, again, made a shot that normally does not fall. Good for him...Kentucky wins and Wisconsin did not lose; they were beaten by a very timely shot; so congrats to Wisconsin for a great season and congrats to Kentucky for growing up at the right time.


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Jul 13, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I mean, the last time we played, our team shot terribly, including 3-11 from our only Senior, and still beat you by 13 in your own house. But if you feel confident based on your seven point win when we were in the middle of a slump where we lost to Northwestern, go right ahead.

If I were you, I'd savor that one, too. Without it, aren't you like 2-18 in your last 20 against Wisconsin?

Again....you are a gigantic tool. I cannot even begin to count everything that is wrong in this post. I hope you had a good cry last night because it sure seems like you did here.

Just to be a dick part 2....Kaminsky is a joke who got exposed last night


Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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My God are you a gigantic tool. Every game Kentucky has played this tourney has been an instant classic yet you are going to dissect last second win after last second win and declare that the game with YOUR team is 100 times better than the rest.
We have a homer sighting in aisle 5 here people. Can't miss him hes the guy in all red with a foam cheesehead shoved up his ass.

And just to be a dick Bo Ryan sucks

Yes, because I'm totally the one who started the Michigan-Wisconsin debate...

According to you, we are better. You were the one who insisted that Wisconsin giving 2005 UNC their toughest game in the tourney in the Elite Eight didn't mean anything. Circumstances be damned, Bo lost before the Final Four so he was a compete failure who will never make the Final Four.

But now the circumstances are reversed, and we are the ones in the Final Four. Why aren't you fucking defending us a better team than Michigan? We made the Final Four and you didn't. That's all that matters, right?

We both know the answer. It's because you are a hypocrite troll. It is sad that we finally have a functioning College Basketball forum and it is overrun by the worst posters on the fucking site.


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Jul 13, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Kentucky vs Wisconsin:
29-58 (50%)
2-5 from 3 (40%)
14-21 FT (67%)

Kentucky vs Michigan:
31-58 (53%)
7-11 from 3 (64%)
6-11 FT (55%)

The last 3 Harrison hit vs Michigan was just as far as the one tonight and even better guarded by LaVert who literally had his hand covering Harrison's face.

STFU and take the loss like a man.

Post of the day right here


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Jun 27, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wisconsin played poorly against Arizona and still won; a mark of a very good team. Kaminsky had a tough night against the Kentucky bigs and that was to be expected. Kentucky did what I stated they would do and that was not allow Kaminsky to roam around the paint with the ball. Arizona is no where near the team that Kentucky is and had Wisconsin hit a few outside shots, they win by 20. Kaminsky was forced to pass it back out and the other players did an excellent job and almost won the game. Bo Ryan had a good game plan and it worked. Andrew Harrison, again, made a shot that normally does not fall. Good for him...Kentucky wins and Wisconsin did not lose; they were beaten by a very timely shot; so congrats to Wisconsin for a great season and congrats to Kentucky for growing up at the right time.

Wisky hit right around their average from 3. Not sure how anyone could watch them game and say Wisky could have won by20. Harrison has hit that shot 3 games in a row. The game winner vs Wisconsin being the easiest of the 3. 19-20 at FT kept it very tight. Key stats were 2-5 from 3 for UK. They just did not settle for 3s. 8 vs4 in turnover game. Amazing that UK only turned it over 4 times


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Jul 13, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yes, because I'm totally the one who started the Michigan-Wisconsin debate...

According to you, we are better. You were the one who insisted that Wisconsin giving 2005 UNC their toughest game in the tourney in the Elite Eight didn't mean anything. Circumstances be damned, Bo lost before the Final Four so he was a compete failure who will never make the Final Four.

But now the circumstances are reversed, and we are the ones in the Final Four. Why aren't you fucking defending us a better team than Michigan? We made the Final Four and you didn't. That's all that matters, right?

We both know the answer. It's because you are a hypocrite troll. It is sad that we finally have a functioning College Basketball forum and it is overrun by the worst posters on the fucking site.

After reading most of yours I agree 100%

MI Nightmare

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Apr 19, 2013
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I'm sorry, but if Kentucky shot like they did against us last weekend, they beat Michigan by 20. They had uncontested shot after uncontested shot against the Wolverines. Their shots were contested all night against us. They went 6-11 on FTs against Michigan (the only shots you an fairly compare). If they shot 54% at the FT line tonight, I'm out celebrating, not feeling like I got punched in the fucking gut.

The Badgers were clearly better. I'm not a Great Dayne fan, but if you don't see that, you don't fucking know basketball.

And if Michigan shot like they did most of the season, they hold that lead against Kentucky and beat them by double digits.

There seem to be a lot of "ifs" going around as more teams drop from the picture.


Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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After reading most of yours I agree 100%

You could not have proved my point any better. I call you out for blatant hypocrisy and trolling with a specific example, and this is your retort.

I guess you could always say "I can't even begin to count the amount of things wrong with this." That seems to be your typical response, and it's actually funny because it is true. You can't "begin" to count to zero.


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Jun 27, 2013
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And if Michigan shot like they did most of the season, they hold that lead against Kentucky and beat them by double digits.

There seem to be a lot of "ifs" going around as more teams drop from the picture.

That is way off from the prior poster, UK shot better against Michigan. They shot a higher percentage and they took far more outside shots. UK shot 50% of the field vs Wisky (53 vsMich), but very few shots were outside of the paint


Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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And if Michigan shot like they did most of the season, they hold that lead against Kentucky and beat them by double digits.

There seem to be a lot of "ifs" going around as more teams drop from the picture.

You are missing the point. We are debating Wisconsin's performance against Kentucky versus Michigan's. Kentucky shooting better against us (not based off of percentages, which are affected by defense, but actually making a greater percentage of similar looks) has nothing to do with how we played or you played. You shooting poorly has everything to do with your performance that game.

That post was not saying Wisconsin was better than Michigan this year. Do I think we were? Yes. Have I said it in other posts? Sure. But the 20 point win line deals directly with how we played versus Kentucky and how you did. And you actually missed the shots. It's not a controlled variable. It's just a result.


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Jun 27, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You are missing the point. We are debating Wisconsin's performance against Kentucky versus Michigan's. Kentucky shooting better against us (not based off of percentages, which are affected by defense, but actually making a greater percentage of similar looks) has nothing to do with how we played or you played. You shooting poorly has everything to do with your performance that game.

That post was not saying Wisconsin was better than Michigan this year. Do I think we were? Yes. Have I said it in other posts? Sure. But the 20 point win line deals directly with how we played versus Kentucky and how you did. And you actually missed the shots. It's not a controlled variable. It's just a result.

I would love to hear how UK shot better vs Wisky than Michigan.


Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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I would love to hear how UK shot better vs Wisky than Michigan.

Shooting 50% against contested shots, even if they were closer to the hoop, is much better shooting than making 53% of open shots. I posted the UK-UM highlights. Count the open shots. You'll see more in the little snippet than there were all of last night.


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Jul 13, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You are missing the point. We are debating Wisconsin's performance against Kentucky versus Michigan's. Kentucky shooting better against us (not based off of percentages, which are affected by defense, but actually making a greater percentage of similar looks) has nothing to do with how we played or you played. You shooting poorly has everything to do with your performance that game.

That post was not saying Wisconsin was better than Michigan this year. Do I think we were? Yes. Have I said it in other posts? Sure. But the 20 point win line deals directly with how we played versus Kentucky and how you did. And you actually missed the shots. It's not a controlled variable. It's just a result.

Just so we are clear on this....IF Kentucky shot as well against Michigan as they did against Wisconsin its a blowout but then the IF we shot like we do all year we win argument is disputed because we didn't. So your IF argument is valid and the Michigan fans IF argument is mute. Ok got you now.

Bottom line....BOTH teams ran into a buzzsaw that is Kentucky right now. BOTH teams took them to the wire. BOTH teams lost on an out of this world 3 pointer from Harrison.
The only difference I see here is the Michigan fans for the most part have no shame in the loss and are not coming up with this reason or that reason to justify the loss. I'm not. I see most of the Badger fans are making good points and being classy. You on the other hand are the stereotypical Badger fan that has out of this world thoughts on your team. They are so much better than everybody, we deserved that win, we are great, Bo is great blah blah blah. While some of that may be true, your homerism in your posts makes you look like an ass. Man up say you got beat by a better team because you did and quit trying to justify your place in the college basketball landscape. Wisconsin is a good team we all know it but don't try to say YOUR team is that much better then the 2 other great teams Kentucky just beat in identical fashion because of what you view from your homer chair as a better effort from your team.