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politics thread

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Sportster 72

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Native Americans are not native to the US.

Indigenous peoples on this continent do not exist.

Nothing before the word American.

"It is not definitively known how or when the Native Americans first settled the Americas and the present-day United States. The prevailing theory proposes that people migrated from Eurasia across Beringia, a land bridge that connected Siberia to present-day Alaska during the Ice Age, and then spread southward throughout the Americas and possibly going as far south as the Antarctic Peninsula. This migration may have begun as early as 30,000 years ago[15] and continued through to about 10,000 years ago, when the land bridge became submerged by the rising sea level caused by the ending of the last glacial period.[16] These early inhabitants, called Paleoamericans, soon diversified into many hundreds of culturally distinct nations and tribes.

The pre-Columbian era incorporates all period subdivisions in the history and prehistory of the Americas before the appearance of significant European influences on the American continents, spanning the time of the original settlement in the Upper Paleolithic period to European colonization during the Early Modern period. While technically referring to the era before Christopher Columbus' voyages of 1492 to 1504, in practice the term usually includes the history of American indigenous cultures until they were conquered or significantly influenced by Europeans, even if this happened decades or even centuries after Columbus' initial landing."

10,000 to 30,000 years is some pretty serious squatters rights. :D Similar things could be said of any country or continent in that amount of time.

Still we have the same problems that BLM is saying "people of color" have. I still like my idea of the Redskins and Chiefs kneeling since IP's are not wholly American. Maybe Sam Bradford too since he is part Indian. I just think this stuff should be fair across the board. :thumb:


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Nope conversation is over. You won't answer questions and then make the most absurd statement ever.

You would rather never go ahead in the game than give Rodgers time to beat you. Get a book on statistical analysis, read it, and then have a third grader explain it to you.

you agree with one of the worst calls ever. What is absurd? You have no idea about strategy and situational play calling. You are all about stats. it s nice you finally admit that b/c you have no idea on how a game should be called. You are defending one of the worst play calls of the year. You need serious help gk.


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Little is reported about this matter and it seems to be as bad if not worse than that experienced by people "people of color" as some of my fellow posters say.

A lot is made of or seems to be made of white cops killing blacks folks, Native Americans are more likely than blacks or any other ethnic group in America to be killed by police.

I once had an exam paper written by a girl who was in college about what she felt was a key underlying issue as to why blacks and Native Americans seem to have more issues with police than other groups. She touched on poverty, living in crime laden areas where police are habitually late when called and a few other factors. The issues she focused on though were that of all the various ethnic groups that make up America. African Americans and Native Americans were the only groups to have their way of life seriously fractured and/or destroyed as well as having their own cultures/history literally erased from the annuals of American history due to. Blacks being the only group that was forcibly transported to America as property to work as slaves. While Native Americans are the only group in America that had their land forcibly taken away from them by what amounts to an overwhelming and unrelenting invading force.

It got into psychological possibilities about how both blacks and NAs view the police/law enforcement agencies all of whom have been historically and overwhelmingly white. As well as how those agencies have historically viewed blacks and NAs.

It was very interesting and in ways very sad. As throughout our country's history the theme of always keeping them (blacks n NAs) in their place in a multitude of ways has always been present. That was in part where her conclusions led her to believe.


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you agree with one of the worst calls ever. What is absurd? You have no idea about strategy and situational play calling. You are all about stats. it s nice you finally admit that b/c you have no idea on how a game should be called. You are defending one of the worst play calls of the year. You need serious help gk.

Nope. You have lost the right of speaking to me on this. Nobody agrees with you on this site. The made up voices in your head do not count as Dallas fans.


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@Sportster 72 I know it was black people that started the reference to "People of color" but it has to some extent come to encompass the non Caucasian groups in this country that are actively or passively treated as second class and some what undesirable in our society. And to a degree all these groups hae a sort of collective DHall syndrome. Blacks dont really get involved when Latino's are treated like crap because they are Latino's. Neither group really says jack about the substandard conditions NAs have endured for generations at this point.

Sad part is, if all three groups plus Asians, Indians and Muslims in this country all came together under one voice... they would be branded terrorists.

Sportster 72

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@Sportster 72 I know it was black people that started the reference to "People of color" but it has to some extent come to encompass the non Caucasian groups in this country that are actively or passively treated as second class and some what undesirable in our society. And to a degree all these groups hae a sort of collective DHall syndrome. Blacks dont really get involved when Latino's are treated like crap because they are Latino's. Neither group really says jack about the substandard conditions NAs have endured for generations at this point.

Sad part is, if all three groups plus Asians, Indians and Muslims in this country all came together under one voice... they would be branded terrorists.

All us white folk are singing "everything is beautiful." :trash:

Actually all of these posts were meant to be tongue in cheek. Way back in the day when a bunch of us left the sinking Fat Rat and came here we collectively decided how we would like to see the forum operate. As time goes by I have been watching it slowly erode. Yep I am the whiner ... or weiner. Why? Because I am the one standing up (IMO) for those things we agreed on several years ago.

We had a vote on how to handle this non-football stuff. I was told to not read in the "Off Topic" threads if I didn't want to read about politics and social issues. Well I come on yesterday and here it is NOT in the Off Topic thread. Am I going to be told NOT to read in the general forum now?

Anyhow these posts were just me protesting the protests. :D

Have a nice day and as I said way back in the beginning this flag shit ain't going to work.

I am done stirring the pot ..... for now. :dhd:

Sportster 72

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No worries, you have put me in my proper place. Glad to see that. :suds:


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No worries, you have put me in my proper place. Glad to see that. :suds:

i just read the Hall thread & see that is what set you off

but he is a member of this team ... you do not think people might want to talk about him here ?

and @skinsdad62 has already posted he plans on merging the threads once it plays out

Sportster 72

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what thread are you talking about ?

Krush feel free to delete those three threads. I really just got in tune with my inner Irishman where what is good for one is good for all. Unlike DHall maybe I have not matured .... maybe that is a good thing for someone of my advanced age. :D As I said it was all tongue in cheek stuff meant to get a rise out of someone ... anyone.

Sportster 72

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i just read the Hall thread & see that is what set you off

but he is a member of this team ... you do not think people might want to talk about him here ?

and @skinsdad62 has already posted he plans on merging the threads once it plays out

I agree that he is a member of the team but I do not see any discussion of X's and O's, 40 times, blitz pickups ... I think you guys nailed and it was even in the original post that maybe it should have been an Off Topic thread.

I really don't care if you guys want to talk about this I just really like that I know if I choose door #2 or door #3 I know what I am getting into. Then you can tell me to stay the hell out if I don't want to read it. :suds:

Sportster 72

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Anyhow, I am done. I said what I wanted to say. I have always said it is everyone's forum. I like that for the most part we have acted in a democratic way. You can't please everyone. Believe I am well aware of that, I have a string of ex-wives and formerly owned homes to prove that. :hurt:


US ARMY retired /mod.
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again as soon as this thread plays out i will merge it with OTL thread . i will not delete anyones response


US ARMY retired /mod.
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deans hype on things is foolish . worst call ever ? really ?


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All us white folk are singing

For the record I try not to use that term. For me its kind of come to have the same intent as the negative connotations used to describe Blacks, Hispanics, Indians (from India Indians)\. Other than that, rock on Richard. :D

Sportster 72

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For the record I try not to use that term. For me its kind of come to have the same intent as the negative connotations used to describe Blacks, Hispanics, Indians (from India Indians)\. Other than that, rock on Richard. :D

Yeah it was again one of those tongue in cheek things. Amid all of the serious issues in life we all need to have the ability to laugh at ourselves as well as to tease others without malice. I think that is where the PC police got it wrong. A little well intentioned but not mean spirited humor is good for us all.

I often have a very dry sense of humor which probably does not translate well online.

Richard rocking on here .... :hardy:


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Nope. You have lost the right of speaking to me on this. Nobody agrees with you on this site. The made up voices in your head do not count as Dallas fans.

made up? lol. Keep telling yourself that. This site trumps all? lol. So you are saying everyone on this site agrees with the 2 and 1 play call?
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