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Good News for Heat fans: Lakers prefer Rondo over Goran

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True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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i justhate Scott in charge of a rebuild because he does not connect with todays young players and he is a stubborn old school guy that has really rejected the move towards more advanced metrics. e is just not the guy I would want my young guys being developed by- i saw him try and dothat in cleveland with a lot of high ceiling talent and he did a terrible job.
I don't agree - He connected real good with Chris Paul and the others when he coached the New Orleans team in Oklahoma. Go back and read the many good things Chris and the others have said about him and his development

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I still will take Scott over D'antoni - atleast he Scott talks like a man and doesn't ramble.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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good lord - i was just looking at team stats- and Minnesota is just historically bad defensively-

the 3 worst teams in basketball field goal percentage wise are the 28 Lakers, 29 orlando and 30Minne---- now Orlando and the Lakers are close to the other poor teams at .464,.466...i mean Toronto is a good team and are at 27 and .462......new yokr and detoit at 26 and 25 at .460 and .456....

Minnesota is at .486!!!! that laps the field in how bad it is....

if you play minnesota you shoot .486%!!!!!! that is unreal to me...

Yeah, that defense of theirs is making it really hard for the Lakers to catch them in the tank standings. :lol:


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I might be crazy, but I though Byron Scott was a huge upgrade over D'antoni who was the anti-defensive coach. A defensive minded approach to the game takes time to develop and it will take a few years to gradually collect players who will buy into that system. Obviously Jeremy Lin and Carlos Boozer are not among them and Swaggy needs to be traded

personally i thought Scott was going to bringa defensive mind set- but the Cavs were dead last in field goal percentage with him- I know they did not havea ton of talent- but i expected more than being dead last.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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lol.....maybe it was not all love....i mean, holy crap dude, ! almost 49% field goal percentage for the opposing team? ----that has to be historically bad.....of course- they DO have Ricky Rubio- which artifically deflates all other teams defensive metrics so they do have that going against them....lol

Rubio makes Steve Nash look like 1st team all defense (and I mean current Steve Nash too :lol:)


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Apr 17, 2013
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lol.....maybe it was not all love....i mean, holy crap dude, ! almost 49% field goal percentage for the opposing team? ----that has to be historically bad.....of course- they DO have Ricky Rubio- which artifically deflates all other teams defensive metrics so they do have that going against them....lol

It def was just not Love.

However, that is why I said pretty much all of Love's TWolves stats were pretty meaningless.
Points are much easier to get when then are in meaningless games and or garbage time.

Many T Wolves games basically turned into pre season type intensity.


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Rubio makes Steve Nash look like 1st team all defense (and I mean current Steve Nash too :lol:)

i meant more that Rubio is an awful shooter and makes opposing defenses look good- I read a long article that made a lot of good points that demonstrated Rubio was the worst shooter of the last 50 years in the NBA for a guy that got substantial run.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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personally i thought Scott was going to bringa defensive mind set- but the Cavs were dead last in field goal percentage with him- I know they did not havea ton of talent- but i expected more than being dead last.

Depends on the talent they had. You have to remember, it's harder to play defense than offense, so it takes longer to learn how to play defense at the NBA level.

Kyrie is a good example. He has become a good defender because of what he has learned over his 4 years in the league. Pretty much all of these guys come in able to score, but they don't have good defensive fundamentals.

Scott was teaching defensive fundamentals, but it takes a couple of seasons for most guys to start showing it. When you add to that, a lack of talent, it makes it look worse than it is.


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and thats the thing Trjoan---- i dont like bad mouthing Scott because i liked him as a person- but Scott had 3 years here- the Cavs brought in a lot of good young talent- they had 4 top 4 picks during his tenure- and his defenses were 27th, 27th and 30th in the league- they actually got worse- his last year the Cavs were supposed to possibly contend for a playoff spot and the Vegas over under was 32 games- and they won 24 i think.....Kyrie and Dion were fighting, neither played a lick of defense, Thompson was not developing- Kyrie was even regressing as a player as his rookie year was much better than his 2nd year.---- Scott did an awful job.

does that necessarily mean he will do an awful job in La? who knows- but please- there is no debating he was a shit coach in Cleveland.-- the final straw was in his 3rd year the team was dead last in opposing field goal percentage after beign 27th the other 2 years---- he got canned because the team did not improve at all and the indivudal players were treading water.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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personally i thought Scott was going to bringa defensive mind set- but the Cavs were dead last in field goal percentage with him- I know they did not havea ton of talent- but i expected more than being dead last.
The Cavs had lost everything they had dude and was in a complete rebuild mode. Scott helped them pick Irving and developed him before they brought back that idiot Mike Brown. It takes time to develop a set of defensive skills and a good set of offensive skills. You're used to seeing the Lakers build fast with veterans, but other teams takes the long way around.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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and thats the thing Trjoan---- i dont like bad mouthing Scott because i liked him as a person- but Scott had 3 years here- the Cavs brought in a lot of good young talent- they had 4 top 4 picks during his tenure- and his defenses were 27th, 27th and 30th in the league- they actually got worse- his last year the Cavs were supposed to possibly contend for a playoff spot and the Vegas over under was 32 games- and they won 24 i think.....Kyrie and Dion were fighting, neither played a lick of defense, Thompson was not developing- Kyrie was even regressing as a player as his rookie year was much better than his 2nd year.---- Scott did an awful job.

does that necessarily mean he will do an awful job in La? who knows- but please- there is no debating he was a shit coach in Cleveland.-- the final straw was in his 3rd year the team was dead last in opposing field goal percentage after beign 27th the other 2 years---- he got canned because the team did not improve at all and the indivudal players were treading water.
They got worse because the front office picked worse in the talent pool


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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and thats the thing Trjoan---- i dont like bad mouthing Scott because i liked him as a person- but Scott had 3 years here- the Cavs brought in a lot of good young talent- they had 4 top 4 picks during his tenure- and his defenses were 27th, 27th and 30th in the league- they actually got worse- his last year the Cavs were supposed to possibly contend for a playoff spot and the Vegas over under was 32 games- and they won 24 i think.....Kyrie and Dion were fighting, neither played a lick of defense, Thompson was not developing- Kyrie was even regressing as a player as his rookie year was much better than his 2nd year.---- Scott did an awful job.

does that necessarily mean he will do an awful job in La? who knows- but please- there is no debating he was a shit coach in Cleveland.-- the final straw was in his 3rd year the team was dead last in opposing field goal percentage after beign 27th the other 2 years---- he got canned because the team did not improve at all and the indivudal players were treading water.

That's on the players, not the coach. Kyrie has credited Scott for his development. Part of the problem for the Cavs was the number of young guys they had, so they were always "behind the curve" so to speak because they always had at least a couple of guys who don't know how to play defense in the NBA.

You can keep trying to say what a lousy job he did, but it's incorrect. He took over a franchise that had all but been destroyed by Lebron leaving. For all intents and purposes, the Cavs essentially turned into an expansion team when Lebron left.

The Cavs got some great young draft picks, but they had nothing else of note and the Cavs FO did next to nothing to improve the roster.

It took the Thunder several years to become contenders building the same way that the Cavs were re-building before Lebron came back. You're team wouldn't be anything close to what it is right now if Lebron hadn't come back and forced wholesale changes in the lineup. So quit trying to act like the team that Scott was working with is what Blatt has been working with.

It's safe bet that if Lebron had stayed, Scott would still be your coach.


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I guarantee you that I have plenty of understanding of "the details of the game." You don't seem to understand that no coach wins without talent. He has, in fact, made players better. I'm not going to rehash what players like CP3 and Kyrie have said about him developing them.

Coaching the Lakers this year, I have seen exactly what I wanted to see from him. The younger guys have been developing and learning and the team plays hard every night. We're not going to see how far he take the Lakers until he actually has players who can get somewhere. In the meantime, he's developing them and the effort is there.

Really? Then prove it. Because all your defense of Scott is just pure fan conjecture on your part. There are stats and facts that prove otherwise. All of which show that Bryon Scott, at best, is average. Point out CP3 all you want, that doesn't erase the fact that the Hornets (Cp3 included) quit on him and he was fired. Kyrie might like the guy but it doesn't change the fact that for 3 years, those Cavs teams were dreadful and didn't improve at all. If they did, he wouldn't have been fired. In fact, they were historically bad on defense which is supposedly Scott's calling card.

I'm not the one that fails to understand things, its you. What you don't acknowledge is that talent can get wins IN SPITE of a coach. We've seen it before numerous times in the NBA. Mike Brown stinks but he still got the Cavs to the finals in a shitty East. It wasn't his acumen as a coach, it was Lebron James. You also won't acknowledge that a good coach will make his team better but that he needs talent to make a team better. You seem to think that I believe if Scott was a good coach, this D-League roster would be a playoff team. I never ever said that but you inferred it because you don't understand what a good coach is capable of. Good coaching can take a roster that people expect to be poor and make them average. He can make an average team good, good to great and so on. Averages coaches can't do that. The most they can get from their teams is whatever pure talent will get them and often they hold their team back because they can't tap into the team's full potential. That's what Byron Scott has done his entire career. Everyone in NBA circles from non-LA fans to analysts sees this. You just have bias Lakers glasses on.

The Derski

No Fat Chicks
Jul 11, 2013
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I don't blame them, I would take Rondo all day over dragic.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Really? Then prove it. Because all your defense of Scott is just pure fan conjecture on your part. There are stats and facts that prove otherwise. All of which show that Bryon Scott, at best, is average. Point out CP3 all you want, that doesn't erase the fact that the Hornets (Cp3 included) quit on him and he was fired. Kyrie might like the guy but it doesn't change the fact that for 3 years, those Cavs teams were dreadful and didn't improve at all. If they did, he wouldn't have been fired. In fact, they were historically bad on defense which is supposedly Scott's calling card.

I'm not the one that fails to understand things, its you. What you don't acknowledge is that talent can get wins IN SPITE of a coach. We've seen it before numerous times in the NBA. Mike Brown stinks but he still got the Cavs to the finals in a shitty East. It wasn't his acumen as a coach, it was Lebron James. You also won't acknowledge that a good coach will make his team better but that he needs talent to make a team better. You seem to think that I believe if Scott was a good coach, this D-League roster would be a playoff team. I never ever said that but you inferred it because you don't understand what a good coach is capable of. Good coaching can take a roster that people expect to be poor and make them average. He can make an average team good, good to great and so on. Averages coaches can't do that. The most they can get from their teams is whatever pure talent will get them and often they hold their team back because they can't tap into the team's full potential. That's what Byron Scott has done his entire career. Everyone in NBA circles from non-LA fans to analysts sees this. You just have bias Lakers glasses on.

And your criticism is pure conjecture. Additionally, I don't have to prove shit to you. I have never said good coaches don't make their teams better. I have said that no coach wins without talent.

Nice rant though. I guess you don't like your own bullshit turned against you. I know exactly what a good coach is capable of. Your constant attempts to change my mind just show how desperate you are to cling to your bullshit. Now run along. I'm done discussing this with you.


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Sep 4, 2011
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And your criticism is pure conjecture. Additionally, I don't have to prove shit to you. I have never said good coaches don't make their teams better. I have said that no coach wins without talent.

Nice rant though. I guess you don't like your own bullshit turned against you. I know exactly what a good coach is capable of. Your constant attempts to change my mind just show how desperate you are to cling to your bullshit. Now run along. I'm done discussing this with you.

How is it all conjecture when its supported by facts and records? Keep deflecting and being dismissive without actually answering anything. You won't answer and never answer it because you can't (because he's not a good coach. Kinda hard to prove something that's not true). All you say is "no coach wins without talent". That addresses nothing. First of all, what counts as "wins"? And secondly, how does this measure coaching ability? It's just a blanket statement. You validate nothing with that and instead gloss over just about every factor in a team's dynamic. You show me where Byron Scott is a good coach. I've read it all, posted it in various topic here. His cons far outweigh his pros. Show everyone why he's good.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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How is it all conjecture when its supported by facts and records? Keep deflecting and being dismissive without actually answering anything. You won't answer and never answer it because you can't (because he's not a good coach. Kinda hard to prove something that's not true). All you say is "no coach wins without talent". That addresses nothing. First of all, what counts as "wins"? And secondly, how does this measure coaching ability? It's just a blanket statement. You validate nothing with that and instead gloss over just about every factor in a team's dynamic. You show me where Byron Scott is a good coach. I've read it all, posted it in various topic here. His cons far outweigh his pros. Show everyone why he's good.

Bullshit. I've answered. You're lack of ability to understand is not my problem. Now drop it and move on. I've already told you I'm done discussing this with you.


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Sep 2, 2014
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Rubio makes Steve Nash look like 1st team all defense (and I mean current Steve Nash too :lol:)

You have zero idea what you are talking about. Rubio is a very, very good defender. One of the best in the league at the position. He is an absolute difference maker in that area.

You couldn't be more off with that statement.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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You have zero idea what you are talking about. Rubio is a very, very good defender. One of the best in the league at the position. He is an absolute difference maker in that area.

You couldn't be more off with that statement.

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