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Martellus Bennett ranks Rodgers ahead of Brady


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Nov 19, 2014
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Further perspective....The same fanbase that calls Brady the GOAT because of the team accomplishments, give Eli Manning zero credit for his 2 rings

No matter how you feel about Eli Manning, that is the height of hypocrisy
While other graduates from the school of stupidity argue Brady isn't the greatest give him zero credit for FIVE SB Wins.

Why do you continue to embarrass yourself? Is because on the hoop you're simply a screen name and no one knows you?


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Which of course, is an incredibly stupid argument in the first place. Super Bowl rings, by themselves, means practically nothing. Anytime someone starts this debate with that point, or makes it a focal point for the argument, has little to no football knowledge. That, or just parrots the media/grabs for the lowest hanging fruit/etc.
You're probably too young to remember but SF used to have a QB named Joe Montana. That fan base continually used his SB accomplishments to argue he was the GOAT. Well until couldn't. Nice to see you move to the other side of the fence now.


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Nov 19, 2014
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Statistical dominance of AR12 over TB12 is significant whether you deem it important or not. Especially due to the fact that Brady has the vastly superior coach and O-line over his entire career. Again Rodgers wins in every statistical category despite having a terrible in game play caller in Mcmuffin.

Saying the team award in SB's is more important than statistical superiority is just ignorant. The team award doesn't justify whether one player is better than the other at all. All it does is show how much more accomplished a player is.

Comparing AR12 to TB 12 is similar to the comparison of Barry Sanders to Emmitt Smith. Sanders was obviously the more talented player and statistically superior despite having an inferior O-line, QB, Play calling, etc. Emmitt had the longevity and SB wins and ok stats but his supporting cast was elite. The argument was throw any RB in with Dallas and they would do just fine and they same RB thrown into the Det situation would struggle mightly. This is the same thing with GB. Throw a backup QB in for the Packers for the entire season and the Pack would be below .500 while with NE they have a combined record of 14-6 best of all time with pro bowl caliber numbers.

This isn't even a debate and it never was or ever should be. Rodgers is physically, mentally and statistically superior to Tommy boy. Tommy has the longevity (at the moment) and the SB's (at the moment) and has cheating scandals all over those SB's whether you like it or not.

Some intelligent Pats fans realize this. The one's that are just to stubborn or idiotic (like the people in Houston refusing to leave their homes with the hurricane on it's way) they're just grasping for straws. For instance, Sonnyboy calling Rodgers a headcase. He's just throwing sh it on the wall and hoping it sticks because a couple of irrelevant retired Packers said "he's arrogant" according to him. That has nothing to do with this topic but whatever floats your boat. This is when I know I've won just like when arguing with a female. If I win with logic on a specific point the female will distract and pull up something completely irrelevant to the topic at hand just to attempt to make me angry or appear wrong in a different way. This is NE fans logic when comparing AR12 to TB 12 now and it's just sad.

In the end NE fans are playing checkers while Pack fans are playing chess. With all that being said....

Check mate
Just because you feel the need to write a novel time and time again doesn't make your point any more relevant.

I stopped reading after you attempted to prove mentality as a fact. 7-6 or whatever his playoff record is tells most of us non cheese whiz heads the accurate story.

Enjoy the few stats AR has. Continue licking his taint. I'm going to continue to enjoy the 5 SBs TB12 has brought to my team. The team i cheered for prior to Brady's arrival and the team I'll cheer for after he's long gone.


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Nov 19, 2014
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According to Pats fans moronic logic Eli>>Shady since he beat him straight up in the most important thing when it comes to judging a NFL QB's career in the SB.
I see math isn't your strong suit. Actually from your diatribes it appears you don't posses a strong suit.

If fELIne had THREE more SBs to his name you might be onto something. At this point you could (let me correct that) you could get someone to add all the Mannings' SB + Your girl Rodgers get the sum and now you're in the zip code.

BTW is there cheese under ARs nuts?


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Nov 19, 2014
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Let's compare 2 common opponents Seattle and ATL

Seattle NFCG ( Wilson was picked 4 times )

Rodgers 178 yards 1td/2in 55 rating

Seattle SB

Brady 328 yards 4 td/2 int 101 rating


Rodgers 287 yards 3td/ 1 int 96 rating


Brady 466 yards 2td/1 int 95 rating
Sonny stop with this nonesense. Wins are not important even when combined with cherry picked stats. Signed the GB faithful


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Nov 19, 2014
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Better system, Better coach, healthier team, etc..

I keep lining them up and knocking them out of the park.

Next please
So you have an inept organization, terrible team, coaches that suck at everything and a really good QB that has some individual stats. Did I cover everything? No need for novels, you're done it's been covered. Next please.

Great Dayne

I was right even if you believe I was wrong
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Just because you feel the need to write a novel time and time again doesn't make your point any more relevant.

I stopped reading after you attempted to prove mentality as a fact. 7-6 or whatever his playoff record is tells most of us non cheese whiz heads the accurate story.

Enjoy the few stats AR has. Continue licking his taint. I'm going to continue to enjoy the 5 SBs TB12 has brought to my team. The team i cheered for prior to Brady's arrival and the team I'll cheer for after he's long gone.

At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone who read your post is now dumber for having to decipher your drivel. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


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Nov 19, 2014
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Reading comp not your cup of tea?
How did you manage a retort that didn't somehow have you ball washing Rodgers? Good on you kid.


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It took like 4 hours for the first response to this thread and now look at it . My baby is all grown up

Ricky Roma

The Catch
Aug 30, 2014
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You may dismiss my opinion by calling it parroting if you'd like. AR will never be seen as one of the greatest of all time with one early SB win.

Again....those who use Super Bowl rings themselves to judge a players 'greatness' have basically admitted they either have little to no football intellect, or gravitate to either their media source or lowest hanging fruit - in essence...don't have a sound argument in the first place. It's actually quite stunning to see just how ridiculous people are when they go this route, given how blatantly obvious how that argument (championships) falls apart especially in arguably the most team oriented sport of all in pro football.


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Jul 9, 2013
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Again....those who use Super Bowl rings themselves to judge a players 'greatness' have basically admitted they either have little to no football intellect, or gravitate to either their media source or lowest hanging fruit - in essence...don't have a sound argument in the first place. It's actually quite stunning to see just how ridiculous people are when they go this route, given how blatantly obvious how that argument (championships) falls apart especially in arguably the most team oriented sport of all in pro football.

Boy, you really put a lot of effort into that. Do you really like Rodgers so much or is your ass still pinched over Tom besting Joe?

Greatness to most people is measured in accomplishments. Skill and athleticism is nearly a separate discussion.


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Dec 3, 2013
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Boy, you really put a lot of effort into that. Do you really like Rodgers so much or is your ass still pinched over Tom besting Joe?

Greatness to most people is measured in accomplishments. Skill and athleticism is nearly a separate discussion.

Montana and Rodgers combined 198- 92 w-l 571 td/232 int 25-14 playoff record 5 Lomardis

Brady 183-53 w-l 456 td/152 int 25-9 playoff record 5 Lomardis

0-35 when trailing in 4th Q by even 1 point vs a team with a winning record?


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
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Sonny stop with this nonesense. Wins are not important even when combined with cherry picked stats. Signed the GB faithful

Stats in the 2 games vs same opponent, a few weeks apart

AR 469 yards 4 tds
TB 794 yards 6 tds

But of course it was the defense :L:L:L
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Ricky Roma

The Catch
Aug 30, 2014
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Boy, you really put a lot of effort into that. Do you really like Rodgers so much or is your ass still pinched over Tom besting Joe?

All that effort?...and you can't address it with fact? Thanks for proving my point.


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Responding without actually addressing the facts at hand? That's exactly what I expect from the human cattle pen. Carry on.

Responding without addressing the facts of my post?


This is all about Brady unseating Montana. There, I saved you money on therapy.

Ricky Roma

The Catch
Aug 30, 2014
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Responding without addressing the facts of my post?

Still can't address it, still admitting you're a football invalid/mimic those on NFLN.

That's your problem...not mine. Fact.

Ricky Roma

The Catch
Aug 30, 2014
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Yeah...you need a dose of that. Given that you can't address the facts.

This is too easy.

Rex Racer

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Division games are always highly anticipated no matter the circumstances. I don't think the AFC East is the same way.

Then you'd be wrong. ALL division games are tough no matter the comparative records of the teams playing that day.

BTW, during the BB/Brady era the Patriots have a better record outside the division than in it.


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You can't judge stuff on just rings..... What does that mean? Are people saying Brady has no stats? Guy is top 5 all time in most relevant QB stats AND has 5 rings and 7 appearances. Shit it's tough to just MAKE a SB

Rodgers has great stars but only 1 SB appearance and stats aren't the end all be all. For example Matt Ryan has the best QB rating amongst active players in the postseason . Is he the best postrsrason QB? Hell no. Rings are the determining factor when both guys are great . They always have been. In every sport