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Yeah, I'm still here: Sox clinging to 1st, the Surging O's, 3rd place Yankees


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Apr 16, 2013
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I give it 24 hours before the bannings start at the other place (not mine)

again that's the only reason I started that one. Some of those guys are douche bags (and proud of it) and what happened here is just going to keep happening with them. So they can always go to the crap one I set up until they find a new one to crash lol

Besides Gen most of the ones I actually like (and not just tolerate lol) are still here. I tried to make it so everyone could keep in touch and got nothing but crap so fuck it lol

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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cant believe this is STILL a story...the guy pocketed the ring

Putin camp: Kraft's story 'weird'

A spokesman for Vladimir Putin maintains that the Russian President received Robert Kraft's Super Bowl ring in 2005 as a gift and said the New England Patriots' owner's claims that Putin took it without permission is "weird."
[+] EnlargeAP Photo/Alexander ZemlianichenkoVladimir Putin holds the diamond-encrusted Super Bowl XXXIX ring belonging to Patriots owner Robert Kraft when the two met in 2005.

Kraft, who was honored at Carnegie Hall's Medal of Excellence gala at the Waldorf-Astoria on Thursday, told the crowd at the event that Putin took his Super Bowl XXXIX ring when the Patriots' owner visited St. Petersburg, Russia, in 2005, even though he released a statement at the time saying he gave the ring to Putin as a gift.
"I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, 'I can kill someone with this ring,' " Kraft told the crowd, according to the New York Post. "I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out."
A spokesman for Putin, however, told CNN on Sunday that the ring was definitely given as a gift.
"What Mr. Kraft is saying now is weird," Dmitry Peskov told CNN. "I was standing 20 centimeters away from him and Mr. Putin and saw and heard how Mr. Kraft gave this ring as a gift."
Peskov told CNN that the ring now is at the Kremlin's library.
A spokesman for the Kraft Group released a statement Sunday, clarifying Kraft's remarks, noting that Sandy Weill, who is the board of trustees chairman of Carnegie Hall, introduced Kraft on Thursday night and was with the Patriots owner on the trip to Russia in 2005.
"It's a humorous, anecdotal story that Robert re-tells for laughs. He loves that his ring is at the Kremlin and, as he stated back in 2005, he continues to have great respect for Russia and the leadership of President Putin," the statement said. "In particular, he credits President Putin for modernizing the Russian economy. An added benefit from the attention this story gathered eight years ago was the creation of some Patriots fan clubs in Russia.

"On Thursday night, Kraft told the crowd that he really wanted the 4.94-carat bauble back, admitting he'd gotten a call from the George W. Bush-run White House, saying, 'It would really be in the best interest of United States-Soviet relations if you meant to give the ring as a present.' "
This wasn't the first time the story surfaced, as Kraft's late wife, Myra, said in 2007 that the ring wasn't intended to be a gift.


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Phil Hughes is built for that ballpark

Yanks need a bat, watcha got?

If you're calling the Padres for an expendable bat be prepared to hear this when you get the GM on the phone.



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It's still a story because Kraft hasn't STFU about it yet. His story is swiss cheese anyway.


like in the back of a VW
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I give it 24 hours before the bannings start at the other place (not mine)

again that's the only reason I started that one. Some of those guys are douche bags (and proud of it) and what happened here is just going to keep happening with them. So they can always go to the crap one I set up until they find a new one to crash lol

Besides Gen most of the ones I actually like (and not just tolerate lol) are still here. I tried to make it so everyone could keep in touch and got nothing but crap so fuck it lol

yeah it doesnt pay to be nice zig.........

Kate Upton

Hotter than Kate Upton
Apr 16, 2013
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Look, I have no problem with VP. He's a good poster. Wish he could have just "shut up" and stayed here. Wish they all could have......well, except Snoogins.


Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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It's still a story because Kraft hasn't STFU about it yet. His story is swiss cheese anyway.

krafts story?

or you mean putins? putin has done this before...many many times


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Phil Hughes for Chris Denofria.

Man, Denorfia is my favorite player and he's only platooning and is an excellent leadoff man who hits for average and works counts very well. They might move him for a proven starter but something tells me they're going to be very, very conservative upstairs.


i'll have the last laugh
Apr 16, 2013
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i agree.......but the guys that swing by will bring them up

and you will respond.......if ya'll dont care why is there 20 guests viewing zig's page????

i understand that the questions are gonna be asked. i just think it's doing nobody any favors by continuing this conversation. others (me as well) do visit the other site and you gotta realize that breaking away from people you have been associated with for years isn't just gonna happen overnight. that's why you see me and others logged into the other site.

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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just saw this

A's, M's forced into same locker room

Updated: June 17, 2013, 10:20 AM ET
Associated Press

Athletics Avoid Sweep

The Athletics scored 10 unanswered runs to defeat the Mariners 10-2.Tags: Athletics, Mariners

OAKLAND, Calif. -- A sewage problem at the Coliseum forced the Oakland Athletics and Seattle Mariners to use the same locker room after Sunday's game.
The pipes backed up on the lower levels of the stadium during Oakland's 10-2 victory, creating a stink and pools of water in the clubhouses used by both teams and the umpires.
The A's and Mariners moved to a higher floor and cleaned up postgame in the locker room occupied by the Oakland Raiders during NFL games.

Coliseum officials said the six-day homestand, which drew 171,756 fans, overtaxed the plumbing system at the 47-year-old stadium.
"Make sure everybody finds out about this sewage thing," Oakland starter A.J. Griffin said. "We need to get a new stadium."
The San Francisco Chronicle reported that leaking pipes and backed up drains occur often, even on days when the Coliseum is empty. The field is 22 feet below sea level, and the clubhouse level is 3 feet below sea level.
A's team president Michael Crowley told the Chronicle, "It's clear, right? This isn't the first time this has happened."
Several Mariners left without showering. Towels were used to block sewage from running into the players' general dressing area.
Seattle manager Eric Wedge's office had about a foot of liquid, forcing him to hold his postgame news conference in the hallway.
The A's, who start a road trip in Texas on Monday night, likely will have new carpeting when they return. The extent of the damage isn't known yet.
There were visible wet spots around every drain on the ground floor, though the main damage was to the locker rooms and storage areas.


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krafts story?

or you mean putins? putin has done this before...many many times

From what I understand, Kraft at first admitted that he gave it as a gift and then changed his story. And the whole bullshit about "US - Soviet" relations. If they're gonna lie at least get the country right.

Mike Oxlodge

I'm better looking than U
Apr 17, 2013
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Man, Denorfia is my favorite player and he's only platooning and is an excellent leadoff man who hits for average and works counts very well. They might move him for a proven starter but something tells me they're going to be very, very conservative upstairs.

He'd make a nice 5th outfielder for Atlanta.

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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From what I understand, Kraft at first admitted that he gave it as a gift and then changed his story. And the whole bullshit about "US - Soviet" relations. If they're gonna lie at least get the country right.

when the story came out in 05, kraft was directed to "just let putin have it" to avoid a situation. he called the russian embassy, then the US embassy in russia...wss told the same.

putin has stolen trophies before and claimed them as a gift

its like the old simpsons episode with the trillion dollar bill, and mr burns flies to cuba to show it to castro
castro holds the bills, says "wow, this is interesting"

camera pans back to burns, who asks "ok, let me have it back"

castro says "have what back?"


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True story:

Boston starters: 3.79 ERA in 71 games, 425 innings
Yankee starters: 3.85 ERA in 69 games, 413.2 innings

Outside of Kuroda...that starting pitching has looked consistently mediocre to worse...all year long...

If the bats don't wake up, I wouldn't expect to see them competing this fall for very much...

We can apply a "what if" to every team in the AL east

You confident the Lester freefall has an end in site?

You confident Sabathia won't be better than what he has shown?

You confident Andrew Bailey won't be the worst closer in all of baseball?

We can do it with every team in the division

The Yankees are 7 games over and 2 out, and it ain't cause of the bats, so the pitching is better than mediocre


like in the back of a VW
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i understand that the questions are gonna be asked. i just think it's doing nobody any favors by continuing this conversation. others (me as well) do visit the other site and you gotta realize that breaking away from people you have been associated with for years isn't just gonna happen overnight. that's why you see me and others logged into the other site.

that was my point.......ya'll know each other and want to check in

and then say who cares every 4/5 posts or switching tabs to see what was said in the other place

edit* dont think it came out right.....but was trying to say thats why ya'll were viewing because ya'll want to see what the other guys are doing,therefore do care
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i'll have the last laugh
Apr 16, 2013
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Give it a week....


that's all you have to say? you were pretty loud and proud for months. now you are the king of one liners. what gives


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I read that Kraft story

Very wierd


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Those guys are going to find Ghost to be much less hospitable than I've been. :2cents: Everywhere they go they're going to attack whoever has the humble task of making decisions and they're going to either get banned or wear their welcome out.


Resident Libertarian
Apr 17, 2013
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i agree.......but the guys that swing by will bring them up

and you will respond.......if ya'll dont care why is there 20 guests viewing zig's page????

well...there'd only be 14 if the mods from here weren't snooping...:whistle: