black francis
Well-Known Member
lebron is a fucking blaggot
lebron is a fucking blaggot
I thought uno was a shithook and I won't miss him, but I'm somewhat leery of the way he was removed. The mods here make a lot of threats and part of me thinks that they were looking for a CBSer to make an example out of.
So we are in agreement then that this day is not equal to Barbaro Day as one of the great days? Good. I don't see it that way either. It's a major victory for a couple of Red Sox fans, but otherwise, might be a blanket laced with small pox germs.
sorry but the SportsHoopla wont be turned into CBS and we dont care who dosent like it
Youdon't have to cower or hide. Just keep the drama to this thread. We would love for everyone to visit their respective team boards and interact as long as it isn't just to troll. Blade ventures out to his team boards, and actually has great sports opinions.
Just don't blast peoples inboxes with titty-baby drama, and then if someone does help you out don't immediately rip into them.
Then can I fill up your inbox with drivel, blocking you from getting any real messages? Remember you can't stop them from coming in, because you need PM's turned on.
Then if I help you stop people spamming your inbox, will you attack me for abusing power?
Uno was stupid for making information he didn't want public to be so easily accessible, and while it's one thing to ask the admins if they can do something about it, the whole "abetting the crime" was beyond lame
But yeah, HD is a dick who makes up rules as he goes along
"I'll ban the guy who didn't really violate any major TOS, but I'll reinstate the guy who threatens my AdSense $$$ which I've warned you guys about 5000 times. All I ask is that you posters think I'm cool"
Your buddy Uno will probably never come back. Not with all the alts he is creating right now. The last one is a doozy.
He just sealed his fate, FYI.
Can he read it? I wasn;t sure and he just emailed me so I passed along HDs message.
Can he read it? I wasn;t sure and he just emailed me so I passed along HDs message.
I'm a Royals fan
There have been like 8 posts this year
I can go hang out there, but I'd be talking to myself
Oh...I get WHY you (HD) were pissed at him..
and its his site.. So he is the judge. But yeah...Still, seems like we had ground rules..and he didn't break the ones i was aware of. I guess Spamming?
But..HD did warn him, so that's his fault not heeding it.
Dude, this place is a drug....I didnt really plan on spending 11 years talking to you assholes
Don't think he ever asked you to give him a second thought.
So he's a dick. What does that change? Would it make you feel better if he just said "I'm a dick"? You seem hellbent on getting that point across, but not sure why.
Whats up everyone.....
Did I miss anything?
Is Uno not technologically sound enough to post with a different IP address?
Uno, if you're reading.... Google. It can be your friend