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Would Broncos trade Miller ?


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Jul 17, 2013
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I think Elway is gonna have to give in on this one ... I think it's mainly the guaranteed money holding this up ...

From what I have read they are now only a couple million apart on the guaranteed money. They agreed on the overall money and length of the contract over a month ago so you are right the guaranteed money is the only hold up. But a few million in the NFL really isn't a whole lot compared to just a couple of weeks they were close to $30 million apart in guaranteed money. So like I said they are really close to getting something done so I would be surprised if something didn't get done. Heck Von Miller actually even made plans for Friday in Utah so my guess is the deal gets done even before the deadline if he is already not worried about being in town to get the deal done.


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Only way Broncos trade Miller is for a straight up with the Pats, to get McDaniels back and kick Kubiak to the curb


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Jul 3, 2013
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He's already been tagged. And he said it as a negotiating ploy, I'd be shocked if he actually sat out the entire season.

From what I have read they are now only a couple million apart on the guaranteed money. They agreed on the overall money and length of the contract over a month ago so you are right the guaranteed money is the only hold up. But a few million in the NFL really isn't a whole lot compared to just a couple of weeks they were close to $30 million apart in guaranteed money. So like I said they are really close to getting something done so I would be surprised if something didn't get done. Heck Von Miller actually even made plans for Friday in Utah so my guess is the deal gets done even before the deadline if he is already not worried about being in town to get the deal done.

Yeah, if they're only a couple millions apart something should get done then... Miller would be stubborn not to give in at that point... It's not like he won't be set for life and then some....


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Jul 17, 2013
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Yeah, if they're only a couple millions apart something should get done then... Miller would be stubborn not to give in at that point... It's not like he won't be set for life and then some....

From what I have read he views himself as an ambassador for all other NFL players. He is trying to take a stand to show the Franchise Tag is unfair to players and how negotiations are done between team and player are not a good way to negotiate. He actually now has had one other player call him out on his negotiations pretty much telling him to stop being greedy, sign the contract, and show you want to be here just as much as you want the team to show you they want you here. Again the whole 2-way street thing seems to be what Von Miller is not quite understanding when it comes to negotiations. Can't expect the team to act a certain way but your agent not to do the same.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Hey a lot of people on here have Denver going 8-8 after losing the 34th ranked QB so I figured a new coach, or a familiar old coach would help. I personally don't see your team missing a beat. Not saying a SB but at least a respectable year

Honestly as I and many other Broncos fans have said we don't expect a Super Bowl repeat this year. Hard to do with a great QB on your team very difficult to do with such an unknown as such an important position. McDaniel's though is maybe the biggest curse word in Denver right now still 5 years later. Honestly we should be thanking him as he destroyed the team so bad in about a 2 year period that our owner Bowlen had to take drastic measures to get the team back on track which lead to Elway getting hired. So I guess I do thank him for that but man I hated when he was here. He tried to be exactly like BB for you guys and well there is only one BB in the NFL.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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Hey a lot of people on here have Denver going 8-8 after losing the 34th ranked QB so I figured a new coach, or a familiar old coach would help. I personally don't see your team missing a beat. Not saying a SB but at least a respectable year
That's because you're a smart man.

Although I still can't figure out the Patriots fandom. But I guess everyone has a blindspot!


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
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That's because you're a smart man.

Although I still can't figure out the Patriots fandom. But I guess everyone has a blindspot!

True living in Prov and watching the Pats and their 2-14 and 1-15 seasons got me really hooked. I can't even remember the 14 game seasons cause I was drinking real hard to numb the pain


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Jul 17, 2013
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True living in Prov and watching the Pats and their 2-14 and 1-15 seasons got me really hooked. I can't even remember the 14 game seasons cause I was drinking real hard to numb the pain

I think every fan base at some point has gone through those times. For Broncos fans it was the McDaniels era. Our 4-12 season was the first time I was honestly embarrassed of my team and what I was seeing on the field. I will say though I got into great shape that season as my way of dealing with the pain is to go for a run so I got to go for lots of runs that year.


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Dec 3, 2013
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I think every fan base at some point has gone through those times. For Broncos fans it was the McDaniels era. Our 4-12 season was the first time I was honestly embarrassed of my team and what I was seeing on the field. I will say though I got into great shape that season as my way of dealing with the pain is to go for a run so I got to go for lots of runs that year.

Yeah but won uggatz the first 30 years I watched. Sure went to to the 85 SB vs Da Bears, got taken behind the woodshed. Good thing their D wasn't like any Ravens. And then in 97 VS GB to lose to Favre and Mr Heisman poser Desmond. It has been great since the Brady era and I'm expecting a lull eventually, know the great times aren't gonna last forever.


Day to Day
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I think every fan base at some point has gone through those times. For Broncos fans it was the McDaniels era. Our 4-12 season was the first time I was honestly embarrassed of my team and what I was seeing on the field. I will say though I got into great shape that season as my way of dealing with the pain is to go for a run so I got to go for lots of runs that year.

Sonny kinda beat me to it. The Pats first 40 years were extremely tough to take. There were two hiccups in '85 and '97. '97 was worse because Parcells was the coach and he knew going into the Super Bowl that he was done in NE and was heading to New York. A huge load of Pats fans still believe that Bill mailed in that game. Worse he flew back to New York on Johnson's private jet leaving the team wondering what the hell was going on.

Anyway........Brady can't stay young forever, regardless of his diet. We'll most likely get to see what Grappolo can do during the first four games this coming season. If he craps his pants, we'll find out if Jacoby Brissett is a pro or a pretender.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Sonny kinda beat me to it. The Pats first 40 years were extremely tough to take. There were two hiccups in '85 and '97. '97 was worse because Parcells was the coach and he knew going into the Super Bowl that he was done in NE and was heading to New York. A huge load of Pats fans still believe that Bill mailed in that game. Worse he flew back to New York on Johnson's private jet leaving the team wondering what the hell was going on.

Anyway........Brady can't stay young forever, regardless of his diet. We'll most likely get to see what Grappolo can do during the first four games this coming season. If he craps his pants, we'll find out if Jacoby Brissett is a pro or a pretender.

It happens to every team. They go through some very dark times to see some light to see them go right back to the dark times and back. Like I posted on another thread...Raiders won 3 of the first 18 Super Bowls and haven't won one since. Cowboys are on a what 21 or 22 year drought after winning quite a few. The Chiefs won Super Bowl 4 and have spent 46 years trying to repeat that. Honestly I appreciate this last Super Bowl for the Broncos so much more than the first 2. I kept thinking after those first 2 that they would just keep coming and obviously it has taken us a few years to get back and win it. Winning it all is not as easy as some think. You can have the most talented team in the league and still not win it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
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It happens to every team. They go through some very dark times to see some light to see them go right back to the dark times and back. Like I posted on another thread...Raiders won 3 of the first 18 Super Bowls and haven't won one since. Cowboys are on a what 21 or 22 year drought after winning quite a few. The Chiefs won Super Bowl 4 and have spent 46 years trying to repeat that. Honestly I appreciate this last Super Bowl for the Broncos so much more than the first 2. I kept thinking after those first 2 that they would just keep coming and obviously it has taken us a few years to get back and win it. Winning it all is not as easy as some think. You can have the most talented team in the league and still not win it.

Only a handful of teams like the Pats, Saints, Lions ,Browns that can go 40 years straight. Now the Browns won of lot of championships pre-merger/SB era. Not talking about doing good,bad,good,bad


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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It is true. I just think today's NFL players seem so much more emotionally invested. If a team low-balls them then that means they don't really care or respect them seems to be a running theme these days. I understand money talks and these players want to feel respected but I would think they could look at history and see that this is how NFL teams and agents operate. To me if you want to be respected by the team then tell your agent not to try and throw out ridiculous numbers right away. Teams aren't going to start giving their final offer day 1 until agents/players stop trying to go crazy with their demands as well. 2-way street here and I don't see NFL teams getting mad at players or agents for wanting more money than what they probably should get.

well a lot more players now a days actually know about CTE and want to cash in before their heads explode.


Broncos Fanatic
Apr 18, 2013
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He's already been tagged. And he said it as a negotiating ploy, I'd be shocked if he actually sat out the entire season.

Von Miller does have a little bit of leverage with this tactic. According to the CBA, if an exclusive franchise tagged player sits out an entire year, the franchise would only receive a 1st and a 3rd round draft pick as compensation the following year vs. TWO first round picks that are required if he were a non-exclusive tagged player. It's not a ton of leverage but Von used it and it's probably part of what got the Broncos to start to move north. That and the fact that they under-estimated the growth in market value and Von's somewhat fragile emotions throughout the process.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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well a lot more players now a days actually know about CTE and want to cash in before their heads explode.

True but I don't remember even 10 years ago seeing players get so flustered over contract negotiations and going to the media to talk about how their feelings have been hurt. Seems to be happening league wide.

Fountain City Blues

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Jul 2, 2013
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True but I don't remember even 10 years ago seeing players get so flustered over contract negotiations and going to the media to talk about how their feelings have been hurt. Seems to be happening league wide.
It's pretty easy to just have a continuous stream of conciousness (no matter how petty, reactionary or just plain ole dumb) with so much attention and access to social media like twitter, instagram, etc. Everybody has an opinion- some like to be louder than others. 10-15 years ago? Maybe not as much.


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Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You know what CD? Now McDaniels is off the table!!!! Your gonna have your hands full with an irate Elway and Orange Crush faithful