I can't beleive it has taken this long for Green Death to make an appearance....
We drank a lot of his crap in college, and yes, it was bad.
Damn bro! We just went down and sold blood plasma for beer money! They had a conveinent setup about a mile off base up at Ft. Bragg.that was 2day before pay day beer when I was a young GI .. after we cashed in all the cans we saved during the past 2 weeks for the deposit
Me too! My grandpa would by that shit cases at a time and keep his fridge stocked. At night, after he'd passed out, I'd sit out on the porch and drink away. And like you, once I was of age, never touched the stuff again.My Grandma use to drink this stuff and as a kid I would sneak in the fridge and grab one and head to the backyard. Once I came of age, I never touched the stuff again. God awful!
lol. I like almost every beer in this thread. Except Old Style. And I've never tried the generic "BEER".
My Grandma use to drink this stuff and as a kid I would sneak in the fridge and grab one and head to the backyard. Once I came of age, I never touched the stuff again. God awful!
That's actually one of my favorites.mine was abita turbodog....i remember that being nasty stuff