Member Sporting a Natty
I also would drink these back in my early 20's. Cheap ass beer (if you can call it that) that would fuck you up.

When I was in my early 20's, a local grocery store had a bunch of Mickey's that was reaching it's exp. date. They sold 6 packs for $1.50. I spent $45 and threw a party. My head has never hurt so bad.
I can't believe no one said Pabst Blue Ribbon and this is from someone in college that used to hang out at the bar with the Stroh's, Genessee (not even cream ale) and Old Milwaukee neon signs with all three on tap.
There was this BlueBerry Ale I had once. I can't remember the company but it was awful.
I can't believe no one said Pabst Blue Ribbon and this is from someone in college that used to hang out at the bar with the Stroh's, Genessee (not even cream ale) and Old Milwaukee neon signs with all three on tap.
There was this BlueBerry Ale I had once. I can't remember the company but it was awful.
It is Rhino piss pops..lol
I will get negged for this, i am sure. Newcastle fans are as furiously loyal as soccer fans:
...shit is nasty.
I'll never bash PBR. It's not the best stuff in the world, but it usually saves my ass when I go to a bar and am low on cash. I can usually get two PBRs for the price of one your Big 3 light beers. So I salute you PBR. You know your roll and don't try to be anything else.
Magic Hat #9. Though, this could be because I had this back when I was drinking strictly Miller Lite and shit and hadn't developed my palate for good beer. Even still, the memory was so bad that I won't try it again.
We still drink a PBR from time to time. My brothers ( I have 3) and I will have a "Men's" weekend a couple times a year with no wives and no kids. Just us with a few friends and we'll grab PBR's in remembrance of Grandaddy, because it is all he ever drank, . PBR's, A hog on the fire, shotguns and rifles and fun is had by all!