Well-Known Member
Not just that, he's responsible for the rash of classless, clueless, assholes that now infest most public golf courses.
Please - I have heard this from people I know & I claim BS. A huge part of this is the emergence of golf within the media & subsequent promotion of the game encouraging people to play more often. I really see nothing wrong with it. It is up to the marshals (if they are around) to police the course & reign anyone in if they truly get out of line. If you don't like it - pay a few more $$ to play a high end or private course - chances are you won't see most of these type of people at those courses.
I just laugh at golf snobs like yourself. You sound like the type that only believe certain people should play or be allowed to play at certain places. Some folks even take it to the level that only certain types of people should watch the sport. Glad to hear that you have such a high opinion of yourself.