The Authority
Active Member
Stillat how clueless you are Gee.
Says the butthurt gumper who is dumb enough to stick up for the rival of the team whose bandwagon he is riding.

Stillat how clueless you are Gee.
What? You mean you're not Bucknut/Easy Owning/Woody Fizzle? Ya' fooled me.
Says the butthurt gumper who is dumb enough to stick up for the rival of the team whose bandwagon he is riding.
Alright kids, I think it's time to hang it up for this evening. Let's pick things back up tomorrow.
Four clueless assumptions in one sentence. You're good Gee.
I Stated facts Gump. You are stupid is as stupid does.
Hey Sox. Do you see a lot of Bama fans sticking up for Auburn on here?
Facts? Where? Butthurt-no. dumb-no.bandwagon-no.
No, but I think you're missing the point. Remember what I told you earlier about Hurricane?
You defended your so called rival. That proves your bandwagoning and your butthurtness.
Are you saying this Gump is nothing but a troll or is he really this stupid?
All that proves Gee is that the SEC>B1G. LMAO@ entire conference with only 2 NC's since 1968.
Keep on slinging the mud. I'll keep posting the facts. OSU is weak.
Nope, Only a butthurt bandwagon rider would try and say Auburn has been better than OSU. Let alone someone that is trying to suggest they are their rival.
LMAO at you exposing what a ruined troll you are.
Bugeyed State is -14 to Michigan head to head.
No doubt now you are Bucknut. How's it feel to leave ESPN as the most ruined poster in history?
Only 1 NC since 1968 and only 2 wins over a top 5 in the past 35 years. OMG! How weak can you get.