might upgrade from 8. I got a new touchscreen laptop and 8 pissed me off to no end. If 10 support touchscreen but gives me windows 7 functionality back then I might.
I'm debating...I have Windows 7 still and never wanted Windows 8. I'd like to try it but am worried about bugs and such. Anyone?
Yep, it's the touch screen that does it mostly. I miss it on computers that don't have it. If you learn your way around some of the quirks that were more accesible in pre-8 versions, it does just about anything you need faster. Combo of mouse, touch and ctrl shortcuts and you can work very fast.
I'm not touching it with a ten foot pole.
I have it installed guys. I am in the preview. Overall it is kind of a mix of 8 and 7 as stated above. I like it so far.
Take your time, go with Windows ME first.![]()
Dude, I can't even get the fing calendar to do what I want in Outlook, I fing hate the newer Windows shit.
I feel like I own a VHS and I have to call my oldest kid every night to tell me how to reset the fing clock.![]()
Make up your mind, it's like your arguing with yourself.
The thing launches in a matter of days and the reseller version has already been put on disk and shipped out to the major vendors and yet there are still several things that are either flat out bugged, or not yet in the latest preview and there are quite a few things that have only been added in the last month or so that haven't had nearly enough time in the hands of the beta testers to fully vet it.
Once again they are pushing something out that likely isn't quite ready for prime time. They do this every time.
Zero chance there aren't issues and a flurry of patches over at least the first week or two.
I personally will upgrade my home machines as soon as it appears there aren't any major risks and will wait at least a month before I even consider installing it on my least mission critical machines at work.
Love a touch screen on tablets and phone, won't mind it on a laptop, but on a desktop....no thanks.I have a Mac desktop at home, an ACER laptop and Surface, both with Windows 8, and an iPhone. I don't plan to buy a new Mac desktop until they have touch screen, which is not happening; they say because they are focused on other things in the OS. The Mac boys say touch is not a priority for Mac cuz they offer it on the iPads and iPhones, LOL, no kidding. To have a desktop or laptop with touch screen is light years ahead in terms of usability and everyday productivity.
Regarding the comment about Windows 8 being sneaky in terms of what you are looking to do, it's true until you learn a few shortcuts, then you have the touch icons + traditional desktop views.
I will get 10 just to get the start button back.
Love a touch screen on tablets and phone, won't mind it on a laptop, but on a desktop....no thanks.
I have both as well. Work uses Apple and I always used a PC at home. After a year of using Apple at work, I fell in love with it. Bought a couple of Imac's for the fam and the rest is history. I actually have no problems with pc's, just prefer apple.Each his own. I have both Apple and Windows computers and I much prefer Windows.
Now that's funny. I got no problem using Apple products, I love my iPad, just never really dug the Apple laptop I have, but I don't hate it. Mostly I think I just know more about windows OS then Apples, thus I like it better.I have both as well. Work uses Apple and I always used a PC at home. After a year of using Apple at work, I fell in love with it. Bought a couple of Imac's for the fam and the rest is history. I actually have no problems with pc's, just prefer apple.
It's funny, arguing Apple vs Mac is like arguing politics or religion to some folks. My Apple post got me a bullshit, facepalm and rainbowpretty quickly.