ND 14 UM 45
Happy April Fool's day.
Simply put....the guy is the biggest egomaniac to ever touch earth.
Not that, that in itself is a bad's just that he seriously believes with every fiber of his being that he is indeed, always right.
...and no matter how bad it gets or how long he shoves his foot down his own throat....he still persists like a moaning whore who doesn't know when to stop getting fucked.
How's that? lol
At first I ahted this place
That makes a lot of sense. Dick.
You guys are mean.
Whatever, this is clearly because you are jealous with the beautiful relationship that Sid and I have. Don't judge us. It's BEAUTIFUL.
Sid fo Life.
Haha! Perfect day to post this!
That makes a lot of sense. Dick.
It clearly does. Asswipe.
Personally, I think maddog was Henrietta, and the man dressed up like Danielle is the one he fools himself into believing is Sid.
What if God was one of us?
That's all I know of the song, IPW.
It's a song? :confused2:
IPW is so misunderstood.