New Member
BS, you are taking this subject way too seriously. Run yourself a nice hot bubble bath and let calgon take you away.
Since you have such a great understanding of Bo and what he means when he states something... let me state something you should be familiar with....
"I'm done with you, let's get someone with a question that's worth answering"
I never called you an idiot, I said I'd shut up about the oline till the end of the season then look at numbers.
Oh, and your posts make you look like an idiot, not the fact you defended players or coaches. Not to say some of mine don't, they do most certainly. But you really sound like an arrogant prick who thinks his poopy don't stink.
And from lurking here before I started posting, you are an egomaniac. Trying to get SportsHoopla to vote you up on your lameass radio bullshit sounder is just one small example.
Here... allow me add some levity to the issue on press conferences...
By The way.. You can go to YouTube and see hundreds of Coaches fire off at the press for asking dumb questions or provoking issues...... From Urban Meyer to Mack Brown to Bo Pelini to Gundy to Pro Coaches... so...
Anyway... here you go...
Who gives a shit whether or not Bo answers some fucking questions. This is downright fucking gayer than aids.
Turn on your TV on Saturdays and watch the team play.........that's all that is important.
Getting uptight over some media shit that doesn't make a damn difference is the pussiest fucking thing I've ever heard.