Till We Can't Be Beat. WON'T. BE. BEAT.
I think the worst thing I have ever done to a girl was revenge sex. It wasn't like planned revenge sex, but that's pretty much what it turned out to be. I had been dating this girl for about a year and a half and her best friend tells me she had gotten very drunk at a party and ended up fooling around with a guy I actually knew. Guy was a fuckin tool to make things worse. I was fuckin' furious, but I decided I was gonna wait a couple days and decide what to do.
I talked to her about it 3 days later and just ended it. She was trying to explain and was basically begging me not to break up with her but I wasn't hearing it. I didn't get mad or try to tell her off, I just told her that shit is not cool we're done. Apparently she was crying and was an absolute wreck about it, so that felt good.
I still talked to her friends and actually hung out with them and that pretty much infuriated her. One day I called her out of the blue and asked her if I could come pick her up and hang out en sech and we had sex FOUR TIMES IN A ROW. Man I couldn't get her to have sex with me more than once a week when we were going out, I was in disbelief. I think she thought we were getting back together and I wes considering it.
Still I had it in the back of my mind that she cheated on me en sech and I didn't answer her calls or call her after that day. I ended up dating one of her best friends about a month or two after that and that practically fuckin' destroyed her. I still see her downtown and I can tell that she haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaates me. She shouldn't a cheated on me and none of this would have had to happen.
I talked to her about it 3 days later and just ended it. She was trying to explain and was basically begging me not to break up with her but I wasn't hearing it. I didn't get mad or try to tell her off, I just told her that shit is not cool we're done. Apparently she was crying and was an absolute wreck about it, so that felt good.
I still talked to her friends and actually hung out with them and that pretty much infuriated her. One day I called her out of the blue and asked her if I could come pick her up and hang out en sech and we had sex FOUR TIMES IN A ROW. Man I couldn't get her to have sex with me more than once a week when we were going out, I was in disbelief. I think she thought we were getting back together and I wes considering it.
Still I had it in the back of my mind that she cheated on me en sech and I didn't answer her calls or call her after that day. I ended up dating one of her best friends about a month or two after that and that practically fuckin' destroyed her. I still see her downtown and I can tell that she haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaates me. She shouldn't a cheated on me and none of this would have had to happen.