You may have actually described j law shaver
Need to post like Oregon speed
Skooooooo ducks!!!
Too hawt for tCFB General board
Oh they would all start crying asking wth has oregon done.
Got a ponderous mind this morning Clark?
More snow pondering drinking
High of 60 not a cloud in the sky out here...
I really should be on the river fishin today.
Valentine's Day sucks
We don't do Valentine's Day neither of us see the point in needing a day to act like we do anyway celebrated Friday the 13th tho
Kind of feel the same. Don't need a day to tell me to be kind, generous, and show my wife that I love her.
Thankfully the wife has a hipster view on Valentines Day as well.
We ate dinner on Friday 13th as well instead of today with all the robots.
We did watch Dexter