600+ Marty!!!
My two favorite songs right now:
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What? No Dimebag love yet? Here is a sweet vid of him doing a solo and he cant be but 16 or 17 years old. YouTube - Young Dimebag Darrell SOLO
Not my choice to listen to it, but it's on right now.
YouTube - LMFAO - Shots ft. Lil Jon
Anyone who wants to attempt suicide right now, take a shot everytime they say "Shots"
+10000000 for DD
I love Dimebag when he was with Pantera, but I can do without those bland 80's solos. His 90's solos, esp Cemetery Gates and Floods, actually had some structure and will make ears bleed AND cry for all of time.
Agreed. The 80's was the worst decade ever... in all genres.
Agreed. The 80's was the worst decade ever... in all genres.
How could you not like the 80's Hair/Metal/Glam/Hard Rock Genre of the 80's?
AC/DC Rocks!!
To each his own I guess.
I agree. I am of the anti-AC/DC sect, and I hope that doesn't hurt me in the upcoming AC/DC race-wars.
Angus Young still remains one of the greatest guitarists of all time though.
Well, after this guy of course.