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Walton's convo with Richard Sherman


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Jan 19, 2012
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I think you meant to say selective reading.

And why do some people insist on defending people from any type of criticism whatsoever based on what jersey he wears? I know Aldon Smith is a blight on society. I know Jim Harbaugh is rude, ultra-manic and petty. I know Colin Kaepernick's intelligence is dwarfed by that of his pet turtle. And I don't make ad hominem remarks about people because they're Seattle Seahawks.

Richard Sherman is the Al Sharpton of NFL players. He may be a perfectly nice guy in private, and he's deservedly an all-pro'; but nary a more unholy combination of loud, full of shit and self-aggrandizing has offended the ears of football fans since Chad Johnson (minus the being-funny factor).

It's a tortoise, not a turtle.

The hyperbole is strong with this one. Not only will he criticize your favorite players with outlandish statements, but he won't spare those from his own team either. At least he's an equal opportunist grouch.


Well-Known Member
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It's a tortoise, not a turtle.

The hyperbole is strong with this one. Not only will he criticize your favorite players with outlandish statements, but he won't spare those from his own team either. At least he's an equal opportunist grouch.

I should've known that if I said something negative about Kaepernick you would come flying to the rescue.


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It's a tortoise, not a turtle.

The hyperbole is strong with this one. Not only will he criticize your favorite players with outlandish statements, but he won't spare those from his own team either. At least he's an equal opportunist grouch.

Shhh someone thinks Stanford is an Ivy League school. Is MIT in that group?


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Two buffoons talking to each other...I don't know, I'd think there could be some entertaining moments there. Nobody was breaking the atom in that convo though.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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And why do some people insist on defending people from any type of criticism whatsoever based on what jersey he wears? I know Aldon Smith is a blight on society. I know Jim Harbaugh is rude, ultra-manic and petty. I know Colin Kaepernick's intelligence is dwarfed by that of his pet turtle. And I don't make ad hominem remarks about people because they're Seattle Seahawks.
I can't speak for anyone else, but for me it isn't that you dislike Sherman that made me comment. It was how many comments you made and what extreme lengths you are going to over it. That's your deal.

Most don't defend Sherman when he makes outlandish public remarks. Sure, a few find it funny or otherwise aren't bothered by it, but most agree it's kind of stupid or at least not great for the image of the team. I do find it funny you compare him to Aldon. I mean Sherman doesn't have a drinking problem that we know of. At worst he is guilty of having a big mouth at times. I have zero problems with it when it's on the field. The mic'ed up footage of him during games is freaking hilarious often. He should just leave it on the field. Don't like that sort of thing at all? Then hate on your own team as I've heard their trash talking and they are not without their own brand of it. It is everywhere in the game, just not as publicized as his.

And don't feign this outrage over fans being more blind or overall supportive of players on their team. Would fans from here have more negative things to say about him if he was a 9'er instead of ours? Well no shit man. Of course they would. And while you may have a few odd things to say about Kaep or Harblah you too would say 10x more about them if they were Seahawks. Don't act like you don't know that is true.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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I do find it funny you compare him to Aldon. I mean Sherman doesn't have a drinking problem that we know of.

You misread my comments. Uhsplit said Sherman > Aldon "as a person," and I said he was right.

And don't feign this outrage over fans being more blind or overall supportive of players on their team. Would fans from here have more negative things to say about him if he was a 9'er instead of ours? Well no shit man. Of course they would. And while you may have a few odd things to say about Kaep or Harblah you too would say 10x more about them if they were Seahawks. Don't act like you don't know that is true.

No, it's not true. I'm one of the few people who doesn't play favourites. I trash douchey 49ers just as much as I do players of other teams.

Some players have gotten negative attention for reasons that seem really silly to me like Lebron James. Some negative attention is obvious & needs no debate (Titus Young, Darren Sharper, Aaron Hernandez, etc). Then there are people whose personalities annoy people but are otherwise respectable like Harbaugh or Deion Sanders. TO was like that too (although he was pretty childish). But Sherman is maybe the single most disrespectful little shit I've ever seen in the NFL. And not just on the field of play; anyone who claims, "I'm better at life than you" to a media personality because he's upset the guy claimed another player is better (Skip Bayless) or slaps the opposing coach on the ass after a win deserves to be trashed. It's not on the same level as committing a crime, of course, but that doesn't mean he's above reproach.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well good luck holding the world to your standards because it doesn't work like that. It's like all the endless fighting over politics. If you are a republican you likely had a lot more nice things to say about Bush despite the fact he was more fiscally irresponsible than most democrats and if you are a lib you excuse the obvious short comings of Obama. It's normal and expected. To expect otherwise is to ignore human nature.

As for using his words against Bayless as the example of why he is the most disrespectful player in the NFL? Really? lol. Skip is a TV shock jock as it is. No one takes him seriously so anyone fighting him back is providing more of the same. He stooped to his level and got some pub out of it. That really offends you that much that you now have to go crazy on any sherman thread to this extent? :scratch:

Richard is the opposite of Lynch despite them both coming from Compton. You can't get Lynch to speak at all and you can't get Sherman to shut up. And yet both are examples of rising up out of the shitty hand life dealt you and have both done amazing things for their communities. And neither are perfect. Lynch recently went through his own DUI charges and deserves whatever he got out of it and probably a lot more.

Sherman isn't even in my top 10 of most disrespectful NFL players of all time, but then I don't have an agenda against him either. You want to be a hater? By all means hate away. Not like we don't join you in hating on Kaepernick so who are we to cast stones from our glass houses.


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Let me expand upon your politics analogy. Conservative voters will turn on a conservative politician if he turns left; liberal voters will turn on a liberal politician if he turns right. People who have no clue what's going on (like most football fans) will support his guy no matter what he does.

But I don't have an "agenda" against Sherman. He's just a jackass. I've never said that about Earl Thomas or Cam Chancellor or Walter Thurmond. And if anyone on the 49ers started acting like Sherman I'd say the same thing about them. Why? Because I care about being objective.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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everyone has an agenda. Everyone. Maybe it's more obvious for some than others, but we all have our own ideals and compare everything to it and find results skewed because of it. It's how we are.

We can try to be unbiased and maybe even fool ourselves into believing we are, but even if it's slight it's still there.

I don't question how you feel about Sherman, but I do think it's far more pronounced because he isn't one of your own players. Sure, you'd still call him out if he was, but not to this extent and nothing you say will make me believe otherwise.

And with that I've officially gone as far off the rails as I care to for this topic. Carry on.



Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Sick is correct that I brought up Aldon. Sick has been bashing Sherm so much that I told him if you are on a dirt bag witch hunt, look on SF's roster as Aldon is a supreme dirt bag compared to Sherm.
Sick, we know were you stand with Sherm. No need to:deadhorse:


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Sep 4, 2011
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Well.... this thread went to shit quickly.

All we need is a season long back and forth between Seahawk and 49er fans about what is worse, DUIs or PED use and its like old times at ESPN again. Makes for real interesting conversation